The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2328: Dispute

"Fuck, sharp!" Both Grand Duke Baden and Hassai were shocked, because Ruprecht's counterattack was indeed just right. The strategy of the German emperor and the parliament is average. For example, in a normal war, how much old Prussia invested and how much Bavaria invested. You see, Bavaria actually didn’t invest much in military strength and equipment, so we should leading.

But what Bavaria emphasizes is the final word! For example, the two sides fought with 10,000 people each, and the result was intractable. Suddenly, at a critical moment, someone on one side quickly entered the battlefield with 2000 elites, and directly defeated the opponent in one fell swoop, then the role of the newly added 2000 new force and Does 2,000 of the ordinary 10,000 people have the same effect? Can the credit be counted by the head?

If we analyze the technology more deeply, that is, although the Bavarian Army has not invested much in the entire war, at the last moment, the Bavarian Army can do things that the Prussian Army cannot do, such as the Great Large-scale armored units attacked in depth with the cooperation of the Air Force. Without this unique advantage in tactics and technology, even if you increase the Prussian army more, you will not be able to succeed. Therefore, the crown prince's meaning is very clear, the Western Front cannot be counted like this!

At the same time, the crown prince mentioned two other things. The first thing was the turmoil in Old Prussia! When the German emperor and the parliament were in conflict, it was Bavaria who stabilized the situation on the western front. How do you count this credit? There is an essential difference with or without Bavaria's help!

And the second thing is to become the commander-in-chief of the German army on the western front. In the end, the last German commander-in-chief on the western front was Ruprecht! This is status, this is righteousness! You affirmed Ruprecht’s talents and the status of the Bavarian Army before giving me the position of commander-in-chief. That’s great. Now it’s time to distribute the benefits. You kick me away. Is this fair? As the highest commander in the decisive battle on the western front, he was also the largest army of the states on the western front at that time. (Because old Prussia was already divided at that time, neither the German emperor nor the parliament sent as many troops as the Bavarian Army on the Western Front.) Ruprecht could not participate in the final plan for the distribution of benefits. What do you mean? ?

Politicians can be shameless, but they must have a bottom line, especially when the opponent you are facing has the ability to lift the table! Even if the Kaiser can propose a proposal, the parliamentary faction can guarantee its approval in the Reichstag, but in the end, Bavaria still has a chance to reject it in the Bundestag. So this is definitely not something that can be done by strong pressure. Both parties must contact and slowly find common ground!

"We are not trying to deprive the Kingdom of Bavaria of the benefits. We are just making some suggestions on the distribution of benefits and working out the most suitable plan for the German Empire." Obviously, what the crown prince said just now was aimed at the Grand Duke of Baden, and the Duke was short. If there is no rebuttal within time, Hasai must pull it off. What I said just now was actually just to ease the deadlock.

"Mr. Hasai, what you just said was wrong. You said that the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Ukraine was given by Germany? This description is not accurate, because many areas in Ukraine are indeed shot by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Slowly, there is no doubt that the size of the Austro-Hungarian Army was always the first in the Eastern Front War. If you are adhering to a neutral point of view, then you must admit it."

"If you go deeper into your statement, I would like to explain that even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire is supported by the German Empire, it is also supported by the Bavarian Army. Whether it is Ukraine, Romania, Serbia or southern Belarus, all the fighting in these places It has nothing to do with old Prussia! On the contrary, many Austro-Hungarian regiments did take part in the battles in Poland and even on the Baltic coast. I hope you can tell you clearly and be careful when you speak! This is a political mistake!" Rupley Hit said sternly.

"This... I didn't mean that." After hearing the crown prince's speech, Hasai rushed to the scalp with drops of cold sweat. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain.

You said that the German Empire supported the Austro-Hungarian Empire and became the key to winning the Eastern Front. This is true, but if you want to say that everything the Austro-Hungarian Empire acquired was given by Germany, that would be nonsense! Although the crown prince’s legion played the most role in the war, don’t forget that Ruprecht’s legion was essentially divided into the Bavarian legion and the Bohemia legion! It is a mixed force of the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire! Among them, some of the troops of the Bomish Army did participate in many battles in the Baltic coast including the Battle of Riga. After all, the German legions other than Bavaria do not have many people on the Eastern Front. If Mackenson wants to maintain the offensive, he has to pull people from elsewhere!

So objectively speaking, even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire inherits the favors of Bavaria, it has nothing to do with your old Prussia! At this point, the crown prince can use this to accuse the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the old Prussia is not qualified! On the contrary Whether it is Old Prussia or other states in the territories allocated on the Eastern Front, the blood of the soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has been spilled. It can be said that the benefits of old German Prussia far outweighed the effort. A considerable part of their colonies were created with the help of Bavaria and Austro-Hungary! Well, if you want to calculate carefully, how much will Old Prussia pay for these colonies?

What happened? If you catch the benefits on the east route, you will get it for nothing. Or just want to make sense? Where is such a good thing in the world? Even if Germany decides the distribution of the Western Front, you can't do it, right? Up to now, the crown prince has a moral advantage, but this is not the end, because some of the following words are reminders or even warnings to Hasai!

There is a saying called misfortune comes out of the mouth, and it applies to almost everyone, even the Kaiser... And if Hassy’s speech just spread out, especially if it was heard by the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to Germany, it could completely trigger a diplomatic storm! After all, Hasai did say something wrong and hurt the feelings of his allies. And at that time, who will help him? Anyway, the Germans will definitely not, because there is no benefit but trouble. The parliamentary faction will not save one person on death. The greatest flexibility of party politics is that it can introduce a scapegoat at any time. Anyway, there are many high-level parliamentarians. If there is a Hasai, others can make up for it, and the party itself will suffer. Not big.

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