The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2341: Change of attitude

"In fact, to a certain extent, we all share weal and woe with the empire. Even if we will use some abnormal methods in the bidding, even if we will compete with the government for every point in profit. But one sentence is true. , Our prosperity depends on the empire. Or, the existence similar to ours depends on a powerful country, you know? Recently I have been paying attention to the opposite side of the strait. I want to see the fate of those powerful military giants in Britain. X is not weaker than Krupp, Armstrong shipyard is no less than any ship production complex in the Empire. Royce-Rolls produces the world's number one aero engine!"

"They were once the enemies of the entire empire's industry, and the strongest competitors. But now? They are dying one by one! Death! Because their country has been defeated without a strong empire, these companies cannot survive. Imagine if we were defeated, I am afraid Krupp could only make rails in the future, while Rheinmetall could only produce pots and pans! I shudder at the thought of this!" Heinrich said.

"So now Heinrich is no longer a supporter of the parliamentary faction before. You are more inclined to Bavaria now? Just because you think he can make the empire stronger? Finally, let the South Germans dominate the empire. ?" Gustav said.

"We don’t have to distinguish between North German and South German people too much. In this day and age, I even think it’s not appropriate to mark people with religion, region, and state. We should break down this barrier, although from To a certain extent, we are also beneficiaries of this barrier, but this is not right for the country. Now, Bavaria and Austria-Hungary are preparing to break this barrier in accordance with the needs of history, but the emperor and the parliamentary faction are beginning to develop in a conservative direction. ."

"His Majesty Kaiser, I don’t want to comment more, just say that the parliamentarians are now in order to conform to the so-called public opinion, they are starting to re-arrange barriers in areas under their control, trade and finance are like this. Maybe in the future, we want to eat Bavarian white sausage Munich Beer is about to go to the south. This is a retrogression in history. This is the so-called populism. Those in power who cater to certain people too much have caused harm to the country. Barriers do not make the country rest easy, but make us weaker. Your Excellency In winter, the indoor temperature will not be too high. Isn't it also to prevent people from becoming too comfortable and becoming lazy?” Heinrich said.

"You think more than me, and you are more free than me. I and you, and Arnold Siemens are different. When I entered the Krupp family, I was deeply marked by the Kaiser. Imprint. He made my glory today and I have no choice." Gustav said with a sigh.

"You think too much, the situation is not as bad as you think, because you see Bavaria as an enemy, so you always feel that the other party also regards you as an enemy. But in reality, in business, between us and you and Bavaria There is no essential difference between them. We are a cooperative and competitive relationship. As for politics? It is the Kaiser that is equal to Ruprecht, not us. We, a businessman, don’t need to think too much about these things.” Heinli Xi comforted.

"I have a question now, what if Crown Prince Ruprecht's suggestion cannot be accepted by all parties? What is your attitude?" Gustav said.

"I can only say that from the performance of the crown prince in the past, this time, since the crown prince dared to fight the Kaiser and the parliament at the same time, he must have a hole card. I don't know what Bavaria is doing. But I can be clear. To tell you, the parliamentary faction is very weak. They are far from being as strong as they are. The parliamentary faction can only barely maintain the local administration, and for the urgent problems, such as the supply of materials, the restoration of social production, and the arrangement of veterans. The processing efficiency is very low. They rely on party politics to come to power, but they will also be driven off by the same means.” Heinrich said.

"What do you mean?" Gustav frowned and said.

"The reason is very simple. The parliamentary faction only controls the high level, and the local government is still in the hands of the Junker nobles. Their decree will naturally be resisted by the Junker noble bureaucrats. In the military, the parliament wants to establish its own The army, but they have acted too hastily. There are conflicts with the army in some personnel arrangements, coupled with the regional trade barriers that are now being established, the parliament dispatch has offended too many people."

"They are aware of some problems and are improving, such as signing some agreements with local governments, such as easing trade relations with other states, but overall, the state of parliamentarians should be the worst in the empire." Hai Inrich said meaningfully.

"The placement of military personnel is indeed a problem, and the conversion of factories and enterprises is also a Krupp is known as the king of arms, but it is clear that we will not be In the war again, Krupp also needs to face the problem of conversion. Maybe we really have to start with the production of steel rails." Gustav said depressed.

"I have said everything that should be said. In short, I hope you can clarify your position. To be honest, if Krupp's vitality is greatly injured by your personal mistakes in this storm, then I will also be very depressed. Yes, after all, only a competitor can make us realize our shortcomings.” Finally, when he left, Heinrich said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

The war is over, and the glorious military industry in the past will inevitably be reduced. After the scenery of the war period, whether it is Gustav or Heinrich, they must try their best to adapt their group to the new environment. Compared to Gustav, Heinrich's response was more proactive. He has begun to look for new business opportunities and markets.

However, after the end of the war, various influences are not only economic, but also political and social influences are gradually spreading. Don’t think that there will be no problems with the victors. In fact, there are many problems. Let alone the current problem of distribution of benefits. The high-ranking German high-ranking swordsman. The simplest and most realistic question-how to install the German Empire's army of more than 5 million is a problem that cannot be bypassed! (Including first-line and second-line military and logistics civilian personnel.) And this issue is not only an internal matter of each state, in some cases it will also become a political weapon! And now, the crown prince has made relevant preparations!

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