The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2331: Banquet 1 in Sanssouci Palace

"Your Excellency, the emperor’s messenger just sent an invitation card. Later today, the emperor will host Albrecht and Marshal Mackensen in Sanssouci Palace. I hope you can be there on time." Just got on the bus, The attendant of the Grand Duke of Baden said in the ear of the Grand Duke.

"Okay, let's go to Sanssouci Palace now." Grand Duke Baden looked at his watch. Today’s talks were not going well and the time was a bit late, so it was obvious that there was not enough time to go back to his official residence and then Sanssouci Palace. , Therefore, Your Excellency decided to rush to Sanssou Palace directly. Anyway, the Emperor will be prepared!

"It's really tiring, I just ended a battle on one battlefield, and now I'm going to another battlefield." Grand Duke Baden said with a sigh.

Do you want to say whether the German imperialism considered that Ruprecht might use the veto power? I must have thought of it! After all, according to the previous style of the crown prince, the crown prince will be very resolute on such issues concerning major interests. And now that I think of this, I will definitely make relevant preparations, and this time, the banquet in Sanssouci Palace is one of the relevant steps!

The German emperor knew very well that in the face of Ruprecht, you can never use force. Bavaria was not afraid of it, let alone now backed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, what about Bavaria, which is not weaker than France in the future? Therefore, the strategy of the Kaiser and the Grand Duke of Baden is the curve strategy. It is hoped that the kingdom of Württemberg and some people close to the crown prince can persuade the crown prince to make concessions. Of course, this is a process of mutual concessions. Bavaria takes a step back. The emperor also took a step back, even sharing the parliamentary share between Bavaria and Austria-Hungary when necessary...

Yes, you read that right! Hasai wants to count the Kaiser, and the Kaiser always wants to calculate the parliament. In the Kaiser’s view, if the Kaiser Prussia and Bavaria can reach a mutually acceptable agreement, then the parliament can naturally throw it away. Go aside! This is politics! Before the results come out, no one knows who is the enemy and who is the friend!

Look at the distinguished guest invited tonight, Duke Albrecht, Grand Duke of Württemberg, this Duke has been serving as the commander of the group army on the western front, and his record is also remarkable. The prestige is also high in the Western Front. Now in Berlin, it represents the Kingdom of Württemberg. As an important mountain in the empire, whether he is the Kaiser or Bavaria, he must listen to his words and show some face when necessary.

The other distinguished guest is naturally Marshal Mackensen. Let’s not say that this marshal was a rare high-ranking military who stood firmly on the side of the Kaiser during the German civil strife. He has been commanding the entire non-Bavarian system on the eastern front simply by virtue of him. For the German army, Mackensen should have won the rank of marshal, and to be honest, Mackensen did a good job. At present, the North German states have Mackensen's footprints on the eastern front. In terms of prestige, Mackensen is higher than Xiao Maoqi. After all, he has been the commander of the group army on the eastern front, and Xiao Maoqi was once ordered to retire by the Kaiser!

These two people are both important people in the empire. Duke Albrecht will not say anything. Mackensen may directly enter the Imperial General Staff as chief of staff in the future. (Little Mochi is also possible, but he is now in charge of the military work within the Kaiser Prussia.) This is the result of multi-party coordination. At first Mackensen supported the Kaiser, so the German faction naturally hoped Mackensen would be the chief of the Imperial General Staff. Mackensen had a good relationship with Crown Prince Ruprecht on the Eastern Front, so Bavaria did not object. It is favored support. The parliamentary faction can't come up with suitable candidates, and the opposition is invalid, so if there is no accident, then the probability of Mackenson's upper position is very high!

This time, the idea of ​​the Kaiser and the Grand Duke of Baden was to let Grand Duke Albrecht and Mackensen come forward to persuade Ruprecht to make some concessions. After all, one representative of the kingdom and one representative of the future general staff of the Empire, Even if Ruprecht is reluctant, you have to make some good gestures, right? Back then, the Kaiser was unable to do whatever he wanted, let alone Ruprecht now? Of course, this time Xiao Maoqi is definitely going to be with him.

As for the result of this banquet? The Grand Duke of Baden also had a prediction. Maybe the Kaiser could not completely persuade Grand Duke Albrecht to convince Mackensen that there is no big problem, right? After all, the latter is an iron German imperial faction, and he can be booked as the chief of the general staff is also a force sent by the imperial emperor. Grand Duke Baden can't even think of a reason for Mackensen's rejection! And if Mackensen made it, then Albrecht wouldn't even say a word of softness? Therefore, Grand Duke Baden is very confident about the banquet tonight!

The banquet was scheduled at 7 pm, and the Grand Duke of Baden arrived at Sanssouci Palace at 4:30 pm, and confessed the results of today's negotiations with the Kaiser. And Xiao Moqi is responsible for visiting Mackensen in advance to say hello to his former colleague. As for Duke Albrecht? Then there is no need to notify, they are similar to Ruprecht, they have two identities at the same time, a soldier and a politician! How could he not know the purpose of the Taoist Emperor inviting him at this time? But at this time, the Duke promised to attend the banquet, which is good news for the Kaiser? After all, this means that the Kingdom of Württemberg is willing to contact itself.

The banquet started smoothly as expected. This time the Kaiser will not be as fanciful as before. After all, this time it is not a noble but to talk about important things. The Kaiser does not want to let this matter. It made the city full of wind and rain. Therefore, there are five main people attending the banquet, the Kaiser, the Grand Duke of Baden, the Little Moch, the Duke of Albrecht and Mackensen. When really talking about things, even the attendants by the side are saved!

"Your Excellency, go and meet Xiao Maoqi. I'll prepare it first." The Kaiser ordered.

"Okay." Grand Duke Baden nodded and walked out. Grand Duke Baden is not disgusted with this order. After all, the status of Little Moqi can be regarded as respected, and when welcoming Little Moqi, Grand Duke Baden needs to exchange information with the other party.

"What's going on? Isn't it going well?" Looking at the somewhat gloomy little Maoqi, Grand Duke Baden frowned involuntarily. He now wonders if today is not suitable for negotiating work. Ruprecht's talks have fallen apart. Is there a problem with the Kaiser? Shouldn't it?

"Marshal Mackensen's attitude is very subtle. I didn't directly talk about the distribution of benefits. I just talked to him about the Eastern Front and the attitude towards the Austro-Hungarian Army. The latter seemed a bit unhappy." Xiao Mao thought for a while. Said. Xiao Maoqi is adhering to the principles of his uncle, old Mao Qi. Soldiers should stay away from politics. In addition, Xiao Maoqi had a smooth flow before, so his political acumen was a bit lower. He could not see Mackenson's attitude.

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