The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2696: Bottom card

With the island of New Guinea as a base, there are too many islands in the northwest that can be used as an offensive point. It is impossible for Japan to deploy forces on every island in the Dutch East Indies known as Ten Thousand Islands. You don’t have such a strong strength, and Even if deployed, it is just a drop in the bucket. The island of Guinea is the key to the Japanese colonial system. Therefore, in order to ensure that this key will not be taken away, the entire Japanese defense force must rely on a relatively wide depth to form a whole. "Betty said.

"Aren’t we doing exactly this? The main force of the joint fleet is deployed in Davao, the southernmost tip of the Philippines, while the general rear of the Japanese navy and army’s air force is on Kalimantan, these two areas and the island of New Guinea. A triangle is formed, Guinea is the battlefield, and the other two islands are the rear."

"In order to ensure the smooth communication between the two bases in the rear and the front, we have also deployed a large number of military stations, transit air stations and reconnaissance forces on the island chain between the Philippines and Guinea. We use submarines, surface vessels and long-range The patrol aircraft patrolled between the Talau Islands and Hamahera, ensuring that our ships and fleet can sail freely in the Sulawesi Sea to the west."

"This is the cordon we have established over a year. Although it cannot completely lock the German submarine, if the US fleet moves in this direction, we can definitely find out and provide the time through the warning. , We can mobilize the aviation forces in the Philippines, Sulawesi and even Kalimantan to the front line, and then block the enemy with the combined fleet." said Yasuo Shimura.

"As an early warning line is ok, but as a front line is too thin. You need to deploy more aircraft groups on these islands, build more infrastructure, and deploy defense forces," Betty shook his head and said.

If you want to carry the fleet arriving from the rear, you must first have enough ground facilities and ground crews. Unfortunately, the cordon line drawn by the Japanese just now lacks the basic conditions to support large-scale fleet operations. It is the early warning that the Americans can easily break through this island, and then they have two options, one is to go north to deal with the Japanese Joint Fleet Headquarters in Davao, and the other is to cross the Sulawesi Sea to Kalimantan. Attacks on important ports and facilities on Mandan Island have split the entire Japanese defense system!

"So, what do you mean is that we should hurry up and perfect this cordon into a front line? But now, how much time do we have?" Shimamura asked.

"There is at most one year, nine months is still more possible." Betty thought for a while and said.

"In other words, the fate of the future empire will be revealed in about one and a half years? So are we still holding enough cards in our hands?" Shimamura asked.

"Alright, let’s take a look at our trump cards now. The two Nagato-class battleships are newly in service. In the future, in the best case, after the Battle of Guinea, you can still get at least two 15-inch ships. The battleship of the gun, that is, the Fury-class battleship we sold to you and the Caraggiono-class battleship sold to you by the Italians, that is to say, the number of first-line battleships in the future can reach 15." said here, Betty smiled, and Hayao Shimamura also smiled. After all, the Japanese combined fleet has never been so powerful!

"However, in a regular battle line battle, you have no chance at all!" Betty's next sentence changed Shimamura's ambition! "The Americans purchased four fast battleships from Germany and Austria in one go. The first batch of the newly built South Dakota-class battleships is about to be completed. The three 16-inch battleships of the Colorado class are also in service. One year later, the United States and Japan The difference between the fleet will be longer than before the war! With the Germans, how can you defeat your opponent in a regular battle line battle?"

"Looking at the second trump card, we have now formed a dive bomber force. We now have 250 new dual-engine dive bombers suitable for dive bombing missions and at least 300 crews. These bombers are to some extent right. The threat of the American fleet is even greater than your battleship. After all, you have seen the damage effect of 500KG or even heavier bombs on battleships. But these bombers are consumables and can only be used at the very beginning. Once the opponent is prepared, or under the protection of a large amount of aviation power, the effect will be greatly reduced." Betty said.

"The third trump card is the land-based torpedo unit we are building. Although the effect of the dive bombing is beyond our expectations, even 500KG bombs are still difficult to cause a fatal blow to battleship-class warships. The altitude and speed are still not enough, so in the end, if you want to end a battleship, then the best way is still torpedoes. We now have about 140 crews and 120 modified twin-engine torpedoes, but this It's obviously not enough," Betty said.

"Then how many land-based torpedo aircraft formations do you think we should have more appropriate?" Shimamura asked.

"If I can, I hope I can be the same as the dive bomber unit. It is best to reach 300, which is the level of 20 squadrons, but unfortunately this is a bit difficult." Betty's words are very euphemistic, because he can't imagine , The Japanese don’t talk about the engine, and even the torpedoes they need are missing! This TM is a bit embarrassing....... The number of heavy aviation torpedoes that Japan can produce per month does not even have 50 rounds! So the question is Why do so many double-jet torpedo machines? Can the bomb be used as a horizontal bomber?

(Let’s think of the number of torpedoes dropped by the Japanese carrier-based aircraft in the 2nd Battle of Pearl Harbor. Well, let’s not say anything. Aviation torpedoes are also a very technically demanding weapon. After all, the launching conditions of aviation torpedoes are more demanding. The vibration of the torpedo will damage the torpedo, and the stability of the fuze is a big problem for many countries in World War II!)

Unlike the engine, the Japanese can use the British engine, but the ship-borne heavy torpedoes are not much British, and this weapon was only produced in Britain before the end of the war. After the war, no matter what The production equipment and drawings were quickly controlled by the Germans. Therefore, it is really difficult for the Japanese to obtain heavy aviation torpedoes from the UK, and to be honest, the British torpedoes are not very stable...

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