The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2343: Killer

The most unlucky thing is Parliament Prussia. In fact, the presence of political parties in the pre-war German political system is very low. The willingness is very simple. The highest decision-making power lies in the hands of the Federal Parliament. The imperial prime minister is directly responsible to the Kaiser. At the grassroots level, there is a deep mark of Junker nobility, so good, what power does the party have besides in the parliament? Lack of strength is one problem, and lack of sufficient experience in governance is another problem. How many of them, including Albert, have experienced management from the grassroots to the top of the government? very few! It is one thing to quarrel in the parliament, but another thing to deal with in the executive branch...

Therefore, Heinrich's evaluation of the Social Democratic Party is reasonable. They have limited ability to deal with government affairs. Some people may say, so why can the Social Democratic Party have a firm foothold in history? The reason for this is very simple. At that time, Germany had already lost, and the situation was so bad that it couldn’t be worse. Coupled with the cooperation of Albert and others with the military, they used violent means to stabilize the situation, and this move is definitely in Germany now. No, this raises another question. The Social Democrats and the Junker Nobles are very inconsistent!

The old Prussia has disappeared with the partition agreement and has become a historical term. The former Prussian Army and their leaders, the Prussian Army Corps still exist, but are divided into two newly established states according to the region. Only, although the Kaiser’s ability is worrying, but no matter what, the Kaiser with the support of Xiaomoqi, Mackensen and others, the army still supports it.

But what about the parliamentary faction? Please, although the matter has passed, there is something called original sin. What the parliamentary faction did in the war made more than 80% of the German aristocratic officers feel dissatisfied. It is understandable to lose and cause troubles. Germany will win the battle. Isn't it a brain injury to make trouble? Then it broke Prussia in half at the end! Many Junkers who had a bad view of Bavaria now hate parliamentarians the most! After all, in their view, if old Prussia were not divided, how could Bavaria jump like this now? Isn't this all made by you Y?

If only this is the case, it is for the time being. However, on the issue of the placement of the army, quite serious differences broke out between the parliamentary faction and the army. Bert, Hasai and others who are also centrists, strongly urged to use this opportunity to cleanse the old Junker noble forces in the army! However, put on his own person. On the contrary, only Buhler, who had been in the army and was considered an intermediate officer, strongly opposed it, because he was too aware of the Junker nobles' obsession and control over the army!

Because the Junker nobles valued land, the Kaiser had to be careful when handling the newly allocated land. Well, in the army that is also regarded by the Junker nobles as their own place, the parliamentary faction wants to clean up the Junker nobles, how can the Junker officers not fight back? And to be honest, as a high-level military officer, Juncker's military quality is still excellent. This is not only reflected in the war against the Allies, but also in the civil war... And after playing for more than two years, most of the Junker nobles did nothing but hard work. If you just kick people out like this, it's impossible to justify this principle or legal principle!

Although the Junker nobles will not directly use force to go to Qingjun's side or something, they will still ask for trouble to petition people! Coupled with the fact that the parliamentary faction is also cleaning up the nobles in the local government, then things will develop in a chaotic direction.... With regard to the placement of military and government personnel, the contradiction between the Junker nobles and the parliamentary faction has intensified, and there is only one fuse... And this problem can be solved by Ruprecht! And it can point out the direction for those Junker nobles who are worrying...

Therefore, it is the best choice to take the army placement problem. As the millions of officers and soldiers who participated in the First World War, they are definitely the most sacrificed and dedicated people among the German people of this era. It can be said that they are the backbone of the nation. It is just to arrange them well. What the government should do.

Secondly, compared with Bavaria and Kaiser Prussia, the parliamentary faction is the worst. If you catch the typical at this time, it will naturally take you! The Kaiser Prussia would not react too drastically, after all, the Kaiser was more experienced in handling this matter. Moreover, the administrative system from top to bottom is fairly complete. To some extent, when Ruprecht chooses to use this as an entry point, it is tantamount to suggesting to the Kaiser that this time Bavaria will not target you!

As for whether the Kaiser will use this opportunity to engage in parliamentary faction once? This is not what Ruprecht has to consider now, but considering their previous grievances it is entirely possible. Anyway, the crown prince does not believe how close the alliance between the Kaiser and the parliament is...

Now that the target is selected and the entry point is selected, the following thing is implemented. Although this thing is not like stuffing an elephant into a refrigerator, first open the door, stuff the elephant in, and then It's as simple as closing the door at the end, but it's not particularly complicated for people of Ruprecht's level. The reason is also related to the German national conditions in this era.

Although the party system in Germany is very underdeveloped. However, the Germans still like various associations in essence. For example, the Navy Association led by Tirpitz. Another example is the history of the World War I Veterans Association formed by retired German soldiers after the war, and the so-called development associations that sprung up after the victory on the Eastern Front in history. The scale of these associations is even larger than that of political parties! As for the energy of these associations? Looking at the state of the German Second Reich's violent navy, you can know the power of the Navy Association. After the First World War, the Veterans Association of the First World War led by von Seckert has become one of the important influences in German politics.

And in this era, the German military after the victory has also established a similar organization, and this organization currently has a very realistic goal, which is the cleaning of the military system and the placement of personnel by the German parliament. This is a matter of going up to General Kruger, commander of the group army, and going down to ordinary officers and soldiers. Military officers want to rise to the top of society. The soldiers want livelihood security.

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