The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2543: Truck demand three

Therefore, whether it is from the current economic development or for the future war, Germany and Austria must be prepared, especially in the production and use of motor vehicles! After all, when rail transportation cannot be guaranteed, then road transportation can only be used as the backbone!

Trucks, Ruprecht are definitely not too many. During the war, there will only be insufficient supplies, and there will be no excess supplies. This is the case in Germany, but it is also the case in the United States! Although, the crown prince believes that domestic automobile companies in Germany and Austria can definitely achieve development far beyond historical levels on this plane. But Ruprecht will never pin all hopes on these capitalists! After all, in history, the capitalists are too clear about what the crown princes are!

Look at the capabilities of German industry in history, then look at the actual arms output, look at the four-year draw period from 1939 to 1942, look at the internal and external troubles in 1943 and 1944, Germany With the explosive growth of the military industry, you can fully understand what it means to not see the coffin, not cry, not hit the south wall and not look back! The knowledge of the various behaviors of German military companies makes Ruprecht distrust those companies in history!

For example, historically, Daimler-Benz had very disgraceful behavior in the production of aero engines. Historically, Daimler-Benz produced most of the engines for German fighter jets at the beginning of World War II, and the DB601 series engines were even more important. Along with the success of the BF109 fighter jet, it became famous all over the world. However, in an era of rapid technological changes, the speed of research and development is not fast enough, which means regression. And Mercedes-Benz also made two preparations during the research and development process. One is to continue to develop the follow-up product of DB601, which is the future DB605, and the other is to develop a heavier engine, which is the famous DB603 engine of later generations!

In fact, compared with DB605, DB603 is obviously more difficult, and production is also very difficult, so when 1944, the Luftwaffe wanted to start Daimler-Benz's factory in Brandenburg to switch production At the time of DB603, the latter refused. The reason was based on the resources and the company's interests at the time. It is obviously inappropriate to switch to DB603 at this time.

However, when the Luftwaffe said that the production of the DB603 must be increased, Daimler-Benz used the excuse that it could produce the new DB605D engine, hoping that the Luftwaffe could rekindle its hopes for the DB605 series. "With the convenience, I started to fool my competitor Simbu NAG to produce DB603... And tried to convince the other party that many parts of the DB603 and 605 engines are universal, and the military does not require much. Imagine that Daimler-Benz, as the R&D unit of the DB603, is unwilling to produce it and chooses the simpler DB605. You ask another company that originally produced truck engines to produce a more complex DB603. Isn't this throwing the pot?

Therefore, Ruprecht must have his own backstop, and the construction of state-owned enterprises controlled by the government is one of the important measures. When necessary, introducing products from other countries through trade to make up for the deficiencies of military industry is another backstop. As for whether there is a third player? Naturally, if the company's efficiency is too low, or if the government's mobilization makes the Yin and Yang go against the sun, then it is possible for the government to take over directly!

In the second measure, buying a large amount of cars or military supplies from France when necessary is a very important content. In order to allow the various vehicles produced in France to be used smoothly on the harsh road conditions of the Eastern Route, and some parts can be interchanged with vehicles produced in Germany. Then we must let the French make some technical preparations, for example, formulating a more detailed technical rule to improve the adaptability of the finished product to the east line environment and reduce the difficulty of logistical supplies.

Of course, this kind of standardization-like measures must require French and German industrial companies to modify their current production models and specifications. It will definitely cause some trouble, but trouble now is better than trouble in the future! After all, Ruprecht doesn't want to see the sad situation that three systems like Tiger, Panther, and Tiger King have been developed in history, and each system is incompatible!

And if French car companies are willing to set up factories in Germany and Austria, they are naturally welcome, especially in Austria. In fact, with the capital and technical level of German companies, it is very difficult for French people to get some bargains in Germany. But in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, there is a lot to do, especially in the field of small cars. After all, before, in order to prepare for war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also invested mainly in trucks and special chassis. Now the cars run in the Austro-Hungarian Empire are also produced by Tetra and the Bavarian Industrial Group. In addition, there is a Skoda company preparing a large number of military auto market inside the Austro-Hungarian Empire is just like that!

But compared to the crown prince’s emphasis on the French aviation industry, he does not value the French automobile industry that much. After all, the crown prince only needs the latter’s output to make up for the lack of German industry. As for the technical level? That is definitely not as good as the local German companies. As for the high-end upgraded versions of the auto industry, such as tanks, the French can't find any bright spots in history. The Germans are almost always top-notch in the subsystems and accessories of the tank industry, but there are some problems in the final positioning and selection, which are brain problems rather than basic skills. Therefore, the crown prince is not very serious. Just leave it to your subordinates.

Just as the French automotive industry was preparing to enter the German-Austrian market, the French aviation industry was also very interested in the upcoming aviation tender in Munich, although some of the projects in the aviation tender were civil aircraft projects, such as postal aircraft, transport aircraft, seaplanes, etc. Wait, but for those who really understand aviation, some of the detailed requirements are obviously for military aircraft, such as speed and size requirements for cargo warehouses. According to some people, this cargo hold does not seem to be prepared for mail. , But specially prepared for bombs.......

But this is no surprise. After all, the BF109 in history can be used as a racing plane. The HE111 bomber was started in the name of a postal plane. Whether it is French private French Airlines, Breguet Airlines or state-owned Southwest Airlines, they are full of hope for this bid. Although it may be because France and Germany were still fighting in the war a year ago. Both German and French are a little awkward emotionally.

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