The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2346: Generals after the war II

Two hours later, the team of three finally arrived at the Crown Prince’s residence. When Crook and the others got out of the car, they couldn't help but feel shocked because, here, they felt the long-lost military feeling. The Bavarian Royal Guard greeted them on the road inside the mansion, the ceremonial rifle and bayonet above it gleaming in the sunlight.

Apart from anything else, they can be greeted by the Bavarian Royal Guard, Crook and others have a much better impression of Crown Prince Ruprecht. And more importantly, before entering the venue, Crown Prince Ruprecht greeted them in person, not the Earl Schelling next to him. To be honest, Earl Schelling greeted them as the future Prime Minister of Bavaria. This made the three generals a little flattered.

However, the satisfaction of perception and vanity cannot make Crook and others forget their principles and goals. After a brief greeting, Crook and others were sitting in a hurry, waiting for Ruprecht to tell the purpose of the invitation. After all, it was inconvenient for them to directly ask: "What do you want us to do?"

"General Crook, you are more haggard on the battlefield than a few months ago." Ruprecht said after looking at Crook.

"Yes, our knowledge and talents in wars do not allow us to be able to play in new positions. Relatively speaking, you are a real genius, whether it is political or military." Crook said.

"It is because of the demobilization and placement of military personnel? Is it convenient to talk about the current situation?" Ruprecht asked with a smile.

"Counting people who have served in the army, the total number of active and retired soldiers is around 1.5 million, while the number of troops retained by the Prussian Federation after the war will be reduced to around 300,000. That is to say, 1.2 million people will retire. Among them, there are more than 200,000 people who are left with disabilities and serious injuries who are not convenient to participate in labor. Our core task now is to arrange these personnel and provide protection for those who are unable to work. In addition, the soldiers who died in the Prussian Parliament There are a total of more than 350,000. These people need pensions in their families, and they are short of funds and jobs. We can't arrange so many people in a short time. Moreover, I have to say that Herbert and others are very stingy in resettlement. !" Crook thought for a while and said.

"This is not just an administrative issue but also a social issue." Ruprecht said: "This is the first large-scale war involving the mobilization of the people. The issue of veterans that we need to resolve is greater than that of all previous wars. The problem must be big. Our placement is not only to solve the livelihood problem of retired officers and soldiers, but also to let them share the dividends of the empire victory, otherwise, no one will be willing to go to the battlefield for the empire in the next war. What do you think? ?"

"Yes, not only officers and nobles, but civilians also share these profits. Then I want to know how the Kingdom of Bavaria handles these things?" House saw that the crown prince did not seem to discuss recent sensitive issues, so he was pleased. Talk to him about army placement.

"For those who are truly incapacitated, the state will support them, and soldiers should not enjoy lower treatment than the Bavarian average. For their families, especially minors, we will give certain compensation. These compensations will continue. Until they reach adulthood," Ruprecht said.

"This will be a considerable expense," Pinov said. According to the proportion of deaths and disability in the army, there may be more than 50,000 disabled soldiers in Bavaria who have completely lost the ability to work. And if they provide for the minors in their family, the expenses will be even greater.

"For those who have a certain working capacity, the state will concentrate their work in special factories, and the treatment will also refer to the local average level to provide support and compensation. Their family members will also be within half a year to one year after the end of the war. Receive a fixed compensation."

"So how do you plan to arrange for a large number of hundreds of thousands of capable personnel?" Crook said: "I think it is very difficult to ask the society to add hundreds of thousands of labor positions. Because before accepting veterans People who were originally engaged in military production will be diverted first. They will quickly squeeze a large number of jobs, and before the economic recovery, the demand for entertainment facilities such as restaurants and bars will be very small, so the industry that can absorb a large number of jobs may also be very not optimistic."

"Admiral Crook, if you are not a soldier but a mayor, I believe you will be able to manage a large city like Cologne." Ruprecht said with a smile. Although this is a compliment, Crook is really right. After the war, even if the victorious country wants to restore the economy, it will take time!

First of all, after the war, some entertainment service industries that can accommodate a large number of jobs before the war will not immediately rejuvenate with the end of the war. After all, everyone is used to the hardships during the war, and there is no money to spend just after the war. . Only when everything is on the right track will people have the ability to enjoy those service industries.

Secondly, after the war, the first step that needs to be restored is definitely basic industries such as hydropower and This is a must. Generally speaking, the efficiency of these transportation-related industries declined during the war. Take the previous war as an example. Whether it was the Allies or the Allies, the efficiency of their transportation industry declined during the war. The British transport fleet was beaten to death by German submarines. The French and German warfare caused a high load in the transportation industry. Operation, but there is not enough manpower and funds to maintain, and this plane is still like this, at least in the old Prussia area. The maintenance of these basic industries requires a lot of funds, and after these funds are invested, there will be no output for a while!

The third is the social labor arrangement. Military personnel need to be resettled. However, military workers and related heavy chemical industry personnel also need to be resettled... In addition, Krupp's Essen plant alone requires at least 40,000 people to switch to other industries. Before the outbreak of military employment, the local government must first solve the problem of military employment... At this time, other industries are gradually recovering, so the absorption capacity is also limited, so this is a little troublesome.

is so good, what if you want to solve these things? For the victorious country, it is natural to quickly use compensation to plug the loopholes in infrastructure and economic recovery! This is the so-called start-up capital, which may be nothing compared to the money earned after recovery, but this start-up capital is very important for the recovery of the economy!

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