The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2653: Before the battle

After a while, when Sasaki and his entourage arrived at the officer’s dining room of Asagiri, Stetti began to confess this combat mission. Generally speaking, the number of **** destroyers in a medium-sized transport fleet will not exceed 3. If this is a high In the case of a standard fleet, there may be some armed transport ships in it, and the threat of these transport fleet warships may not be too great. But if facing a submarine attacking on the water, these armed transport ships are a bit more powerful. After all, the submarine's small body and several 100MM-class artillery can make it overwhelming. Therefore, in the face of these nails that may be hidden in the transport fleet, the Yamamoto fleet must be responsible for removing them!

"In the battle tomorrow night, the two battleships Asagiri and Yamagiri must perform their tasks separately. Among them, Asagiri first launched an attack. They will directly face attacks from American destroyers and armed merchant ships, and the threat of destroyers at night Will greatly increase, so I hope that His Excellency Yamamoto can deal with it seriously."

"When the Asagiri launches an attack, the American transport fleet may not disband the formation, because they know that the Panama Canal area is behind them, where there is a US squadron. Therefore, they are most likely to still withdraw in the opposite direction of the formation. This time , It needs Shanwu to launch an interception attack. Note that at this stage, there may still be hidden nails in the American fleet. Your Excellency Nanyun must be careful.” Stetti signaled to Nanyun Zhongyi.

"We will pay attention." Nan Yun Zhongyi said. It stands to reason that Tadaichi Nanun could not have served as the captain of a capital ship. After all, he was only a destroyer captain during the war, but as one of the few who survived the last battle between Su Xiong and the Japanese fleet. Many Japanese captains, and also a destroyer captain who sank a German submarine. (In fact, it did not sink.) Nan Yun Zhongyi received an exceptional promotion. After serving as the captain of a light cruiser for more than a year, he came to this former dreadnought battleship. So far, although there is no outstanding performance, but it is quite satisfactory.

"Well, Sasaki Osa, the rest is up to you. The two battleships have helped you pull out the defensive force in the fleet as much as possible, so you will leave the bulk of the attack on the transport ship. , I hope that you can make the encirclement network better. The US transport fleet that was attacked twice and then dispersed will immediately evacuate to the port. The rest will make your own plan. But I want to remind you that you must We must set aside a vigilance force. After all, we don’t know the specific patrol routes of the US destroyer fleet at night. If a destroyer squad enters the battlefield at this time, it will be more troublesome for us.” Finally, Lieutenant Admiral Stetti reminded again Tao.

The attack was carried out by the Japanese fleet, but the people who planned and implemented the details and key parts were British. The most important planning, aviation reconnaissance and intelligence liaison were all controlled by the British, especially the first The concealment and aerial reconnaissance during the two days of the day gave the Japanese a glimpse of the details of the British royal family.

First of all, the two battleships must be camouflaged. After all, if the target is hundreds of meters long, it is quite easy to be found if it is not camouflaged. The British do it very well. The main guns cannot be put away. The British do It is covered with a large amount of masking wood and canvas, and through the camouflage color, the entire bridge and the front of the hull are integrated, so that the ship’s dry string looks very high. Before, before sailing, the United Kingdom After learning the experience and lessons of hull camouflage, the length of the ship has undergone a "visual change." Therefore, if the US reconnaissance plane observes from the air, the two former Japanese dreadnought battleships have transformed into two large ocean cruise ships.

However, in terms of aerial reconnaissance, the British are also remarkable. Unlike most people imagine that they throw the plane out and report after they find the target. The British reconnaissance is very detailed and avoids exposure as much as possible. In terms of aerial reconnaissance, Yamamoto made a very detailed description.

"The British also camouflaged the seaplane. From a distance, the low-flying seaplane was almost integrated with the sea level. They were also very careful when flying, and the altitude was very low to avoid being spotted by American destroyers at sea. At the same time, they are more accustomed to detecting targets through technical means rather than the naked eye. The three people’s seaplanes carry special radio personnel to collect radio signals. They also plan the routes carefully and adopt more responsible routes. They avoided being tracked by possible American aircraft. The British used their aviation power in a restrained manner. They seemed to just want to find the approximate location of the American destroyer, but did not care about merchant ships." Yamamoto wrote in his voyage diary. Tao.

In fact, Studdy’s reconnaissance is more important to determine the location of the US destroyer squadron in order to choose a good ambush location in the final period of time. As for the chosen goal? Yamamoto and others asked, but Stetti never answered positively. He just said that when the time comes, everyone will understand. When it was time for dinner, a very brief telegram with only a few codes solved all the mysteries.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant, we received a strange telegram. The frequency band used is our confidential frequency band, but the source of the transmission is in the Panama Canal Zone!" an officer said with some confusion.

"Take me to see Lieutenant General Stetti said. After a while, Lieutenant General Stetti wrote something on a blackboard: "Area 3, KJ16 transport fleet, arrived early in the morning 5 o'clock. "

"How do you know these contents?" Yamamoto was really shocked.

"It's very simple. If you want to find the most detailed information, then the best result is naturally tracking. Therefore, the Royal Navy sent a series of ships to track this American transport fleet based on intelligence, because it is a foreign national. The Americans did not care. During this intermittent tracking process, we recorded their voyage data, such as speed, marshalling composition, and so on. On the last voyage, our fifth tracking ship saw The KJ16 transport fleet passing through the Panama Canal, you know, the Panama Canal uses a water bridge lock, which is very troublesome to pass, so we have plenty of time to complete the final layout."

"If we had this intelligence system, that would be great," Yamamoto said.

"Haha." Studdy smiled in his heart, he knew that there was only one chance like this, and the British could not overdo it!

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