The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2544: Solicit

However, the problem of face is really not a problem in the face of financial problems that are about to make ends meet. After all, France has been defeated. Although Germany has done its best to forgive France, the economic situation in France is still very severe. It can be expected that it will not be far away. In the future, neither the state nor the private sector will have a great demand for aircraft. Therefore, in order to survive, Air France can only come to open up the external market. Therefore, with the government's acquiescence, French companies rushed to join the war. The first large-scale bid in the German aviation industry!

Falman and Breguet first stated that they would participate in the bidding, and immediately dispatched personnel to Munich. Then, French national airlines, led by France Southwest Airlines, also expressed their willingness to join. According to these companies' ideas, even if the aircraft design they bid for is not selected, they can see if they can get a share of the aircraft production link. The war is over, and the scale of the aviation industry is generally shrinking. Even if the aircraft manufacturer wins the bid, they must also consider the cost. In order to obtain a hard currency, the French government can subsidize export companies. In this case, the French aviation industry can even consider flat entry and exit, no profit, and then rely on export tax rebates or subsidies to survive!

Some people may say that this kind of behavior undermines trade fairness. In fact, for the German domestic aviation industry, both the Prussian government and Bavaria are subsidized. Everyone knows that the development of the aviation industry is necessary, even if the government loses money. , These industries must also be allowed to develop, starvation is the minimum requirement! Therefore, everyone knows and does not say anything about these overt and secret things.

However, this kind of preferential treatment is only for large domestic airlines or state-run airlines, and it does not include Marcel Brocher! No way, his company started to produce propellers. Although the technical content is acceptable, it is only a subcontractor of components. Although the SAE Airlines he subsequently established produced a very good fighter jet design and also obtained military orders, with the technology of the war, the SAE company that delivered less than 150 aircraft was immediately facing bankruptcy. Danger, no, it's not a danger anymore, but a reality... As for this kind of ultra-small aircraft manufacturing plant, the French government will naturally not rest assured.

Ever since, when a letter from the Bavarian Aviation Tendering Bureau was delivered to Marcel Brocher, his mood could be described as dumbfounded. On the one hand, he was really surprised that he could get the letter. I am happy. After all, in addition to economic benefits, it also means a kind of affirmation. You must know that Bavaria is now the highest level representative of the world's aviation industry, and there is no one! After the British aviation industry collapsed due to the failure of the war, the engines and aircraft produced by the Bavarian Aviation Authority and aircraft manufacturers represented the highest level of aviation in this era! For Marcel, receiving their letters is undoubtedly an affirmation of his skills.

But unfortunately, this letter came too late. His factory is already insolvent. Not to mention the expenses for continuing to develop airplanes. He can't pay just the workers' wages, rent, and utilities. , To say something bad, now his SEA aircraft factory has reached the final moment, only one step away from closing the door, and the gap in this step lies in the hurdle in Marcel Brocher’s heart. He is true. Do not want to give up the aviation industry that has been fighting for so many years, that is his ideal, belief and life!

"I am very grateful for your invitation. For this feast of aviation technology, I am also very willing to go to learn and discuss, but unfortunately, my financial situation does not allow me to do so." Finally, I will give it to the other party. In reply, Marcel Brocher wrote embarrassingly. Of course, in addition to financial and business issues, Marcel still had a bit of a grudge about France's failure in the war. Although the Germans were very tolerant of France in terms of the results, failure means failure! This makes Marcel somewhat resistant to this tender.

"To be honest, I thought of the reason the other party might refuse, but I didn't expect it to be a financial problem." When Dr. Henkel saw Marcel's reply, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Crown Prince Ruprecht asked for an invitation by name. But who knows that now, the other party actually refuses that he has no money. This is really... embarrassing. It is not only embarrassing for Marcel, but also embarrassing for Dr. Henschel. After all, it is his own If the report adds the content of this reply, it is estimated that the crown prince will be very upset!

"If this Mr. Marcel is willing to participate, we can provide travel expenses and related expenses. Money is actually the least problematic." The assistant next to him said.

"Then if the money is, he wouldn't want to come? What if he is already discouraged by the aviation industry?" Henkel asked.

"Uh, that's not our problem, it's a pity," the assistant said helplessly.

"No, this is our problem. His Royal Highness wants to see this French aerospace designer in this exhibition, and we as subordinates must solve this problem. The crown prince wants results, and how to do it is ours. Things." Henkel said.

"This is a bit difficult for a strong man, after all, he is in France, a country where he and the empire were on the battlefield a year ago." said the assistant.

"Well, this question is not important. The important thing is to complete the task and book me a train ticket to France, but find me the address and contact information of the SEA company. I am going to Toulouse tomorrow morning. "Henkel thought for a while and said.

"You want to go to France to meet the designer in person?" The assistant was surprised. After all, now Henkel is the crown prince’s chief aviation technical adviser. He is the top presence in the entire German aviation industry. But now, he Go to France specifically to meet an unknown person.

"IMHO, this may be a waste of time for you, after all you have more important things to do." the assistant said.

"As an assistant to the Crown Prince, I need to solve the problem for him. As an aviation technician, I need to verify whether this French colleague is worthy of the invitation of the Crown Prince. If he is just ignoring his name, then I will report If you are really talented, then I will overcome all difficulties to complete this task." Henkel said.

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