The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2654: Dark Night

The British still struggled to make the war between the United States and Japan continue. After all, from the heart, the British are actually merchants dressed in gentleman's skin. As long as the profits are substantial, the war can continue. As a former naval power, it is naturally familiar with how to track things like this. When the Americans are not particularly concerned, it is still very easy to track a certain fleet, so this poor KJ16 transport fleet was Stared.

The British chose such a transport fleet for a reason, because a total of 16 transport ships in this fleet are equipped with a large number of American military materials imported from Germany, including but not limited to optical equipment from Zeiss, at least 150 vehicles Wolf tank and related accessories. Thousands of MG machine guns, sonars, various artillery shells and torpedoes, fuzes for mines, etc., are still not very good things produced by the United States. And because many of the ships in this transport fleet set sail from all over Europe, the preparation time is very long, which also provides opportunities for the British.

I have to say that the value of attacking such a fleet is still great. If it is something that the Americans can produce in large quantities, then naturally it does not matter. If it is gone, it is gone. Just rebuild it directly, but if it is imported, That's different. In fact, since the end of the war, with the transfer of a large number of personnel and capital, the production capacity of German military industry companies has also begun to shrink, and in the opinion of the German Army, it is time to develop a new generation of tanks, as the star wolf of World War I. Type tanks should also be ready to withdraw from the stage of history, so there are very few new ones. Most of the Americans order are refurbished. There is no way. It is a pity to throw away hundreds of thousands of marks.... ...

However, the Americans naturally knew the value of this shipment. In order to prevent the possibility of being attacked by submarines or camouflaged assault ships, they allocated an additional cruiser in addition to four destroyers for the fleet. Of course, this cruiser certainly can't be a high-end cargo, this light cruiser is actually the product of the pre-fearless era, the Albany. This light cruiser is actually no different from the so-called Yoshino and his ilk. It has a displacement of 4,000 tons, a speed of 20 knots, and 6 6-inch guns and 4 4.7-inch guns. The defense mode is still the dome armor. Although it is considered antique, it is no problem to deal with some camouflaged assault ships. Even if it is the strongest camouflaged assault ship in Germany during the war, it is impossible to get a bargain in front of a regular light cruiser!

"What's the situation with the fleet now? How many ships do we still have?" At this moment, standing on the bridge of the Albany, Captain Raymond Ames Spruance asked.

"There are four more ships. They are the last batch. It takes about 3 hours to pass through the entire canal. The fastest is 2 hours and 20 minutes." An officer said.

"Damn, all of us are important military supplies, how did the people from the Canal Authority arrange it?" Spruance whispered.

"In fact, you don't need to be nervous at all. From the beginning of the war to the present, except for individual submarines, the escorted transport fleet has never been hit, and now the Japanese fleet is said to have returned to the Philippines, and it is impossible for them to appear here." Said the officer.

"However, our fleet is also in a weak state. This time is when it is easy for some little guys to do things." Spruance said. "Okay, let's not talk about that much. Order the destroyer squadron to prepare. After the fleet departs, one destroyer acts as an avant-garde, two destroyers are deployed on both sides, and one is deployed at the tail of the team."

Three hours later, the regrouped KJ16 transport fleet embarked on the journey, 16 transport ships were concentrated in the middle, and all the **** ships circled around. In the waters near the canal zone, there are still some American destroyers and torpedo boats patrolling. They check the anti-submarine nets or minefields from time to time for any abnormalities.

"The U.S. fleet is not under light control." At this time, the lookout of the battleship Asagiri could already see the lights of the KJ16 transport fleet. The Japanese warship is not far away from the target, and it is less than 5 kilometers away from the nearest American transport ship.

"Get closer, it's best to zoom in within 3000 meters, pay attention to keep the light control and radio silent, we start from the northwest of the fleet!" Looking at the brightly lit American fleet in the distance, Lieutenant General Stetti was very surprised. Calm, he has already experienced a bigger scene, and today's battle is not worth mentioning!

The Asagiri slowly approached its prey like a hunter hidden in the dark. During the last leg of the voyage, the Japanese carefully adjusted the course so that when a sudden disaster occurred, the artillery on both sides of the battleship could be used at the same time. effect.

"There seems to be something in the distance?" At this time, the watchman on the cruiser Albany was constantly searching the sea. Compared with the day, it was more likely to be attacked at night. According to statistics, more than 70% of Japanese submarines attacked. It happened at night. Therefore, at night, the Americans deployed more observers on every warship and merchant ship than during the day to prevent submarines approaching at night.

"There is something there! It is coming towards us! And the signal light is not turned on!" At this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com’s Wrangler transport ship at the edge of the fleet finally found the hunter close at hand. The huge body of the battleship Asagiri made the watchers nervous and desperate. It wondered why there would be a large ship heading straight to the ship. The team came and did not turn on any lights! A feeling of anxiety and terror rose from his heart, and after a while, this anxiety became a reality!

The orange flame suddenly burst out on the sea, and then, a shell with a breath of death flew towards the nearest Wrangler at a very close range. The loud roar of heavy artillery broke the peace of the Pacific at night. Seconds later, a shell weighing more than 300 kilograms accurately slammed on this poor warship!

With a loud noise, a violent explosion occurred in the middle of the Wrangler's hull, which had a displacement of less than 5,000 tons. The flammability of the picric acid explosive used by the Japanese high-explosive bombs played a full role at this moment, and the fire spread rapidly, tens of meters. The high plume of smoke rose into the air. Only a few minutes later, the seriously injured transport ship had entered the last moment of its life. At the same time, the artillery on the other side of the Asagiri was aimed at another transport ship with a displacement of more than 8,000 tons, and tons of artillery shells roared down every minute, and within a short period of time they reached a floating ball. Ruins on the sea!

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