The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2347: Placement problem

If the funds obtained are sufficient, such as Britain and France in history, they can quickly recover and enjoy the prosperous period after the war. And if it is not enough, if you have some moths in your country, it will be more troublesome for the economy to recover, such as Italy after the war... In fact, after the end of the First World War in history, Italy's economy has not been very good, so Mussolini was able to jump so early!

In fact, Bavaria competed with the Kaiser and the parliament for this start-up capital. The only difference is that the crown prince is confident that Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire will enter the fast lane of recovery with sufficient start-up capital. And then drive the old Prussia area. The level of parliamentarians and the Kaiser will depend on the situation.

"Leave aside the funding issue, just talk about the resettlement issue. This is a very troublesome thing. A large number of officers and soldiers need jobs, and the disabled need compensation. Even if the funds are sufficient, if you take a direct payment of a pension to resettle the personnel, Then it is not the best choice. We have all participated in wars. We know that war is cruel and bloody. Under tremendous pressure and various stimuli, the mental state of veterans will generally have some problems, which will cause them to integrate into society. There are some difficulties. This is especially true for officers. Those who have merit and ability want to enter a higher level. For example, it is unfair for a regiment-level officer to make him a civilian again overnight. Their talent and ability Contributions should allow them to enter a higher level, and this problem, we cannot solve it now." Admiral Howson added.

"Then how do you solve these problems now?" Ruprecht asked.

"Now? We don’t have a good solution either. It’s just delaying. We will issue a veteran pension to those who are willing to leave the army, but this is a minority after all, except for those who have skills or have access to their families. Most people would rather stay in a barracks than enter the army. This is not a small number of people, but hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands! What we can do now is to temporarily pay military pay according to the previous standard, but obviously, this This situation will not continue. The Social Democratic Party is already dissatisfied with the high military pay issue. They want us to disband the army cleanly. However, you know, this is impossible and even more irresponsible."

"As for officers? We try our best to retain some experienced and capable officers, but unfortunately because the size of the army is reduced, a large number of personnel will still be lost. We want to increase the number of civilian personnel as much as possible, but the same is true. There was a conflict with the Social Democratic Party. However, they are the government and have inherent advantages. We are soldiers and have no say in politics." Crook said on the side.

"You have no say in politics? If I remember correctly, did you set up a veterans' association?" Ruprecht said. "Don't tell me this association has no political purpose."

"It's all for self-protection. The Prussian Federation has a population of nearly 20 million even in the original German territory. In fact, it is impossible for all officers and soldiers to join the Veterans Association. They are more officers, who have energy and ability. As for Ordinary officers and soldiers? We just have a certain degree of influence. After all, soldiers of civilian origin have more to consider livelihood issues. This association has been established for too short a time and does not have a strict organization. It is scattered." Admiral Howson said.

"If there is no accident, this contradiction can only be delayed and cannot be eliminated. When the contradiction erupts, General Crook and General Hausen will probably become scapegoats." Pinov, who has not said anything, said. .

"So what?" The crown prince looked with interest at the man who complained the most about the parliamentarians. If Crook and Hausen could still retain their military status and possess the rank of general, then Pinov has worked for nothing. Although they are on the wrong team, no matter what, they also have credit on the battlefield.

"Surely you let us come here not just to chat? Although I am no longer in the army, I still know some things. You have a difficulty now. You need help from others. After thinking about it for a long time, you think we might I can help you, that's why we have this meeting. In that case, can we clarify things? You make your request, and we offer our consideration."

Pinov said with a brazen attitude. On the one hand, it was because he really had a grudge against the parliamentarians. On the other hand, although Pinov has no public office, he is now the executive president of the Veterans Association... He also wants to use this opportunity to rise again. Compared with the two people who still have status and worry about Crook and Hausen, Pinov is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes! I can really afford it!

"What's your opinion?" Ruprecht said after looking at Crook and Howson.

"You are a wise man, a powerful warrior, and you can scare any opponent in any way. At the same time, I also believe that you are a person who loves Germany person who knows how to measure. From my personal point of view, I hope you can control a certain degree. Under this premise, if you can help us solve the problem of army personnel placement, we can cooperate with you to a limited extent. Of course, if you want Overthrow the government or something, then forget it. After all, the empire is unstable now. I think the worst order is better than chaos. The Social Democracy is hateful, but it is not the time." Crook said carefully.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Crook's answer is a bit unexpected. After all, Crook and Ruprecht's previous contacts were mostly on official business. Because before the war, it was still difficult to establish direct contact with Ruprecht as Crook, as an army general? Naturally noble, but it is still far behind the top nobles. You must know that even before the war, if the best German nobles gathered together, Ruprecht ranked in the top ten. Level! Except for the emperor, queen, and kings and princes of various kingdoms, it was basically his turn. And Crook? Even within the scope of Prussia, that is, the general nobles, the Black Hawk Knights cannot enter.

In reality, Crook knows that Ruprecht is fighting for the right to distribute war reparations. The cake is so big, Bavaria is a little bit more, and the others are less. And if the Prussian Federation is less, then In the end, the cost that can be used for the placement of military personnel may be even less, which seems to be an enemy of myself! Well, now the question comes, why should Crook help Ruprecht? Isn't this pitting yourself?

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