The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2336: Visitors from Vienna II

"Uh, do you mean that the post-war reconstruction and bidding plan has been advanced? It is possible in Poland and eastern Ukraine, but the situation is still unstable in further places." Morris thought for a while and said. The so-called unsuccessful one is not enough. Ruprecht, who is full of farming skills, naturally planned a development path for the post-war Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the unavoidable problem in this road is to attract investment and purchase a large amount of industrial products! Because the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not a powerful industrial country, the current strength to digest and build such a vast area is really too strenuous.

The territory of the newly-added area is too much in need of the products of industrial civilization, let alone the railway! In Ukraine, the railway density per unit area is only one tenth or even tenth of that of Germany and Austria! This is an unchanging truth if you want to build roads before getting rich! Ukraine is rich. For sure, both the coal mines in Donbass and the rich agricultural products of Ukraine are the foundation of an empire. However, it is a pity that these things are inconvenient to ship out! So the road must be built first!

War indemnities only gave the Austria-Hungary Empire start-up funds, which will be used to purchase equipment, build infrastructure, and so on. The industrial level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not enough, so good. What about the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which holds a lot of money? Naturally go buy it! You can buy not only from Germany and the United States, but also from French people! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough money. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has land, a lot of land! And a lot of engineering! These things can be exchanged for money! Later generations of TG people know that infrastructure and land are the most profitable... And now, the crown prince is just telling the matter and then doing something in advance!

"Forget it! We must assume a cooperative attitude, and create a prediction in German public opinion that the future economic development of Germany and Austria is about to reach a new peak. This time, our main target is the old Prussia area and the United States and France. Even the United Kingdom! In the relevant salons or gatherings, tell everyone that this time we only talk about business and anyone can come! Even ordinary people can buy bonds of the Austro-Hungarian government, and everyone with money can join us Earn," Ruprecht said.

"If you do this, will Bavaria and the princes of Southern Germany have an opinion?" Harris said with a frown. Harris naturally understands this set, because no one and money can't make it. In fact, it is precisely this that Bavaria can finally bind Austria-Hungary and the states of Southern Germany. For example, the air-cooled engine used by the Bavarian Air Force is BM. The liquid-cooled engine is Daimler-Benz. The base camp of the latter is in Stuttgart, the capital of the Kingdom of Württemberg. And if this time the Austro-Hungarian Empire bids heavily in the Old Prussia area, I am afraid that the crown prince’s previous basic cards will be very dissatisfied, right?

"No, Bavaria has also acquired a vast territory, enough for our previous friends to eat for 20 years. The Kingdom of Wurttemberg, the Kingdom of Saxony and even the Grand Duchy of Baden are closer to us, and they are within a country, so there will be less trouble. There are many, there are no so-called tariffs and other issues. They are definitely more willing to make money nearby and just do as I say." Ruprecht said without mind. No way, after this war, Germany and Austria really made too much in terms of territory and resources! If you count the colonies, it can already be described as splurge.

"This is a gesture of reconciliation? But will this reconciliation make the other party feel our weakness?" Harris said with some worry: "In addition, I think it will have an adverse effect on the industry within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, even if we There is enough market and demand, but the fierce foreign competition in Mandarin is still not good."

"Orders and markets can be used not only for materials, but also for technology, management, and talents. Appropriate competition can promote the establishment of a national industrial system. Although I despise some factory owners in the old Prussian region, I must not Don't admit it, even though they have various problems, they are still doing much better than the Hungarians! Sometimes we have to put a fierce catfish in the fish pond." The crown prince said.

"Then what then?" Morris asked.

"Then? It's up to me. This time, the distribution of compensation is not something that can be achieved in a short time. The total number is fixed. If you have more, others will be less. We have to take it slowly. Environment. Not only is the environment of public opinion, but more important is to win over potential allies. We remember that the so-called leader is actually the spokesperson of many people. Their rights come from the supporter, and if the supporter no longer supports him If this is the case, then the so-called leader has only two choices, one is to go down the field, and the other is to compromise." Ruprecht said.

"I understand what you mean. Do you consider this as a basic attack on the parliamentarians? Share the benefits with some German capitalists to obtain the start-up funds that are vital to the development of the empire?" said Morris~www.novelhall. com~Not only the parliament, but also those kings and princes. It is common for the high-ranking nobles of the German Empire to engage in industrial and financial investment. In addition, the German Empire is actually a federation, so each state will consider its own interests , Prussia is like this, so is Baden. "

"Actually, I don’t take war indemnities as important as the German emperor or parliamentary faction. Their idea is more to stay in war, get indemnity, and then lie on the pile of gold coins for a lifetime. This is not Realistic. The purpose of the war is to obtain a broader space for development and opportunities for development. Indemnities are important, but future strategic planning and the establishment of a development structure are even more important. We have a very good opportunity to end the European continent. Hundreds of years of turmoil and strife, the opportunity to build a thousand-year empire!" Ruprecht said.

"As the first step in this grand plan, we must continue to unite the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire closely, and carry out deep-level adjustments in the alliance. We must break down some barriers and allow resources and manpower to flow better. , To reduce internal friction between countries. To lay a solid foundation for the future World War I that will determine the fate of Europe. Therefore, we must reduce mutual hostility so that most people realize that cooperation is the best result." Rupp Recht said.

"I believe that in the future, I will have the honor to see this day." Morris said respectfully.

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