The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2694: Hidden crisis

But Su Xiong is about to return to China, so this embarrassment can't be left behind, right? Moreover, as a new star of the navy's local fleet, Su Xiong believed that even for the future career of his old friend Ryder, he should have a good exchange with others.

Then, half an hour later, Logan finally arrived. After a few people exchanged greetings, they began to prepare for today's dinner. Originally, Su Xiong was going to have a few drinks. After all, he and Raidel would have nothing to do tomorrow, but Brigadier General Logan refused, arguing that there are still important things to do.

"The Zeppelin just came back and is under maintenance, should you rest tomorrow?" Riddle seemed to say casually.

"Tomorrow is a break, but it happens that this afternoon, I received a parcel from China, which contains the latest information about the imperial navy's aviation attack. I will study it tomorrow." Logan said. In aviation, Logan is the most professional person in the entire Su Xiong fleet, so such professional data and analysis will naturally be given to him.

"New information? Is it convenient to talk about it?" Upon hearing this, Raidel also put down the wine glass and motioned to the attendant next to him to withdraw his wine. After all, Raidel continued to fight for the first place in the Pacific battlefield. Online. Regarding this cutting-edge tactical information, Raidel is still very concerned.

"It's about the bomber's dive bombing. I probably swept it today. The most important thing is the judgment on the effect of the dive bombing. According to the data, if the attack angle exceeds 60 degrees, then the dive attack will be carried out with the same ammunition. The accuracy and power of the bombing are far greater than that of horizontal bombing. This time, the poor effect of the U.S. Navy's dive bombing may be another problem. "Unexpectedly, Logan started talking about business at the dinner table.

"But dive bombing has high requirements on the performance and structural strength of the aircraft, and if dive bombing is used, the weight of the bombs thrown by the aircraft is much lower than that of horizontal bombing. For example, if the horizontal bombing can throw 500KG bombs, then Dive bombing can only throw 250KG." Raidel thought for a while and said.

"This problem exists, but the accuracy has really improved a lot, and in terms of tactics, dive bombing is more difficult to defend and the attack method is more flexible. Horizontal bombing is much worse, because horizontal bombing is generally only covered by coverage. Strikes can achieve better results. When covering an attack, aircraft generally have to attack in a certain formation, with a fixed route, and the aircraft must maintain a formation. This is undoubtedly a target for the enemy with strong defense. Fighter aircraft It can easily cause huge damage to the horizontal bomber group. And the accuracy of the horizontal bombing of a single plane is not good." Logan patiently explained that for professional officers, it is the most harmonious for professional officers to talk about some technical and tactical issues with each other.

"Maybe, this question is too professional, and I can't answer it either." Raidel said. "But this problem doesn't have much to do with us, right? At least for now, it is impossible for a carrier-based aircraft to have the ability to dive 500KG bombs at a 60-degree angle."

"But the twin-engine aircraft is perfectly possible. So from the current situation, the twin-engine bomber carrying high-powered bombs will pose a great threat to air strikes. The speed of the twin-engine high-speed bomber also raises a high for our air defense. Requirements." Logan said.

"So now this tactic has entered the practical stage?" Raidel's heart tightened, he felt as if he had grasped something, but he ran away in an instant!

"The attack aircraft wing of the Imperial Navy has refined its tactics and has more suitable aircraft. It can be said that it can be put into the battlefield at any time, but unfortunately, the situation in the Pacific battlefield may not be used." Logan said.

"So have the British conducted similar tactical research?" Raidel asked.

"This is really unclear. I'm afraid you have to ask the archives office. Even if the British have destroyed their data to a certain extent, the data we obtained from the British will be calculated in tons. I want to get a vast array of documents. It's really not easy to find out in the middle." Logan said.

"Okay, leave this to me. I will do this immediately after I go back. Now, the two generals of the empire, let us have dinner together? It is almost over for dinner." Su Xiong said. .

"Sorry, your Excellency, when I return to Germany, I will definitely come to apologize." Only at this time did Logan realize that this was Su Xiong's farewell dinner. He said so much is really bad.

"I'm with General Logan." Raidel next to him also said quickly.

"Okay, I'll drink some Bordeaux, you are free." Su Xiong said. As a result, a tactical discussion meeting stopped, and everyone began to talk about friendship. The atmosphere of the dinner was very good, and it was a successful farewell dinner. Logan still didn't drink, and Raidel then took two symbolic drinks. The wheels of history are rolling forward, and when the sun rises again the next day, it is one step closer to the time when the Americans are ready to launch an attack!

In this last period of time, the U.S. Navy focused on two things. The first is the issue of aircraft carrier formation. This time, the U.S. Navy will dispatch a total of five aircraft carriers. (Including Zeppelin) Considering that the aircraft carrier's defense against air strikes is still very poor, the Americans decided to disperse the aircraft carrier formation when launching the attack. The 5 aircraft carriers were divided into 3 groups, two of which had two each. Aircraft carriers, their main task is to be responsible for attacks, and the Zeppelin aircraft carrier serves as the air defense pillar of the fleet ~ ~ The entire aircraft carrier is loaded with fighter jets.

Another thing is the supply of the fleet. Although the US Navy has set up a forward base in Micronesia, there is still a considerable distance from the westernmost base of the archipelago to Kalimantan. If the fleet is to maintain high-speed navigation If it does, then it must be supplied midway. It is difficult for a large number of high-speed merchant ships to carry out supplementary supplies. First, it is difficult to get so many high-speed merchant ships for a while. Second, such a large fleet will be more exposed. Therefore, the US Navy adopts a preset method. Before the fleet departs, the transport ship is deployed in a safer position on the high seas, and then the fleet passes quickly to complete the replenishment.

Of course, if you supply supplies, you must not directly rush into the Japanese-controlled area, so the Americans set the last supply point near Helen Island at the western end of the Caroline Islands. After the supply is completed here, the US fleet will go straight to the Sulawesi Sea. .

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