The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2340: Qunhao Si

"We are all businessmen, and we all know the truth. If only one side of a transaction makes a profit, then the transaction cannot go on. Because no one will make a transaction anymore, this is the same for this war. The line has achieved results far beyond what he has paid. Isn’t it normal to pay for the difference of these results in the compensation on the Western Front? We all know that the empire’s share of Austria-Hungary is a mere 5%, using 2 More than 100 million pounds directly purchased land much larger than the entire old Prussia, this business is really profitable!" Arnold said with a smile.

"But we give Bavaria up to 15%! Whether you admit it or not, Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are one family, and they receive a total of 20% of the war indemnities. Isn't that enough?" Gustav said.

"Bavaria should have received 15% of the war indemnities on the Western Front! The reason is simple. In terms of military strength and equipment investment, not to mention Bavaria’s investment on the Eastern Front, purely from the Western Front, the Balkans and Asia Minor. The combat effectiveness of the Bavarian Army is more than 15% of the entire German army! Pay should be proportional to return. You should understand this?"

"Whether it is Prussian or Bavaria, or Austria-Hungary, or even the enemies of the empire, they all praise the talent of Prince Ruprecht. Isn't that wrong? So good, whether it is based on past experience Still looking to the future, shouldn't we listen to Prince Ruprecht's opinion on this incident? This request is not excessive, right?" Arnold said.

"This is true. Whether it is in the Imperial Assembly or in the Federal Assembly, even if it is a member or the smallest state, the empire has no reason to prohibit it from speaking. What's more, the most powerful state within the empire and his Heir." Dr. Felix said.

"So, Arnold, state your purpose, the crown prince must have asked you to do something, right?" Gustav said.

"Yes, in the next week, Ruprecht will invite you and senior officials of the imperial government and parliament to a meeting. In this meeting, His Royal Highness will express his views. You can refute after listening, yes Protest, you can also use actual actions to express your opposition. But before that, we should not give up the last chance for reconciliation." Arnold said.

"Can I refuse?" Gustav said.

"It is completely voluntary, but as a person who wants to enter the game, I feel that you should listen to the opinions of the other person, even if you know the basics of the future enemy." Arnold said.

"Gustav, even though Bavaria and us are competitors, we also have a cooperative relationship. From a fair point of view, the weapons designed and produced by Bavaria are indeed better than us. Moderate competition is for us. Advantageously, we like competition because it makes us stronger. Competitors are not necessarily enemies, but may also be friends. Of course, we understand the special relationship between Your Majesty and the Emperor, and the resulting preferences, but since The emperor’s representatives will participate, so your Excellency should participate even if it is courtesy.” Heinrich said.

Heinrich's words can be regarded as a round for Gustav. After all, this meeting was considered semi-public. Gustav and representatives of the Kaiser will naturally not cause random speculation by others. As the most powerful people in the entire empire, Ruprecht and the Kingdom of Bavaria must be given face. What's more, everyone is going to discuss and solve problems. Whether it is the Kaiser, Bavaria or parliamentarians, they don't want to make things too much. Ruprecht has already listened to the opinions of the Kaiser and the parliamentarians once, so in turn, as a counterpart, the Kaiser and the parliamentarians should also listen to Ruprecht's opinions.

"Heinrich, your attitude today disappointed me." After a while, Gustav, who was no longer in the mood to talk about it, was ready to see off the guests. Dr. Felix left very simply, and Arnold Siemens followed. Leaving, and when Heinrich was about to leave, Gustav stopped the latter.

"I have always believed that you who support the parliamentary faction should hate the local power and the nobility the most, and Bavaria takes up both of these two items. Isn't there two original intentions for the parliamentary faction and its supporters? The first is that the central government controls Power, weakening the power of the state, the second is to abolish the monopoly of the Junker nobles within the empire on the top." Gustav said.

"I support them because I think they might make this country better. I think the two points they advocate can make the country stronger. But in fact, what they did in the process disappointed me too much." Hein Rich said.

"Disappointed?" Gustav asked.

"Yes, it's disappointment. Your guess is good. I do have unusually close ties with the parliamentarians, so I know a lot of things. I know their decision-making and psychological processes during the turmoil. They are even preparing to fight the rebellious Poland People make peace! And in the end it was a soldier, a former army colonel named Buhler. He resisted the pressure from his morality and duties. He is a hero. , And the others are clowns. This is absolutely unforgivable in my opinion."

"I thought they were a group of people who had the courage to pioneer. They had ideals and methods, but the result was that they only had power in their hearts and the methods were not good. Their thinking is still on how to govern a country of 500,000 square kilometers. Can’t adapt to a powerful empire of more than 1.5 million square kilometers.”

"As a leader, you can be cunning and treacherous, because in politics this term is synonymous with wisdom. But you must have persistence and a bottom line! You cannot be weak! No one wants to see his boss or agent is a softie! Understand me What do you mean? Gustav?" Heinrich said.

"Well, I'll pretend that you even scolded the Emperor." Gustav smiled bitterly. Gustav was very clear about the choice of the German emperor at that time. He complained a lot. Even when he agreed to the Poles to form a state, Gustav was very dissatisfied. He believes that in order to strengthen centralization, what we must do is not to pull a new state similar to Bavaria as a containment, but to directly strengthen ourselves and weaken opponents. Gustav knew about the Kaiser’s abilities and character problems, but unfortunately it was not convenient for him to speak directly. Or it's useless to say it.

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