The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2329: Dispute

Of course, although he has this ability, it does not mean that Ruprecht will definitely do it, because you can't do it. There are some things you can do in the first year of junior high, and others can do the fifteenth. Who can guarantee that there is no mistake in his words? So everyone will form a tacit understanding, and under normal circumstances will not be held accountable.

Of course, it is Ruprecht's business not to pursue it, but he must make Hasai understand that he has the ability to pursue it, not to pursue it just to give you a chance, you kid be careful in the future. that is it! Simple and rude personal threats! But it works for people like Hasai! Because the Grand Duke of Baden will not lose the position of the Grand Duke because of this sentence, but it is possible that Hassai will take the blame and resign and cut off the road to power!

"Mr. Hasai's words are indeed improper, but he does not mean to slander the allies." At this time, the Grand Duke of Baden must also come out and turn around. The danger of stepping down, how can we talk about it later?

"However, you mean the same thing. Old Prussia dominates the distribution of benefits on the Western Front, and Bavaria gives some symbolically. Austro-Hungary can not give it, and you have thought of a reason. Everything is for the German Empire. Is it so?" Ruprecht no longer cares about Hassy's faux pas. After all, it is meaningless. You can just do it when you really need to rectify him. Why do you waste so many words? The immediate problem is the most critical!

"Although it's hard to hear, but in fact, as the top of the German Empire, we really want to win more benefits for the empire. Even though we are morally owed, we are willing to bear this pressure." Grand Duke Baden said straightforwardly. White. After all, the opposite is a smart person, and winding around can only increase their dislike. "Of course, we have not ruled out Bavaria's plan. Your country's efforts and sacrifices should be rewarded a lot!"

The Grand Duke of Baden immediately adjusted the policy and proposed guaranteeing Bavaria’s share and compressing the share of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is definitely unfair, but it is absolutely politically correct! After all, being a German, who doesn't want to get more? Do you, the Crown Prince of Bavaria, have to give German things to Austria-Hungary? From the standpoint of the Germans, there is nothing wrong with it! Under the great righteousness of political correctness, Ruprecht has nothing to say about fairness and justice. After all, the **** decides the head!

"Let’s talk about the colony issue first. I can persuade the Austro-Hungarian Empire not to seek a British colony in Africa. But one thing that must be explained is that the Austro-Hungarian Empire enjoys the same commercial treatment as Germany in all the empire’s African colonies. "Ruprecht said the first request!

After the great expansion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the German nation, which was originally not high in proportion, will be further diluted by the huge population. Even if the Bohemians and Hungarians who have now surrendered are added, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will still face in the future. Regarding the more serious national problems, and the industrial and national power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is far from that of the German Empire, before, there is no experience in colonial management. Therefore, if the Austro-Hungarian Empire takes over a colony at this time, it is not The benefit is a burden! The crown prince’s expectations of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are very realistic. It is enough to manage the European territory. Other places are now beyond reach.

"Equal business opportunities?" Hasai frowned, subconsciously wanting to object. But the Grand Duke of Baden on the opposite side was indifferent. He seemed to have no objection to this opinion. Thinking about the threat of the crown prince just now, Hasai did not object to it. At this moment, when neither of them opposes, then even tacitly agrees. Up.

"As for the allocation of funds that everyone values ​​very much, I can first listen to your views." Ruprecht said.

"Except for a certain proportion of the national treasury reserve, most of the rest is allocated according to the following proportions. Old Prussia is divided into 65%, Bavaria is divided into 15%, other states are divided into 15%, and the remaining 5% is given to the Austro-Hungarian Empire." After a while, the Grand Duke of Baden announced the final distribution plan of the Kaiser and the parliament. The so-called Old Prussia was naturally only the Kaiser and the parliament, they took most of them.

Do you want to say this is fair? If you look at it purely from the Western Front, you can do so. The old Prussia did bear most of the pressure, saying that it accounted for 70% of the Western Front. But let's not talk about the role of the Bavarian Army in the final word and the contribution of stabilizing the front during the German civil strife. Simply speaking of the entire war, there is more than one western front!

In the entire battlefield, Ruprecht’s Bavarian and Bohemia regiments were as high as 1.1 million troops at their peak! If you count the Air Force and some second-line personnel in the rear, the regiment under the Crown Prince has more than 1.4 million personnel! You know, Bavaria and Bohemia have a population of just over 20 million! If we simply talk about the proportion of the population, it has exceeded the mobilization limit of Prussia! At the peak of the war, the old Prussian troops were no more than 2.6 million. After all, there were legions of other states.

Actually, after the end of the Eastern Front War, Bavaria and Austria, as the main players, could not get any The reason is very simple. Now Russia is still a pot of porridge, and the indemnities cannot be implemented at all. It is not too much to say that the eastern territories of Prussia and other states were created with the help of Bavaria and Austria-Hungary. So why can the regiments fighting on the Eastern Front, the Balkan Front and Turkey not be awarded compensation?

"Is this your final opinion?" Ruprecht asked.

"There shouldn't be much change." Looking at the sullen crown prince, Hasai felt his heart gripped tightly.

"Then you can try to see if this proposal can pass the approval of the Federal Parliament." Ruprecht said coldly. Thank you for the voting method that requires an absolute majority within the German Empire. Although Bavaria's votes alone are not enough, after drawing relevant allies, in the Bundestag, whether it is a quarter or a third of the veto, the crown prince is If you can get it, this kind of behavior has already turned the table. Tell the Kaiser and parliament clearly that if you make a proposal, then we will oppose it!

"His Royal Highness, you have set a very bad precedent. You once said that we can't object because of opposition, and now, what you do is what you hate most at the beginning!" Grand Duke Baden said anxiously, because, Now, there is the worst situation previously predicted-Bavaria will use its veto! From a legal level, if Bavaria disagrees, then this bill will simply fail to pass.

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