The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2695: Decline is now

The Nagato is definitely the best battleship in the world. I really didn't expect the Japanese to build such a powerful battleship. It surpassed our Queen Elizabeth-class battleships and Fury-class battleships, and even the German Bavarian-class battleships. "Feeling the oncoming strong sea breeze, a British officer looked at the Japanese navy and even the largest fast battleship he was riding in sincerely and exclaimed.

And not far from this warship that is sailing at high speed, its same-class ship Mutsu is undergoing main gun testing. Eight 16-inch guns roared, pouring towards a target ship in the distance. Tons of steel! In each round of volley, at least 8 tons of ammunition will cut through the sky and bring destruction to your target!

Seven months after the war, the Japanese Navy finally completed two Nagato-class battleships! However, for the sake of confidentiality, the two battleships were not deployed on the Japanese mainland, nor went directly to Davao and the main force of the Japanese joint fleet to converge, but went to the British colony in the Far East, Sarawak, for sea trials and training. (East Malaysia in later generations) To a certain extent, the situation of the US Navy’s intelligence department is indeed correct. The new Japanese battleships are not in the mainland or the Philippines... But a blind spot in thinking caused the U.S. Navy to make a mistake in its estimation of the Japanese combined fleet.

At the same time, in the commander tower of the Nagato, Betty and the chief of staff of the Japanese joint fleet, Hayao Kawashima, are discussing the future battlefield situation. The British and Japanese have received news that the United States will fight from the German navy. The Austro-Hungarian Navy acquired 4 fast battleships. These four battleships will make up for the blank period before the completion of the 16-inch battleship built by the United States. The U.S. Navy has entered a virtuous circle, with new battleships coming into service one after another.

At this time, on New Ireland Island, the U.S. Navy has controlled more than 40% of the area, and successfully established an air base on the flat land in the northwest of the island. A large number of aircraft have been stationed, and the U.S. Army’s progress is not bad. Pan Xing adopted a strategy of encircling and not fighting some strongholds that were really difficult to capture, and concentrated his forces to continuously attack and divide the Japanese army in depth. At the same time, a large number of American destroyers and cruisers were also active in the waters near the island of New Ireland, which seriously threatened the Japanese supply line. After more than half a year of war, the Japanese army, which had huge casualties and material consumption, was already very powerful. Caught.

This is not to say that the logistics is restricted and cause temporary difficulties, but the loss of Japan’s national strength. On the New Irish Island, which covers an area of ​​about 30,000 square kilometers, the Japanese army has already paid the price of more than 80,000 deaths, disability and causes. More than 200,000 combatants were lost due to illness! In other words, in this war called a meat grinder, the Japanese army has already eliminated 10 divisions! This loss has exceeded the original Russo-Japanese War!

As for the loss of technical weapons and the loss of money, it is countless. So far, Japan has paid more than 400 million pounds in warfare on New Ireland! And the tonnage of the transport ship sunk in the waters off New Ireland Island has exceeded 6 digits! This is a huge price for Japan, a country of size. In other words, even if the combined fleet returns to the battlefield, the Japanese defense on the island of New Ireland will be unsustainable. If you persist, it will make Japan shed blood!

"The situation is very bad. I have seen the sunset now. If possible, your country should be prepared early." Betty said to Hayao Shimamura after putting down the documents in his hand.

"How to prepare? Give in to the Americans? However, the Americans have no reason to forgive us. We are their only enemy in the Far East. Throw us away, and the Americans can become the hegemon of the Far East. The contradictions between us are inevitable. Reconciled," said Yasuo Shimura. "As for making preparations early? That's a politician's business. We are soldiers and have nothing to do with us."

"Haha." Betty sneered in her heart. He now understands the Japanese mentality very well. The Japanese know that at the end of this war, they will vomit a considerable amount of things. They also know that the United States can't destroy us this time, and even know that back then. Japan’s participation in the Allied Powers, the trouble caused to the Germans can’t be forgotten. It is not only the United States but also Germany that wants to liquidate Japan! But precisely because of this relatively embarrassing situation, the Japanese always want to stay a little more, and this hesitation has also caused Japan's diplomatic passivity.

In Betty’s opinion, the Japanese can already discuss compensation with Germany until the war is fought. The Germans’ losses need to be compensated by the Japanese with real money. This knife cannot be avoided. After the German is settled as soon as possible In order to strive for an international situation that is more favorable to Japan. After all, the reason for the Germans to declare war on Japan was to punish Japan for participating in the Allied Powers and Japan’s occupation of the colonies that Germany transferred to the United States, and Germany did not have the idea of ​​completely killing Japan, so as long as these two issues are resolved, Japan is much more flexible in diplomacy and strategy.

But the Japanese always want to negotiate after a major victory, try to rely on the temporary advantage on the battlefield to gain an advantage at the negotiating table, and imagine that virtue will not be able to survive due to economic and people's livelihood issues, and choose Make concessions first.

However, this idea is ridiculous! To tell the Is virtue the kind of country that gives way to a little loss? The Germans fought an epic battle with Britain, France and Russia. They died for more than two years and paid the price of millions of casualties. They defeated the three powers. How could they give up because of a little battlefield setback? As for the Americans, they even regard Japan as their greatest enemy. The United States now dares to attack the Japanese across most of the Pacific Ocean, which shows the firm attitude of the US military. It is even ready to withstand greater casualties. As for equipment and war expenses? In fact, this is the aspect that the US military is least concerned about! American industry is too strong!

"Well, let's not talk about this issue anymore. Let's think about what we will do in the future? The defense and support of the Bismarck Islands will not last long. The Americans will soon be able to take the New Ireland Island, then the New Britain Island, and then, The Americans will use this as a springboard to launch a general offensive on the island of Guinea. This time, the battle will be a battle for the entire war. If the island of New Guinea is gone, then the colonial system of the entire Japanese Empire will be insecure.” Betty said. .

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