The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2335: Visitors from Vienna One

"His Royal Highness, Your Excellency Esterhazy Harris is here." Two days later, while Ruprecht was working in his study, an attendant reported to the Crown Prince.

"Very good, let him wait a while." The crown prince put down the pen in his hand, and after a moment of contemplation, he was guided by the attendant to the living room. To meet the former aristocrat of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the current Hungarian Speaker of Parliament, Prince Esterhazy Harris.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is naturally concerned about the distribution of war reparations. But sometimes you can't be too impatient. If the Austro-Hungarian ambassador to Berlin or a member of the Vienna court comes to the Crown Prince's residence at this time, it will naturally arouse the attention of many people. But if it is a Hungarian who is not well-known, the attention will be much less.

After all, the Esterhazy family has a huge influence in Hungary, a certain influence in Austria, and an influence in Bavaria, but when it comes to the old Prussia, the family has no power, and although Harris is Ace Heir to the Tehazi family, but too young after all. This can minimize adverse effects.

Of course, the performance of the Esterhazy family and the people of Harrison can afford this important task. After all, the Esterhazy family has cooperated with Bavaria and Vienna for nearly 20 years, and Harris During the turmoil in Hungary, he also proved his ability and courage. He successfully instigated the old prime minister and some bourgeois moderates. Hungary has the current stability and he has a credit.

"Well, let's talk about the current situation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and your purpose this time." After a brief courtesy, Ruprecht said straightforwardly. Although in the letters of the husband and wife, Princess Mary often mentions the internal affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but she is not the emperor after all, and the information obtained will be somewhat biased. This time, Harris came here as a representative of the Austrian Emperor. The crown prince naturally needs to know the attitude of the Austrian emperor and what he sees as the situation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"His Royal Highness, in general, the overall situation within the Austro-Hungarian Empire is only stable. Austria is the most stable and economically developed region. With the support of Vienna and Munich, the original Hungarian region has gradually recovered. Hungarians who are stable and have regained a stable life are rebuilding their homes. Then to the east is the newly occupied Ukraine area. The situation here is very complicated. The situation near the mainland has begun to gradually restore order, but most areas are still Under military control. The food problem is not big, but it is very difficult to recover and develop. We almost lack all the materials, and the rule of such a huge newly added territory is very stressful for the current imperial finances. So, this Once, the British indemnity meant extraordinary significance to the empire."

Morris briefly introduced the situation, summarizing that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is gradually deteriorating from west to east. And the empire is very short of money, lacking a start-up capital! Therefore, the Austrian Emperor specially sent Harris to ask for money.

"So, does His Majesty the Austrian Emperor know the current situation of the distribution of compensation in Germany?" Ruprecht asked.

"It's not very clear, the news is very messy now, and you didn't mention it in your letter to the crown prince." Harris said.

"I didn't mention it. I am not going to mention it for some time in the future. Because this matter will take a long time to operate, I don't know how much Austria-Hungary can get, so I don't want to give it to Austria. His Majesty’s erroneous estimate. I can only say that even in the best case, the British’s compensation can only be used to rescue the emergency, and cannot fundamentally make the Austro-Hungarian empire become stronger.” Rupley Hit said.

This is a tough battle. In terms of the degree of difficulty, Ruprecht believes that this "war" is even more difficult than destroying the British fleet in the final battle. Although he was prepared, he was not sure how effective it would be. After all, this is a group of hungry people who suddenly saw a roasted whole lamb. Everyone will try their best to eat as much lamb as possible! Moreover, these people are not enemies. They are all in the same system, and their relationships are very complicated, and they cannot be handled simply.

Therefore, the crown prince thinks that the promise made at this time is meaningless. After all, if you paint too much for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when hope is broken, the aftershocks will be greater! There are a lot of things that are not really bad. The reason why they are bad in the end is because of human psychology. It's like, now, even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire can't get a penny, can't the Austro-Hungarian Empire develop? Obviously not! For a big country, it depends on itself whether it is okay or not. This is fundamental.

"Germany is very tight on the issue of distribution, and now, the Kaiser and the parliament are an ostensible alliance. They have put forward very demanding and have a firm attitude. But they did not I have not done anything, and have not launched a full-scale attack. It may be worried that such an attack will kill a thousand enemies and lose 800. And I still need to do some preparations and delay time." Ruprech Special said.

"Then do you need some help from your Majesty now?" Harris asked.

"Of course." Ruprech nodded and said: "First of all, I hope that the Austrian emperor will continue to maintain a friendly and close relationship with the German Empire as the distribution of indemnities does not exist. And this relationship must be top-down. Roll out, our ambassadors and diplomats in Berlin should not only have a good relationship with nobles, officials and parliamentarians, but more importantly, with capitalists, newspapers and some famous intellectuals."

"Are you talking about banquets or salons? This is very convenient to organize." Morris thought for a while and said.

"No, these are only superficial. The deep level is that we want to build momentum! We must clearly tell all the factory owners, bankers and skilled professionals in the German Empire that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is about to launch a large-scale development! We welcome All capable people will share with us the feast of the Eastern Front! We need machinery, capital, and professional talents! Everyone, as long as they are willing to invest, we can give generous returns! The vast expanses of Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasus Territory and rich resources are our footnotes! Do you know what I mean?" Ruprecht said.

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