The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2338: Kunhaoji

"Mr. Heinrich, if I remember correctly, you have more government bonds than Krupp's. You don't want him to depreciate or postpone the exchange of bonds? And the previous government? The land promised to you has already arrived, right? So the new plant construction should also be on the agenda, right? You don't want these land to be left there?" Five minutes later, Krupp couldn't help but said to him. Heinrich Lehard said.

Looking for these people, Gustav still spent some thought. Bayer Chemicals is a leading company in the German chemical industry, and this is absolutely inevitable. Although Siemens has a close relationship with Bavaria, at the same time, it has a close relationship with Krupp and Rheinmetall. Besides, the electrical equipment on the battleships built by Krupp's shipyard comes from Siemens. Therefore, although Siemens is politically inclined to Bavaria, it is unlikely to sell Gustav just because of this meeting. And Siemens is in the territory of Old Prussia after all, so why should we give the Kaiser a face?

As for, Rheinmetall? There is a reason for inviting him, because Rheinmetall's main business is steel, military and machinery like Krupp. In this regard, they have a fiercely competitive relationship with South Germany. Gustav estimated the situation of the meeting before the meeting. Bayer Chemicals may be neutral, and Siemens may have objections, but it will not be fierce. As for Rheinmetall, that is Krupp's natural ally! Well, although there is competition between them, at least there should be a common language for dealing with Bavaria, right?

That's great. According to Gustaf, if Rheinmetall shows support for Krupp at this time, then Siemens must also consider its own attitude, right? But the question is now, why is Rheinmetall so late to speak up? You must know that before Rheinmetall produced a MG12 machine gun, it had to pay the Bavarian side a royalties of 120 marks! This TM is not scientific!

"These things are indeed very important, but they belong to long-term planning. Recently, there are other things that are very important. I am busy dealing with them, so I am a little slow with other information from the outside world. Well, it is slow. And my principle is in the unknown. At that time, it would be better to do something within our power. After all, we are businessmen, not politicians, don't you think? Mr. Gustav?" Heinrich said embarrassingly.

"What's more important?" Gustav showed dissatisfaction on his face. He felt that Heinrich was fooling him, but is it necessary to fool him? If you don't want it, don't want it. What can Gustav do to Heinrich? As to say so? Gustav did not understand.

"Yes, a very important thing." Arnold Siemens, who had not spoken, said. "Just a few days ago, we attended a banquet hosted by the ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the banquet, the ambassador mentioned the opening of the market to the empire and several important industrial projects. They need a lot of steel, machinery, and chemical raw materials. Some products that cannot even be sold in the imperial market or are over-produced can be easily sold in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. I think seizing business opportunities is what a businessman should do. Mr. Heinrich and I are similar. View."

"Hold the grass! Is this a shot?" Gustav felt depressed in his heart. In fact, as Germany's top businessman, he knew the recent actions of the Austro-Hungarian ambassador. There are also various rumors in the society, but Gustav is not very concerned. First of all, from a business perspective, Krupp is mainly military shipbuilding, and it does not match the content of the Austro-Hungarian Empire recently. Secondly, he realized that this was an attempt by the Austro-Hungarian Empire to ease the tension between the two sides due to the distribution of compensation. At least Gustav thought so.

"Then do you think the business opportunities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire are really important? Don’t forget that it was previously reserved for Southern Germany. The industrial products of Bavaria and Württemberg, and the textile products of Saxony are popular there. And it is difficult for us to get in. "After adjusting his emotions, Gustav said.

"But the situation is different now. The area of ​​the Austro-Hungarian Empire has almost doubled. Apart from anything else, even the most basic steel rails are not enough. The area of ​​the Kingdom of Bavaria has also expanded several times. In this case, whether it is Bavaria or Austria, they do not have enough power to control the entire market, and this is an opportunity for us. At least I think the competition in the development of the Austria-Hungary Empire will always be smaller than that in the German Empire. Right." Now that Arnold Siemens has already said something, Heinrich did not hide it, but directly explained his thoughts. "This is an opportunity. Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire opened up new markets to us. This is an inevitable for them, and it is also a rare opportunity for us."

"So this time you choose to stay out of the matter or stand on the side of Bavaria and Austria? Just because they can make you more money?" Gustav raised his voice involuntarily and said But the confrontation continued. Is it really in our interest? From an empire’s point of view, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is an indispensable ally, and from an economic point of view, breaking down trade barriers will be beneficial to everyone. For us, our goal is not to earn More profit? "Arnold said.

"This is a conspiracy, they are dividing us, you know? I especially miss the old Prussia before the war. At that time, the German Empire had a powerful core power! The imperial government and parliament were strong enough that he could easily Decisions such as the division of indemnities, but now, each of our resolutions has to go through a long period of bargaining. Only a few days have passed? The empire has gradually fallen apart! Everyone has their own minds, but they have not thought about the German Empire. !" Gustav said bitterly.

"Gustav, what do you mean? Let the German Empire go back in time? IMHO, the Kaiser has limited abilities and limited prestige. I can understand your thoughts as a supporter of the Kaiser, but I can tell you clearly Your Excellency, most people in the country think that your Majesty is not suitable for ruling a world power. Otherwise, there will be no turmoil during the war." Heinrich said without shy.

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