The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2348: Transaction one

Crook had fiddled with this problem several times before receiving the invitation, and after countless ideological struggles, he finally figured it out! From a personal point of view, whether it is him, Howson, or the remaining senior Junker nobles in the army, let alone the results of the resettlement, the final result of Crook and others is most likely a scapegoat! Once this conflict intensifies, no one will say how much effort they have put into it, and no one will know how many lawsuits they have fought against the government for this matter! The Social Democratic Party, who is good at guiding public opinion, can push all the scapegoats on them! This is almost inevitable!

Because the conditions of the parliamentary faction are the worst, and the current parliamentary government is also the most chaotic. There are problems with the basic conditions and the system. Tell me how can this be done? One of the essence of party politics is that you can abandon some people at any time to alleviate conflicts. Unfortunately, Crook and others will be the first victims. After several consecutive changes, over time, parliamentary factions will The purge of the military system is gradually completed, and after society gradually digests the discomfort after the war, the situation will change. At least it will be better, after all, the compensation arrived at that time... There is start-up capital.

That's great. For Crook and those who are close to him, why should they give the parliamentary a scapegoat? In fact, at his current level, he doesn't care about power. After all, people are old and injured, and will not live for a few years. What he cares more about is the evaluation of him by later generations, even if he can't put a **** of war on his head. The name, but you can't keep it late, right? For juniors, colleagues and the like, Crook also hopes to give them a good arrangement.

And if speaking from the public heart. Crook believes that the current Social Democratic Party is not ready or capable of taking over a powerful state. In addition to its instinctive aversion to the latter’s actions at the end of the war, Crook is concerned with the current Social Democratic Party’s policy. He was also quite dissatisfied. Crook was once the chief inspector of the military region. Although he was not in politics, he knew that now as a ruling party, the first thing to do is to stabilize the domestic situation, instead of immediately starting to clean up the administration from top to bottom. The system, even if there are some problems with the latter, is still efficient, and it is better than a rookie, right?

Secondly, with regard to the distribution of war dividends, Crook believed that the distribution of Albert and others was even more unfair than that of the Kaiser! It is true that the Kaiser is the representative and guardian of the Junker nobles. A considerable part of the war manulife will enter the Junker nobles' pockets. But anyway, a considerable part of these nobles participated in the war. In the Kingdom of Prussia alone, there were thousands of noble families in Extinction in the war! Their high quality in the army really gives the empire an advantage, and they should be rewarded for what they have done. This is no problem! With that, the Kaiser would not treat veterans and soldiers harshly.

But the parliamentary faction is different! Not to mention that they have to try their best to seize the interests of the aristocratic class with military merits. Even the civilians can't even share the benefits. The reason is simple. The left wing of the Social Democratic Party, which is really inclined to the civilians, was also cleaned up in the turmoil. Bert or Hassy, ​​whether right-wing or centrist, they represent the interests of the bourgeoisie behind them. They will not give too many benefits to civilians. For example, with regard to the current placement of veterans, Crook believes that the parliamentarians are quite insincere and incapable. You should know that most of the millions of officers and soldiers are civilians. .

Therefore, for this party that I really look down on, for the party that wants to make myself and his colleagues in the wrong at this moment, as long as it does not make an unmanageable ending, Crook really wants to attack them! And if possible, Crook also wants the Veterans Association to develop towards a political party. Pinoff is the executive vice president, Crook is the chairman, and Howson is the honorary chairman...

"It is precisely because I don't want to make things so big that I came to you instead of contacting Vienna. I just want to limit this conflict to a domestic scope, rather than evolve into a state-to-state conflict. Moreover, I can really help you solve the problem of army placement!" Ruprecht said with a smile.

"This is not a simple question. If I remember correctly, the Kingdom of Bavaria also has hundreds of thousands of soldiers to be resettled. Although your country has acquired a lot of land in the war, it takes time to recover from the war. I don't think The economic situation in your country will be much better." Admiral Howson frowned and said, the implication is that the crown prince must come up with enough chips to convince them.

"We have oil, a lot of oil! Not only can we supply Bavaria, Austro-Hungary, and the entire German Empire, we have no problem. We even signed oil supply contracts with France, Spain and Italy. The annual output of more than 20 million tons of fuel, except The world's most oil-producing area outside the United States, and this is not even our oil fields in the Is this enough?" The crown prince said with a smile.

"Fuck!" Crook and Admiral Howson were really messed up. Take one step and see one step is mediocre, take one step and see two steps are talents, take one step and see three steps are talents! Ruprecht belongs to the third category! Or why did people enter the Transcaucasus in the final stage of the war, when the winter is least suitable for an offensive? Isn’t it just for the oil fields in Baku?

The Russians were unprepared and had internal strife, so the Germans fought very smoothly, and because there was not much war damage, the oil production facilities were relatively complete, and production was resumed very quickly. And because of its proximity to the North Sea, oil can be transported to Europe by the cheapest shipping method, and then enter the German market via the railway between Germany and Austria. Therefore, even if agriculture and industrial production need to gradually recover, not only did they lose money at first, but the oil fields of Bavaria in Baku are profitable! And it is a monopoly!

You must know that oil is not only burnt, it is the basic raw material of many chemical industries, and Germany’s chemical industry is the world’s top chemical industry. The demand for oil is huge. In addition to orders from other countries, only Relying on oil, Bavaria can obtain very abundant funds. what? You said that other states still have 30% of the shares in Baku Oilfield? This is correct, it was said at the time, but isn't it not handed over now.... As for when to hand over, it depends on the relationship between the parties. So, from this perspective alone, the economic situation of Bavaria is much better than other states.

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