The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2330: Dispute

Why is it said that Bavaria is the largest mountain in Germany? In addition to its own strength, Bavaria has a group of reliable allies is also an important reason. In terms of historical evolution, the three kingdoms of Bavaria, Saxony, and Württemberg belong to Catholics, and Bavaria has been more influential around it since ancient times. Under the current circumstances, the three kingdoms can be said to have advanced and retreated together.

During the civil strife in Germany, Bavaria helped many states to stabilize their internal situation. Although there is no such thing as a gratitude, it is better to follow a responsible boss than to follow a weak Kaiser, or follow a natural How about hostile parliamentarians? If the Kaiser faction or the parliament faction encounters such a situation where the other two giants agree at the same time, they may not have the ability to veto, because in the previous distribution, the three giants did not have the ability to veto alone! And the lack of strong enough allies.

The German imperial faction can only rely on the Grand Duchy of Baden, and the parliamentary faction is even more isolated, without a truly reliable and weighty ally, those free cities are too weak and too vacillating! But Bavaria is different. The three southern kingdoms are enough to reject any proposal, and neither Saxony nor Wurttemberg can be bought easily! They are also equivalent to the Belgian-level country when taken out alone!

"As a soldier and politician, I have an obligation to seek the benefits they deserve for my **** officers and soldiers. This is my bottom line." The crown prince said utterly.

"But we have given Bavaria a 15% share! Bavaria's population accounts for more than one-sixth of the entire German population. Our ratio is also appropriate? Whether it is from the population or the army, your country gets 15%. Isn’t that small? You know, the Eastern Front is not as good as the Western Front. Compared with the trench warfare on the Western Front, there are obviously fewer casualties on the Eastern Front.” Grand Duke Baden said.

"But I am not only under the Bavarian Legion, I also have the Bohemian Legion! They also participated in the final general offensive! Also on the Eastern Front, in the Balkans, in Asia Minor, fighting for the Empire and for the Allies! What will they do? Before the war, they had been included in our combat sequence. In the plan of the German Reich General Staff, this corps appeared in our organization table. Their performance was not inferior to other German troops. Without them, in the war In the early days, the Bavarian Legion could not move to the Western Front at all. Without them, we would never fight as smoothly in the final stage of the war! So in the end, when the results were distributed, you ignored them?"

"In this war, Bohemia and Moravia, with a population of less than 9 million people, paid as much as 400,000 casualties. Does that matter? I can't do it." Ruprecht was like an angry Like a lion.

"I suggest adjourning the meeting. We all need to calm down." Hasai was reluctant to continue facing the angry crown prince when he realized that he could no longer reach a consensus. After all, in the German environment, this kind of enmity could be transformed. The resentment of a pair of individuals. As a high-ranking political party, Hasai, why should he face the anger of the crown prince? This is walking a tightrope.

"I also think we need to think again, Your Royal Highness, I can understand your choice as an excellent commander. But I want to explain that the entire German economy has reached a very difficult level. We all need this. A sum of money. People always have to think about their own country, and in this conversation, I still think you should consider the problem from the perspective of the empire."

Grand Duke Baden tried his best to use a gentle tone to explain his views. To put it all together, everyone broke up in this round of the game. Whether it is the Grand Duke of Baden and Hassy, ​​or Ruprecht, they all need to re-adjust their strategies! After all, everyone is looking for victory, not the so-called zero-sum result. Now, when Ruprecht proposed to use the veto power, this is already a zero-sum game. Everyone must find a way to change this result. .

"I am also thinking about the empire. There has never been a powerful country in the world that can dominate the world solely on its own. After entering the Renaissance, any country that wants to dominate alone will be defeated by a hostile alliance. The British and the Dutch were overthrown, the Napoleonic empire was overthrown by the anti-French alliance, and the Russian expansion in the Far East was ended by Britain and Japan. The past empire did not work, and the current German empire did not work either. We need a close alliance. It may only include the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the new Ukraine, the Balkans, Italy and even France will be added in the future. However, when the war has just been won and the smoke has not yet cleared, we will treat it as the closest we ever were. This is a major blow to the image and diplomacy of the empire.” Ruprecht said.

"We should take a long-term view and say something ugly. Is the moral will empire really short of hundreds of millions of pounds? Isn't the death of a million people in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the Eastern Front worth the money?" the crown prince asked rhetorically.

"We will consider your opinion, and we will make some changes, but I hope that when we discuss this matter next time, you can use the veto rationally. This precedent really cannot be set." Duke Deng said.

"Well, in another 10 we will discuss this issue again. I hope the two can consider the problem from a long-term perspective. Seeing off the guests!" Ruprecht didn't want to say anything. The current problem can no longer simply be solved at the negotiating table. In 10 days, whether it is the Kaiser, the parliamentarian or Bavaria will do some preparatory work below.

"I really don't know the crown prince..." After leaving the crown prince's residence, Hassai and the Grand Duke of Baden were about to separate, Hassai said with some complaints, but he hadn't said anything yet. When it was over, Grand Duke Baden violently interrupted the former.

"Hasai, remember one sentence, even if you are dissatisfied with Bavaria in your heart, we must never say something. This may cause a very bad reaction! If you still can’t control your mouth, then I may Propose a new partner to the parliament."

"But Bavaria may have to use the power of veto. If this resolution is sent to the Bundestag and vetoed, then the cracks in the German Empire will become public." Hasai said anxiously.

"So we have to think of some other ways to avoid this problem." Grand Duke Baden said.

"Do you have a plan?" Hasai asked.

"There are some, don't we have ten days left? Slowly, we will prepare for twenty days if ten days are not enough." Grand Duke Baden said.

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