The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2334: storm

"I just follow my own ideas. I will not help anyone to suppress other people. You should know who I am." Mackensen said.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the war is over. As a soldier, the biggest reliance is gone. I just suggest that you stay away from the storm zone as far as possible before the storm is over. If, in this storm, the lord will not deliberately control Then I can tell you clearly that the losing party will be very miserable! Because this not only represents the failure of the first round of wrestling after the end of the war, but more importantly, he let the compensation of up to tens of billions of marks from It slips away. Ten billion marks! This money is enough for some people to take risks to overthrow the king and the emperor!"

"The Kaiser cannot bear the outcome of the defeat of this war, because his authority has been lost a lot in the civil turmoil in the war, and another defeat will cause a fatal blow to the core supporters of the Kaiser. Nor will the parliamentarians, they The fundamental reason why we can stand until now lies in the financiers, factory owners and some intellectuals. They value money and interests most."

"Prince Ruprecht cannot fail either. His identity and position are embarrassing. He is the future king of Bavaria and the regent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His eldest son will become the Austro-Hungarian Emperor in the future, and his second son Will be the future successor of Bavaria, so good, is he a German or an Austrian?" Duke Albrecht asked rhetorically.

"This..." Mackenson was a little bit troubled because he didn't know how to answer the Duke. Shall Mackensen have a positive view of Crown Prince Ruprecht? Definitely not, a person cannot be perfect in anyone's eyes. In fact, Mackensen was very dissatisfied with the inaction of the Bavarian kingdom in the early days of the German civil strife. He sometimes conspired that Bavaria was also one of the driving forces behind the split of Old Prussia, because honestly, Bavaria is indeed one of the biggest beneficiaries.

Of course, such inferences and speculations are not too negative in Mackensen’s mind. Otherwise, how should the Kaiser, who made frequent mistakes during the civil strife, and the parliamentary faction who jumped into civil strife deal with? Although Mackenson is sometimes upright, he is not upright. As the Duke said just now, it's impossible to make do with it.

The same is true, although Mackensen will not stand up to the Kaiser and the parliament. But at the same time, he also had doubts about the decision of Prince Ruprecht, and one of the very important reasons was that the status of the crown prince was a bit embarrassing. This status and achievement made him, but also restricted him! To be the king, he must bear the weight of the crown, which is justified.

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire is even more chaotic than we are. This time, Crown Prince Ruprecht is in charge of the negotiations with Britain, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has not sent a representative. Do you know what this means?" the Duke asked Tao.

"So, in the eyes of the Austrians, the crown prince himself is also the representative of the Austrians?" Mackensen said in surprise.

"Yes, Austria is also extremely jealous of this feast. If the crown prince fails, then he will not only face a major decline in the prestige and authority within the German Empire, but will also undermine his prestige within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. , And then directly affect the future Queen Mary. This is a chain reaction, and under the current circumstances of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is very easy to go wrong." The Duke whispered.

"It seems that this thing is difficult to end well." Mackenson sighed.

"As a Grand Duke of Württemberg, I will choose to stay out of the matter, but as a German, we must learn to control the situation. If you don’t want to escape, then we must at least handle things within our scope and we will control Public opinion, and your Excellency Marshal, you are still in charge of the affairs of the Eastern Military District of the German Empire. Then you must also pay attention to the movements of officers and soldiers and the control of unstable factors in the occupied areas. Do you understand what I mean?" Said Duke Hitt.

The meaning of    the Duke is very clear, what will happen to this big storm, who will win in the end, who will die, this kind of thing cannot be managed by the kingdom of Württemberg and Mackensen, this matter is too big. It is beyond the scope of their ability, but they can minimize the damage caused by this storm. They should try to stabilize the domestic situation. At least within the scope of their own jurisdiction.

"Okay, this is fine." Mackenson nodded and said. After a while, Marshal Mackensen left Duke Albrecht's car.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the situation is not as good as we thought. It would not be good for us if the showdown is rash at this time." After sending off Duke Albrecht and Marshal Mackensen away, Little Mochi treated Germany like this. Said the emperor. Little Mochi generally seldom expresses opinions on political issues, but it is clear that this time Marshal Mackenson’s performance made Little Moqi feel very upset, and can even be described as fear. He could feel the rapid decline of the Kaiser's appeal to the Junker nobles. He knew what was the root cause, but he couldn't change it, because it was the Kaiser's ability that caused all this, and William II himself could not manage the current complicated domestic situation. After adding the Grand Duke of Baden, it is also a bit weak. In this case, choosing a showdown with the opponent is obviously not a good choice.

"Then what shall we do now?" William II was also a little bit confused about the current situation. "We have already made a proposal to Ruprecht. There are some things that we can't stop if we want."

"Maybe the situation is not so bad. We are worried about the failure of the showdown. The Bavarian side is also worried that the pressure on Crown Prince Ruprecht is no less than ours. We can look at the situation first. If Ruprecht really wants to launch a counterattack, Then it will definitely ventilate with the Austro-Hungarian Empire," said Grand Duke Baden, who calmed down.

"Let's do this first, don't relax your vigilance on the parliamentary side, I have always distrusted them." William II thought for a while and said. Obviously, there is something in William II's words. On the surface, it means that he can't trust the other party, but the deeper meaning is, to switch to other goals when unnecessary?

"Okay, I will pay attention." Grand Duke Baden nodded and said.

"In addition, the public opinion offensive we prepared before should not be launched. Even though there are contradictions within the German Empire, we cannot let outsiders read jokes." The German Emperor thought for a while and said.

"Where is the parliamentarian?" Grand Duke Baden asked.

"Send them a notice to show our attitude and let them consider carefully. The game has just begun, and we can't make the contradiction directly public." The Kaiser thought for a while and said.

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