The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2652: East Pacific Ocean

What Stetti said was correct. The German submarine force could consider concentrating its forces to fight an ambush anywhere on the ocean, and this time, the Japanese let the submarine force go to the Panama Canal first. In the past, the fleet used the Panama Canal as a transportation hub to fight an ambush similar to a wait-and-see situation. This tactic has very low intelligence requirements and coordination. After all, it is like waiting for a car in a downtown area. It is easy to run into one. Of the fleet.

It is estimated that this tactic can only be used once in a while. The reason is very simple. After the Americans are prepared, if they deploy heavy troops in the Panama area, it is obviously difficult to succeed by relying solely on the former dreadnoughts and a small number of submarines. , The American forces guarding the Panama Canal may only be former dreadnoughts.

However, even if the Japanese were unexpected and unintentional, and seized the time for the rest of the US fleet as a whole, it is still not easy to launch a successful raid. The Americans are not stupid. They know the importance of the Panama Canal. Let alone a sneak attack, even if several submarines sneak past and throw a string of mines in the waters near the canal, the United States may suffer huge losses. Therefore, the American defense force in Panama is still very strong.

"Do you have a concrete plan for this attack?" Yamamoto asked.

"Look here." Studdy came to a huge sand table. This sand table exactly describes the US defense forces in the Panama Canal area.

"First of all, it is impossible for us to block the western exit of the canal. The Americans have deployed a large number of shore defense guns in the canal area, and there are more than 6 14-inch guns. They are also equipped with complete fortifications and sightings. Equipment. We want to shoot at the shore artillery, that is to kill. It is even difficult for us to connect to the canal area because the Americans have deployed mine arrays and lightning protection nets at the exit. All ships must be assisted by pilots when entering and exiting. It is also the fundamental reason why our submarine force has not made any achievements here."

"Secondly, the Americans are also deploying a large number of **** destroyers and torpedo boats here. They will accompany each batch of transport fleets. This is also to prevent our destroyers from squatting around. These destroyers will not finish with the transport ships. During the whole journey, they usually move around 200 kilometers around the Panama Canal. When the fleet reaches this line, the destroyer detachment will return. The Americans are very cunning, because after exceeding this range, the submarine wants to find the fleet. It’s very difficult, because submarines can only keep up with the fleet by navigating on the surface of the water. And 200 kilometers around the Panama Canal, the range is already very large, er, a small number of submarines can’t track it at all.”

Lieutenant General Stetti spoke and gestured on the sand table with a putter, and put some markers representing the units of both sides on the sand table.

"In fact, this time, our goal is to use the carrier-based seaplane to find the target, then cleanly destroy the **** force, and then destroy the entire fleet together with the submarine. Our warship is the eye of the entire operation, as well as tearing apart the US **** fleet. Spearhead." Studdy said.

"So do we act during the day or at night?" Yamamoto asked.

"It is best at night, or at dawn. During the day, the Americans may send patrol planes to guard. If the situation is found to be wrong, their fleet will immediately shrink to the protection of shore artillery and minefields, and the US fleet They will also come from the mainland immediately, so we only have one chance, and the most concealed way is naturally to attack at night.” Stetti said.

"Then coordination is probably a very troublesome issue." Yamamoto frowned and said, the night battle training of Japanese surface ships is still qualified. But coordinated attacks between submarines at night will not work. To be honest, the Japanese do not have this ability or experience. After all, like Germany, it built hundreds of submarines during the war, and in more than two years carried out long-term strangulation and anti-strangulation with the Royal Navy on the ocean. The Germans’ industrial capabilities are incomparable to the Japanese. Therefore, it is impossible for Japan to build so many submarines and then engage in submarine group operations. In the wolf pack tactics, the number of submarines is a hard target. If it fails to reach it, nothing can be said about it. The Japanese are even more incomparable with actual combat experience.

"Don't be too concerned about tactical gains and losses. Our biggest goal is to delay time, delay the time for the U.S. fleet to re-launch the offensive, and let the Americans devote more of their forces to **** operations. Remember one sentence, for all For the warships participating in the break-up of the engagement, using your own lives to delay time is our best destination. Remember your strategic goals, and don't be blinded by some illusory things." Lieutenant Admiral Stetti said meaningfully.

Everything is in Sturdy’s plan. After completing the sea replenishment, the Yamamoto fleet began to sail to the target sea area. Before heading to the mission area, the Japanese fleet implemented strict radio silence, and their time was very accurate. When the submarine meets, it should be in the evening.

Then, the fleet and submarines will evacuate a certain distance deep into the ocean, avoiding the surface and air reconnaissance of the Americans, while using their own radio equipment and seaplanes to reconnaissance nearby American fleets. On the second night after reaching the target area Attack! The entire battle plan is concise and efficient, and highly executable!

After several days of sailing, the Yamamoto fleet finally arrived at the scheduled assembly site smoothly, and here they came across 6 long-awaited Japanese submarines as scheduled.

"Tiger Shark Submarine Squadron Sasaki Osa is here." Looking at the dark night in the distance, a transportation boat dropped from the Asagiri was returning from the distant submarine, Yamamoto said to Stetti.

Very good, we are ready to act tomorrow. "Steddy said.

"Does it have to be tomorrow? We have a certain degree of autonomy, and we don't have to follow the plan." Yamamoto felt that the British plan was too rigid.

"Tomorrow is necessary." As he said, Lieutenant General Stetti pointed to the moon in the sky: "Tomorrow happens to be a full moon, and the weather is clear. It is the most suitable for night operations, you know, submarines are different from destroyers. There may be so many searchlights and flares. So we must consider the lighting conditions at night and your business proficiency. In addition, don’t worry about the prey, we have already obtained relevant information.”

"Okay, everything is subject to your arrangement." Yamamoto nodded and said.

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