The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2345: Generals after the war one

"Unexpectedly, after retiring, those high-level officials who can think of me will actually be the Crown Prince of Bavaria." Once served as the commander of the Third Army on the Western Front of Germany, Pinov, a retired soldier, was quite on his way to the Crown Prince's residence in Berlin. Said with some emotion.

Pinov is miserable, really miserable. According to the final agreement, the Crook Army, the House Army, and the Third Army under Pinov were finally placed under the Prussian Federation. However, as a hard-core supporter of the Kaiser during the war, he was actually put under the parliamentary faction after the war. Could this be a fruit for him? But there is no way. After all, this division is based on the origin of the group army personnel, and Pinov’s hometown happens to be within the control of the parliament. So, after the war, Pinov decisively became the first group of personnel to be decommissioned...

Of course, although Pinov and the parliamentary faction are hostile in political opinion, the parliamentary faction will not find trouble with a retired army general at this time. One is not necessary, and the other is that it may cause a fierce rebound, so Pinov can only go home and become a rich man. He also knew his identity and status was embarrassing, so he was also honest. It just happened to be living in Berlin recently, so I was invited over.

"The two guys, Crook and Howson, will be humans." Thinking of the two former colleagues who were also invited this time, Pinov couldn't help sighing that the Taoist is more dead than the human! Admirals Crook and Howson were almost neutral in the turmoil. The parliamentary party is not very hostile to the two, and now the military really needs veterans to sit in. It can't be allocated to the three group armies of the parliamentary group and their commanders. The parliamentary group is changed all at once, right? After all, what the parliamentary faction lacks most is military talent. The only one at the core level who has served as a soldier, Buhler, is just a colonel. Therefore, in order to ensure the stability of the army, the parliamentary faction only replaced Pinov, and the other two were still serving in the army. If nothing else, if these two guys survive for a while, before they retire, can they be an honorary marshal? At the thought of this, Pinov felt even more depressed.

In the end, the three people’s car did not drive directly to Ruprecht’s mansion. Outside the door, Pinov met two other colleagues. The three got out of the car and came to a restaurant. Then they made a reservation. Sit down in his room. It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon. After removing half an hour from the palace of the crown prince, minus the quarter of an hour earlier, there is now 1 hour and 45 minutes to talk. Thinking with their knees, they all knew that Ruprecht must have invited them at this time. And 80% will be linked to the problem of reparations that is now raging.

"To be honest, I really don't want to mix up these things." After seeing the two colleagues, Pinov said depressed. I have retired, and I still share the matter, but can he not go? People invite you to save face. If before the war, William II invited Pinov, and if Pinov dared not go, believe it or not the Kaiser would use a cane to pump you? This is true. In history, the Kaiser has really played against those veterans like a joke! And now, although Ruprecht has a better temper, if you save others' face, even if Ruprecht doesn't care about it, the Kingdom of Bavaria may be more accountable, right?

"Hehe, what are you afraid of after retiring, old fellow? Isn't it just attending a banquet?" Crook looked at his former colleague and said, the haggardness on his face could not be concealed anyway. Pinoff was depressed because of his retirement, while Crook and others were languid because of his service.

Now, the issue of the retirement and placement of soldiers, the construction of the army and the transfer of personnel are all weighing on him. Please, Crook was a front-line officer before, and he had never been a minister of war or chief of staff. Take into account the official duties of the administration. But at this time, some of the people who used it well before went straight away. This made Crook's difficulty in doing things soaring. He is really tired now, even more tired than fighting in the past.

"It's okay, old man, if something really happens, let's do it. What are you afraid of now? Crown Prince Ruprecht won't be troubled with you." Admiral Howson, who was also haggard, also said. "Okay, let’s talk about business. If nothing goes wrong, His Highness should be the parliamentary faction this time." Among the commanders of the German Army Group on the West Front, Admiral Howson’s political acumen is still very high. Otherwise, he did not. He will not do anything less related to politics.

"Well, that makes sense, after all, we are all from the Prussian Federation now," Pinov said. "But what does this have to do with me? I am a veteran now!"

"This is also what I suspect. If I invite General Crook and me, I can understand the behavior of the Kingdom of Bavaria, but I really can't understand the behavior of the Kingdom of Bavaria with you." Admiral Howson said something heartbreaking. what!

However, it’s true. As soldiers, they all know that some key things must be kept secret. It may be fatal to anyone who has nothing to do with it. If Ruprecht This time I asked them to talk about something So let’s not say whether Crook and General Hausen agreed, Pinov has no reason to participate! What can he do? He has retired and no official position. Is it really good to let him participate in this kind of meeting? Are you afraid of leaks?

"Maybe, the crown prince just wanted to invite us to dinner today?" Pinov said mockingly.

"It shouldn't be something that is too sensitive, or it doesn't matter if it is exposed." Crook said: "But no matter what, we must bear in mind two points. First, we are soldiers and we can be dissatisfied with the government. But we cannot use violence to show it. Second, we are Germans, and we must act in the interests of the empire, whether it is the emperor, Bavaria, or anyone else. If their demands and actions harm the empire, we They must be resolutely resisted."

Crook set the tone for this meeting. After receiving the invitation from the crown prince, his first reaction was that the crown prince might persuade them to put pressure on the parliament. Crook himself resisted this possibility. He can fight against Herbert and others for the benefit of the army, but he will never be a gunman for Bavaria. It will not worsen the already complicated internal situation of the empire because of his actions.

"Agree." Admiral Howson's answer was very simple.

"Me? Agree." Pinov was the one who let go.

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