The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2333: Banquet 3 in Sanssouci Palace

"If Bavaria proposed this distribution plan to Austria-Hungary, it would be reasonable. After all, Bavaria had always supported the military construction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before the war and saved the Austro-Hungarian Army many times in the war. However, if this One point is proposed by the imperial government and Bavaria opposes it, then the imperial proposal of such a distribution plan is obviously unreasonable, because except for Bavaria, the gains of all our states on the eastern front are closely related to the contributions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire." , Duke Albrecht, who had not spoken, finally spoke. Obviously, his attitude was quite close to that of Mackensen.

"However, whether it is Bavaria or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they have also obtained supplies on the Eastern Front. The Eastern Front is not without gains. For these spoils, the Empire has never pursued them. The Bavarian Army and the Austro-Hungarian Army took down Kiev and Donetsk. The wealth of the big Russian cities such as Minsk and Minsk were eventually taken over by them. They had chosen the easy-to-handle direction to attack. Ruprecht was very clever. If he compares this war to a feast, he Choosing the most delicious part, and let's chew on the bones." Grand Duke Baden's words have gone too far.

"Your Excellency, what you said was too much. You forgot. More than 700,000 Prussian officers and soldiers have also fought on the Eastern Front. We trudged and battled in waist-deep snow in an environment of minus 20 degrees below zero. In the harsh weather, even steel has lost its toughness. I have seen frostbitten officers and soldiers in a field hospital. I feel that you are an insult to the entire Prussian Eastern Front Army!" Mackensen’s angry voice echoed during the banquet.

"Your Excellency, I can pretend that you didn't hear what you said just now. But as a Western Front Commander, I agree with your views. Whether on the Eastern Front or the Western Front, any German fighter is worthy of respect. ." Grand Duke Albrecht was also a little dissatisfied.

"Well, I believe that what the Grand Duke Baden said just now was a slip of the tongue. He certainly did not intend to be disrespectful to the Marshal and your officers and soldiers. The Grand Duke is only concerned about the current situation in Germany. Although the empire has won this war, but The loss is huge. What’s more terrifying is that the central authority of the empire is not there. Can you imagine a situation where a decision requires a three-party decision? Everyone has their own ideas. We have reached an agreement with some people, but because of others’ Opposing and failing to pass, there has never been an agreement in this world that satisfies all parties. You should understand this truth." The Kaiser finally spoke up.

"Your Excellency should have communicated with Crown Prince Ruprecht?" Duke Albrecht asked.

"Yes, His Royal Highness does not agree with our proposal. We agree with the parliamentarians on this proposal, and His Royal Highness is ready to use the veto power." Baden said after regaining his mood. "We don't want to make things so rigid. Once we oppose it for the sake of opposition, then the political ecology of this country will be very bad."

"Then His Royal Highness Ruprecht proposed his distribution proposal?" Duke Albrecht asked: "After all, he and his country played a pillar role in this war, and he himself is in charge of negotiations. It is also an important bridge to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He should have his own opinion, right?"

"Um....... At that time, for some reason, he did not explain." Grand Duke Baden realized his procedural error, even though Ruprecht’s suggestion was not optimistic in his heart, but no matter what, As one of the Big Three, Bavaria should at least have the right to express his opinions. Even if they disagree, they should ask and listen, even if the Kaiser and the parliament are standing together!

"This was a mistake. So, can we make a decision after listening to Bavaria?" Duke Albrecht said.

"We will make up for the lack of this step." After a while, Grand Duke Baden said.

"The division of compensation of up to tens of billions of marks is not done overnight. Each state needs to consider it by itself. Therefore, I think we should be more tolerant and consider this issue in a cooperative manner. I am here today only because of His Majesty the Kaiser. Invite to come to a banquet, not a negotiation. Of course, I will pass on your Majesty’s intention to the King of Württemberg." Grand Duke Albrecht decided to settle the matter to the end, not to express his position, not to express his opinions, but to convey, Then eat and go home! that is it.

"Marshal Mackensen, let us forget the unhappiness just now, can we?" Little Mochi said to Mackensen.

"Okay, Your Excellency Little Mochi, this matter has passed. The words just now won't reach the sixth person except the five of us." Mackensen glanced at Grand Duke Baden and pressed his heart. Dissatisfaction, then said to Xiao Maoqi.

When the banquet ended, Duke Albrecht and Mackensen did not separate after leaving the palace. On the side of the road, in Duke Albrecht's car, Mackensen had a brief conversation with the Duke.

"I thought that war is the greatest enemy we face, but now, I didn't expect that after the war, in the face of interests, the rift within the empire would be so serious." Mackensen said a little angrily.

"This is just the beginning. There are now three power cores within the empire. After receiving nearly a million square kilometers of land, we have also received more than 30 million people. This is a big problem in the Duke Brecht nodded and said.

"Then what should we do now? I think the confrontation cannot continue." Although Mackenson does not like to interfere in government affairs, his knowledge of the crown prince after long-term cooperation with Ruprecht convinced him that the crown prince is absolute Will not let it go. In the face of this joint pressure from the German and parliamentary factions, the crown prince will certainly fight back! And what will be the result of this counterattack? No one knows.

"The best result is that everyone takes a step back, and then comes up with a plan that is acceptable in all aspects, and pulls it over." Duke Albrecht said helplessly.

"It surprised me that you said such irresponsible things." Mackenson said.

"I'm just a Duke, and I can't even make the kingdom of Württemberg. Acting rashly when the situation is unknown will only lead to worse consequences, Marshal Mackensen, your body type, before the second round of the three parties, Don’t try to maintain a close relationship with either party. As an old Prussian, you will be hated on the side of Bavaria, and if you are on the side of Old Prussia, it’s easy for the Bavarian side to deal with you. So, this time , Your best choice is to find an opportunity to walk around the United States, or go back to the country to recover from the illness.” Duke Albrecht hesitated for a long time, and finally said this sentence.

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