The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2699: Operation Storm Two

It seems that we have thought of everything and prepared, right? "Sims said quite conceited after listening to Majifen's report.

"Yes, we have thought of everything and prepared a response. This time, we should be able to win very simply." Ma Jifen said affirmatively.

"Well, it's time now, let's go!" Sims said as he looked at the battleships lined up on Ford Island. Following the order, the entire fleet set sail from the main berthing area nicknamed "Battleship Street". With the help of the guide ship and other auxiliary ships, they left the berth one by one, and then followed the course in turn. Ocean drove away. Because the space is too small, the huge fleet will be organized outside Pearl Harbor.

The three armored cruisers of the 1st Armored Cruiser Squadron and the two seaplane carriers of the 1st Seaplane Squadron have already set off as the avant-garde fleet. Now, the 8 battleships of the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron are walking out of the harbor. The front is a destroyer squadron, they are like the emperor’s guard of honor, and then there are the Colorado-class battleships like the king, the admiral flag and various signal flags are waving on the masts in the wind, and the eight most elite battleships of the US Navy are like The legendary Titans generally sailed out of the port slowly. They were persevering and invincible. They will open a new page in history. They will carry out the first battle in the history of the US Navy to penetrate behind enemy lines.

Behind is the Second Battleship Squadron. Although they also have the name of Super Intrepid, the traces of time and a somewhat backward design make them far from their predecessors. Although they have been in service for a long time, and some technical problems are also bothering them, these warships can still be described as old and strong.

Behind the battleship is the second seaplane carrier, and a large number of destroyers. In a few hours, a total of 11 battleships, 3 seaplane mothers and more than 50 destroyers sailed from the port. By the way, in the end there were 4 supply ships accompanying the army. Such a huge sailing was only comparable to that of the US fleet when it was expedition to New Ireland.

"May God bless you all along the way!" The New York, which was already anchored in the harbor, sent a farewell signal.

"Let's meet off the coast of New Ireland." The battleship Delaware also issued a blessing. The Americans did a very good job of confidentiality this time. Except for the warships participating in the battle, even the other colleagues in the US Navy did not know what the US fleet was going to do this time! Most of them thought that these warships would go to the island of New Ireland to provide support for the army, but in fact, this time, Sims chose to attack the hinterland of the Japanese! Such a bold plan is beyond most people's imagination! To some extent, Sims' plan was crazy and decisive!

"The fleet has been assembled. The avant-garde fleet is about 40 nautical miles in front of the main fleet. The main fleet will sail at a speed of 14 knots. Four hours later, we will converge at the rendezvous point with the five aircraft carriers that have already set off." Ma Jifen used The slide rule roughly calculated the course on the chart and said.

"Very good. Compress all unnecessary radio communications from now on. All necessary communications use brand-new frequency bands and passwords. General Majifen, thank you very much. I hope you can send all valuable information to me." Mus said.

"Okay, Commander, as you wish." Ma Jifen nodded and said. This time the fleet separation operation is also a good arrangement for the Americans. The five aircraft carriers were actually dispersed. Two of them were previously carrying out the mission of transporting aircraft to the New Ireland Island. The other two were carrying out training missions. The ship is nominally ready to rush back to the United States to receive modifications. However, what is unexpected is that these warships finally came together and joined this unprecedented large-scale mobile operation of the US Navy!

"By the way, what are the Germans doing?" Sims asked suddenly.

"I don't know, but I shouldn't be very happy." Ma Jifen said helplessly.

"Well, send a signal to the German warships. If they have any requirements or ideas, you can contact us at any time and you will be responsible for it yourself. Or you can tell me directly." Sims said.

"Okay." After speaking, Ma Jifen, who served as the staff of the fleet, began to get busy in a group of staff, and Sims used this time to take a good rest. The huge fleet has gone to sea, and the sharp sword of the Americans is directed at the heartland of the Japanese oil production!

And what are the Germans doing now? Raidel is very leisurely, because he is now a captain and is excluded from the command layer, and the general matters on the battleship are also handled by the captain. As for other matters, Raidel didn’t know how to do it except to read the information provided by the US. The reason was simple. Although he was already a lieutenant general, he had never commanded a battle of this level. If it were a battleship squadron. If the level of naval warfare, then Raidel can still be competent, but this time, a large number of battleships, aircraft carriers, armored cruisers and at least 50 destroyers are mixed together to form a huge fleet. I am sorry Raidel is not good, after all, there is no practical experience. The conditions that cause various problems can be applied not only to Americans, but also to many German generals.

At this time, Raidel did not intend to make any suggestions to the He was just reading the U.S. Navy's campaign plan and related regulations. I have to admit that regardless of whether this battle is successful or not, at least it can bring so many warships to deep local areas to attack. For this reason, Sims and his staff are already very powerful! Hundreds of various warships and ships combined to launch an expedition of thousands of kilometers in the depth of the enemy's defenses. This is really not easy. There are many things that Riddle can learn from.

At this time, Logan, who has been incorporated into the aircraft carrier squadron, is considering fleet air defense and attack with his colleagues in the U.S. Navy. Unlike the German Navy’s requirement that the captain of an aircraft carrier must have a pilot experience, the command of the U.S. Navy’s aircraft carrier fleet can be of non-aviation origin. For example, the current old Fletcher serves as the commander of the US aircraft carrier squadron, and the armored cruiser squadron he originally commanded is handed over to others.

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