The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2344: Killer Three

As a noble officer Juncker is naturally the target that the parliamentary faction wants to deal with, and a large number of non-aristocratic officers are also within the goal of cleaning up. This is not a political goal, purely because the army really cannot do it in peacetime. Multiplayer....... But how do these officers arrange? They need work, and they also need not-low treatment. It is the easiest to send a sum of money back home directly, but the premise is that you have money...

In fact, the current financial situation of the German states is not so bad, but it is a pity that the Prussian Federation is an exception, because other states have the same old conditions. The Prussian Federation alone is a newly established state. Although on the territorial issue, the Kaiser and the parliament were almost equally divided, the parliament must have suffered financially, because the Prime Minister of the Empire is still Holweger! As a supporter of the Kaiser, he must be biased towards the Kaiser when dealing with problems, and the Junker noble bureaucrats who supported the Kaiser also did some tricks during the division. It can be said that the Kingdom of Prussia has inherited a lot of high-quality assets. Is it parliamentary? It can only suffer, after all, the Social Democratic Party lacks sufficient energy at the grassroots level.

If the tens of thousands of military officers have already made the parliament too powerful, then the placement of millions of soldiers is even more problematic. Ordinary soldiers are fine, but disabled soldiers need government relief. This is not 10,000 to 20,000, but hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands! The parliamentary faction has no experience and insufficient funds. Thirdly, they are more jealous of the army. They do not want the army to have too much voice in the country and worry that too many officers will affect the authority of the party after they enter politics.

Whether it is Herbert or Hassy, ​​they all know that if there is nothing unexpected about the Kaiser and Ruprecht, one of them will be the emperor and the king in their lives. Rights are solid. But what about the Social Democratic Party? Although now you are in control of the local government and the parliament. But don’t forget that there are more than 1 million members of the Social Democratic Party in Germany, and they are divided into leftists, centrists and rightists... For the German Empire, which has a population of hundreds of millions, what does a party of 1 million count in the future?

The imperial parliament is the site of political parties, but let alone Ruprecht, even the Kaiser wants to build a large-scale political party. Before the Kaiser did not engage in this because it was incapable but unnecessary. With the improvement of the status of political parties, who said that only they can do it, but the nobles cannot do it? Let alone one day when a new party will oust the Social Democratic Party from power, Albert and others will be heartbroken simply by their share of parliamentarians. The main influence of the parliamentary party at the imperial level is the imperial parliament. If they are unable to maintain an absolute advantage, their situation will be very bad in the future.

It is a coincidence that, whether it is the Kaiser or Bavaria, many of their political parties must be former military personnel. This is the national condition of Germany. It is not that military personnel are incapable of interfering in politics, but sometimes they think they should not be involved in politics. For example, Old Mao Qi. And sometimes, some soldiers think that they should be in politics, such as Wadsey. If the character of the German chief of staff in the past determined the German political say, then now, when the existence of an effective and effective control of the entire German army has disappeared, (the Prussian chief of staff has no authority in the past. ) When German officials use this opportunity to enter government agencies in large numbers, quite a few of them will definitely want to do politics!

These people who entered politics through war or other means are naturally hostile to the Social Democratic Party! There are only so many seats in the imperial parliament. Newcomers come in, so the old ones must let out a part! Maybe when, or after a certain election, the noble party ousted the Social Democratic Party and became the Junker noble ruling again. For the sake of power, the Social Democratic Party did not hesitate to launch a military coup, and in the end, in peacetime, let the other party use election means to fight, which is embarrassing...

Some people may say that the Social Democratic Party can use the opportunity of being in power to expand its influence and recruit new personnel. However, this approach is somewhat difficult for the current Social Democratic Party. Because in the previous coup, the right and the center of the Social Democratic Party paid not only the Kaiser, but also cleared a large part of the left! The leftists are members of the famous Spartacus regiment in history. They have very close ties with ordinary people. Although this plane Herbert and others did not directly join forces with the army to completely eliminate the leftists as in history, they still It is hard to rectify the leftists, and such an approach has directly led to a significant decrease in the influence of the Social Democratic Party among the grassroots.

Therefore, if you really vote now, you will lose the support of the grassroots people, and you will not deal with the millions of military personnel waiting to be resettled. Can the parliamentary faction, which is still busy cleaning up the local government, continue to maintain the Prussian parliament? It’s really hard to tell! Fortunately, Now Ruprecht does not intend to do everything right. The reason is very simple, because now he has no ability to manage the affairs of the Prussian Federation, and he can't manage his own affairs, so let the parliamentary faction do it first. As for whether the Kaiser had any idea to get rid of the former, Ruprecht did not care, because he knew that the Kaiser had ideas but was unable to.

"Have all the invitations to General Crook, General Hausen, and General Pinov sent out?" Ruprecht asked.

"It has been sent, and they said they will be on time for the appointment." The attendant replied.

"Well, very good. Bring me the current documents on Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire on new territories and populations. I want to see it." Ruprecht said after a moment of reflection.

"Okay." The attendant said while going to prepare the documents needed by the crown prince while secretly glanced at the wall clock on the wall. The time for the royal prince to meet the military generals was three o'clock in the afternoon. Shouldn't it be relevant now? Why should I look at other content? The attendant was a little confused, but he controlled his curiosity very well and concentrated on the things at hand.

"If it works well, then I am afraid there will be two birds with one stone." Half an hour later, Ruprecht closed the document and said to himself with a smile.

"Let Count Schelling check again, this afternoon is the heroes of the German Empire, we must make them feel the respect and goodwill of Bavaria!" The crown prince stood up and said.

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