The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2339: Qunhaozo

"Well, let's not talk about the political differences for the time being, we only talk about the immediate things. At least on the current issue of the distribution of compensation, His Majesty the Kaiser and the parliament are the same. We should at least be an alliance rather than an enemy. "Gustav Krupp said.

Inadvertently, Gustav made another mistake, which was to make his political attitude toward the Kaiser too obvious and threatened to restore the old Prussia, which naturally caused Heinrich Lehalder. Dissatisfaction, the latter tends to be parliamentary. And there is some evidence that Rheinmetall has "abnormal contact" with the parliament in the process of domestic unrest.

Of course, all these problems were settled with the reconciliation between the Kaiser and the parliament. But if you want to say that everyone in the room is the least willing to go back to the old Prussian state, then it must be Heinrich, because going back to the past, it does not matter that the Bayer Group is neutral, and Siemens has not done anything excessive, and there are Bavaria offers asylum and it's fine. But for Rheinmetall, wait for it to be liquidated! The Kaiser was never a tolerant person, and the people of the Kaiser wanted to get a share of the fallen Rheinmetall!

So, there is no doubt that Gustav's misstatement touched Heinrich's sensitive nerves, and this made the head of Rheinmetall's perception of Gustav quickly deteriorate.

"Everyone, the first thing we have to do now is to recognize reality. It doesn't make sense to entangle the past and what has not happened. Mr. Gustav believes that His Majesty the Kaiser’s proposal is correct. He and the parliament represent the majority of the empire. Opinion, so we should support it. But Mr. Heinrich is not very concerned about this, or does not want to blend in. The Bayer Group is even more neutral. That’s good, now everyone has expressed their views, so as this time Participants, should I say something about my own attitude?" Arnold Siemens said.

"Please," Heinrich said respectfully.

"You all know that the Siemens Group and Bavaria have a very close relationship. Some of you think I am a traitor to Prussia. Bavaria's economic spokesperson in Prussia." Arnold smiled bitterly when he said this. "I don't want to argue. After all, I did make a lot of money from Bavaria. We have technical and administrative exchanges between us. These are all true. Now, let us temporarily abandon our business identities. , Let us discuss a question as a citizen of the German Empire. That is, Bavaria has risen from 1890 to the present, is there any place I am sorry about the empire?"

"This..." In an instant, Gustav came up with a lot of evidence of Bavarian "treason" in his mind, but on the one hand these things were unsubstantiated, and on the other hand, it was really impossible to say. For example, during the German civil strife, Bavaria was watching the split of Prussia. When Gustav saw it, Bavaria must have promoted the matter behind the scenes, but unfortunately you have no evidence, even if you simply speak from a rational analysis. , It is also impossible.

The reason is very simple. During the empire's civil strife, the Bavarian Army was deployed as a whole. The powerful Bavarian Army was scattered in Ukraine, the Balkans and Asia Minor. Even military production is struggling to maintain the military's battles. During this period of time, the Krupp Group has won a large number of orders from the German military. One of the fundamental reasons is that the Bavarian military industry is overloaded to support the frontline combat. Afterwards, it was the Austro-Hungarian civil strife. Bavaria invested the remaining power in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. According to the information collected by Gustav later, the parliamentary faction also determined that Bavaria was unable to handle domestic affairs before launching the rebellion. Therefore, these words may be believed by the iron fans of the Kaiser, but most people do not believe... And considering the contradiction between Heinrich and Heinrich on the issue of the Kaiser, it is obviously not suitable to mention it at this time.

"With all due respect, Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are too close. The connection between him and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has surpassed the level of being a state. This matter can even be crowned Bohemia from Princess Mary— The Grand Duke of Moravia begins! Bavaria has shown inappropriate ambitions. Now, under a series of coincidences or arrangements, Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire can be regarded as one country. This is obviously very wrong." Gustav said.

"Well, the first question. Isn’t it possible for Your Majesty Fritz to give his daughter the status of a powerful female grandfather? This is the internal affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire? Is it a violation of mutual treaties or a violation of the German Empire? The law? Of course, the latter seems to be out of control." Arnold asked.

"Second, from the perspective of the war situation, the Bavarian-trained Bohemian Army has a very high combat effectiveness! It is not worse than the Germans on the Western From the starting point of the German and Austrian emperors. From a point of view, this is something that is beneficial to both countries. After all, it saved us a lot of troops. It also allowed us to end the war in a little over 2 years. Marshal Little Mochi once said that if there is no improvement After the Bohemian Legion, it took at least 4 years for the German Empire to win the war. This is credit, isn't it?"

"As for the fact that Princess Mary became Queen Mary in the end, I can only say that it was an accident. After all, Crown Prince Ferdinand died accidentally. The other prince’s manifestation was too bad. The fact turned out to be like this. At least Ruprecht is not wrong in subjective terms. We can only say something good for someone, don’t you? Mr. Gustav? And to be honest, I don’t think this is something that is difficult to understand in Europe. Isn’t it common for a family to control multiple countries at the same time? For example, the Habsburgs in the past, for example, the Windsor family that once ran the kingdom of England and Hanover.” Arnold said.

"If laws and treaties are used as the criterion, I can only say that Bavaria has not done anything sorry for the empire. On the contrary, because of the strength of Bavaria, it has allowed him to assume more national responsibilities, which allows us to quickly reduce The price of the empire has been so generously rewarded. On the Eastern Front, every new empire province has the blood of the Bavarian Legion or the Bohemian Legion. You don’t deny that?"

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