The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2349: Transaction two

"The second point is that we are not short of food, and we still have surplus, do you believe this?" Ruprecht looked at General Hausen and said.

"I can understand that Ukraine is called the bread basket of the entire Europe. The large-scale offensive you launched last year was also very successful. It seized a large amount of grain producing areas and harvested the grain there. Up to now, new grain is coming soon this year. It is produced, but due to the poor road system in Ukraine, this food transportation may be very difficult? And the original population of Austria-Hungary and Bavaria plus the new population is estimated to be around 85 million, right? Admiral Mori said.

Before the war broke out, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had a population of about 48 million, and Bavaria had a population of over 12 million, which is 60 million. If the new population is included, it is at least 25 million, right? Feeding these people is a problem! Considering the terrible transportation problem in Ukraine, it is difficult to transport any food! Well, how does Ruprecht work?

"If you simply talk about the food issue, the situation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is much better than that of the German Empire. Although East Prussia is located on the fertile Bode plain, it is generally too small and has a large population. Relatively speaking, the Austro-Hungarian Empire There are more than 700,000 square kilometers of land, and the population is only about 70% of ours."

"I deliberately avoided launching an offensive during the busy farming season when I was in the raid of Ukraine, and at harvest time, we launched the final blow. One thing I need to make is that the Russians’ lack of food is not due to lack of food, but Because of traffic problems, food is not available in places where food is needed. Ukraine has a lot of food, but it is very difficult to transport it to St. Petersburg in winter. It has been half a year since the end of the Eastern Route. The Bavarian Army has not been abolished, so what are they doing in the past six months? Very simple, repairing roads and renovating various infrastructures!" The Crown Prince said with a smile.

"Well, money and enough cheap food can really be stable. But in the end we have to solve the employment problem of ordinary personnel and the development of military officers. This is the most difficult. And you are Bavaria, we are Prussia, Even if your Excellency extends a helping hand to us, so that we can obtain cheap food and a certain amount of financial support, it will only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause." Crook said.

"We can solve the fundamental problem. If the retired officers and soldiers are willing to come to Bavaria for development, we can arrange jobs for them, enter industrial and mining enterprises, and collective farms under the state, and if they perform well, we can also allocate land to them. We have helped you share part of the pressure of your rich labor force. Doesn't this solve the problem fundamentally?" The crown prince said with a smile.

"Do you want to convert hundreds of thousands of Prussians into Bavarians?" Crook finally figured out Ruprecht's so-called solution.

"No, it may be millions. After all, these officers and soldiers still have their families. If the living conditions in Bavaria are good, they may move with their families." Admiral Howson said meaningfully. "His Royal Highness, I have to say, you are really foresight."

"You can actually think of population movement to ensure that the Germans in the Kingdom of Bavaria are in a dominant position. This is a way of killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, as a condition for trading with us, on the other hand, it solves the problem of the core population shortage after expansion. The problem. This has ensured the stability of the kingdom. I now even suspect that disputes over the issue of indemnities are completely a cover.” Admiral Howson said.

Compared to Prussia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bavaria’s expansion this time is a bit too much! We must know that the original Bavaria was only 78,000 square kilometers with a population of 12 million, and how much land he obtained? Even excluding the Transcaucasus region, it is more than 270,000 square kilometers! And more than 12 million Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians! This is also the result of the Russians trying their best to emigrate the queens inland during the war!

As a result, Bavaria began to face the situation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before the war. How to solve the problem of the original core population shortage? Of course, compared with the sad proportion of the Germans in the Austro-Hungarian Empire that even less than a quarter, There are still half of the Germans in Bavaria.

There are only about 25 million people on an area of ​​more than 300,000 square kilometers. Well, the proportion of this population does not seem to be high? The population density is close to France, lower than that of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and much lower than Prussia and Italy. Moreover, the occupied areas are relatively fertile, and there is no problem with increasing the population. In any case, the influx of a large number of new people will definitely bring certain social problems to Bavaria.

Among them, ensuring the dominant status of Germans is the most important thing, and around this issue, how to increase the number of Germans is the most important thing. It’s too late in life, so we can only emigrate. Don't even think about the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The ethnic problems there are more serious, and the best way is from Prussia! And now Old Prussia is just splitting. This is an opportunity, a very rare opportunity. It is easier to move hundreds of thousands or even millions of Prussians to the newly occupied areas of Bavaria! In order to develop these new territories! At the same time enhance the kingdom's control over here!

"My idea is very simple. I can help you solve the problem of the placement of the remaining troops, and even help you form your own political party. Use a legal political identity to protect you and your colleagues. And your obligation is to help us win. This negotiation on compensation. Doing so is beneficial to both of us." Ruprecht replied very simply.

"So, how much war compensation do Bavaria and Austro-Hungary intend to claim together?" Crook thought for a while and said.

"We and the Austro-Hungarian Empire require a total of 35% of war reparations. This is the case for the British, and the French also distributes loans in the same way, 15% for Bavaria and 20% for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The German Emperor and Parliament Prussia take 50%. The remaining states Take 15%." The crown prince thought for a while and said.

"What about the central government's finances? It is impossible for us to hand all the compensation to the local governments." Admiral Howson said.

"It's very simple. All German states pay a portion of the compensation to the finances in the same proportion. In principle, this part of the payment is between 15% and 20%. In order to maintain the normal operation of the government." The crown prince said.

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