The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2545: Talk one

"But, even if you go, you may not be able to meet this designer. He has already stated in the letter that he is going to close this factory." the assistant said.

"It's very simple. Now you go to get 150,000 marks from the finance department, and then send a telegram to that gentleman, saying that we are going to buy 5 racing machines from his company. That's it, and tell him that we I hope he can reach a maximum speed of more than 240 kilometers." Henkel said.

"This..." The assistant was dumbfounded. He really didn't expect Heinkel to solve the problem like this.... The sae company is about to close, but before closing, Marcel still wants to dispose of the aircraft that were built but no one wants. The French government no longer accepts it, so it can only be sold to other people. If Henkel places an order at this time, then in order to meet customer requirements, Marcel will definitely modify the aircraft in his factory. . When Henkel went to Toulouse, he only had to go directly to the factory to find someone.

"You'll do it in a while, and also, pay half of the deposit to Mr. Marcel first! That's it," Henkel said.

"This, isn't it good?" the assistant said.

"Should I ask your Royal Highness why he invited this French designer?" Henkel asked with a smile.

"You won't," the assistant said.

"Then why do you ask me the reason for doing this?" Henkel said.

So, in the afternoon of the same day, Marcel received a telegram from Bavaria. It was clearly written that a Dongdong named Munich Aviation Club ordered a batch of racing machines from him, hoping to be able to use the original seaiv type. Develop a racing machine based on the aircraft! And what made Marcel feel overjoyed is that this club directly decided to pay half of the purchase price as a deposit without reading the relevant aircraft technical documents! Such a bold customer is really too rare!

"They didn't even ask us for any technical details, nor did they send anyone to see the prototype! This attitude is too irresponsible!" Marcel said to his partner Botai.

"However, the attitude of the other party is not important to us. The most important thing is that we have money again. We still have 5 complete aircraft and enough parts to assemble 10 aircraft in our warehouse. We can use this opportunity to produce Clear the inventory, and then produce racing or trainers in the future!" PATEO said excitedly.

"Okay, what else is there to say, let's start work immediately. You go and call the workers and technicians back and tell them that we settle the wages on the same day this time. I will now think about how this aircraft should be designed!" "Marcel said.

So, the sea aircraft manufacturing plant, which had been out of business for several months, restarted, and one morning two days later, Henkel finally came to the gate of the sea plant in Toulouse. And he also held a letter of introduction from the Munich Aviation Club.

"I hope you won't let me down, Mr. Marcel." After Henkel finished speaking, he went to the factory not far away!

"If the buyer can add another 50,000 marks, I can consider replacing him with a 350-horsepower v12 night-cooling engine, and then rework the nose. In this case, the speed should be up to the standard." Marcel looked at the seaiv fighter whose nose had been dismantled.

"It's not that troublesome. We are making a racing machine instead of a fighter, so the three machine guns of the nose can be removed, and then we can equip it with a better aerodynamic nose. At the same time, we can reduce the capacity of the fuel tank. , This can reduce some weight. If we shorten the wing to reduce drag. At the same time reduce some connecting posts, then the weight can be reduced. In this way, even if we are using the original engine, running There is no problem with the speed of 240 kilometers per hour." The assistant next to him said.

"If this happens, I'm afraid this plane can only fly in a straight line. And the takeoff and landing performance is very bad." Marcel frowned and said, although the assistant's suggestion perfectly solved the customer's speed requirements, but this way As a result, the seaiv aircraft has become a racing machine completely, it has abandoned most of the elements as a fighter: high structural strength, space for weapons and fuel, and essential mobility.

"However, the customer is God. We have no way to refuse God's request. And this is currently the most economical and easiest way to reform." the assistant said.

"Weapon weight and fuel tank can be reduced, but the strength and area of ​​the wing structure cannot be I don't want to see my plane become a dumb duck with rickets!" Marcel said.

"There may be something wrong with speed," the assistant said.

"It's okay. Take out the seav aircraft nose we developed at the beginning. It is going to be allocated to the liquid-cooled engine. Now that we remove the weapons from the nose, we should be able to put down this engine." Marcel thought I thought about it.

"So, does your excellency mean to increase the speed of the aircraft by reducing drag?" A voice full of breath came from the entrance of the factory.

"Are you?" Marcel looked at the tall man in formal clothes and said with some confusion.

"I am your customer, I want to come and see the plane we ordered." Henkel said with a smile.

"Welcome to you." Looking at the merchant from Germany, Marcel walked up quickly. "Sorry, the factory is a bit messy, if you can, can you wait a moment? We can go to my office to discuss this issue carefully.

"By the way, what do you call it?" Marcel asked.

"You can call me Henkel." Henkel thought for a while and said.

"This name is familiar." Marcel frowned. He remembered where he had heard of this name, but he couldn't remember the specific information.

"It's normal. This name is very common in Germany." Henkel looked at the engine being remodeled in the factory and said, "Let's discuss this matter in the factory. After all, in the working environment, we will More focused, technical and practical, I usually just want to have afternoon tea or report work in the office."

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