The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2327: Dispute

"Let me think about what is the reason that allowed the Grand Duke of Baden and Mr. Hassy to come to my mansion." Looking at the two high-ranking Prussian officials who came, Ruprecht said with a smile, even on his expression. Some jokes: "We have now made breakthroughs in our negotiations with the British. Before the formal end of the negotiations, the British had already succumbed and started to pay us compensation. At this time, the Kaiser and parliamentary heavyweights If they appear together, then it must be a matter of benefit distribution."

"I understand everyone's feelings very much. Isn't our desperate fight and planning just for today? Fortunately, the current Bavaria cannot be ignored. If it was before, I am afraid that the two people didn't even mean to see me, right?" The chill in the seemingly plain words made the two feel uncomfortable.

Although the Grand Duke of Baden is the fifth largest mountain in the empire, compared with the current crown prince who controls both Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a princely grand prince with an area of ​​only more than 20,000 square kilometers is really nothing. The taboo is because he is the representative of the Kaiser! To put it ugly, Grand Duke Baden was a little furious.

And Hasai is even more so. Now you are an important leader of the parliament, but can you stay in this position? Obviously impossible, think about the time when the crown prince easily managed Scheideman. If Bavaria wants to target Hasai, it is not difficult, after all, there are too many shady scenes in the parliament. And Hasai is obviously unable to clean himself on some issues!

"Well, at least you are still abiding by the rules. Maybe your arrival has some hostility, but you are ready to solve it by negotiation instead of directly bayonet in the Empire Conference or the Federal Parliament. This makes me I'm very pleased. Two people, please." Ruprecht walked into the conference room after speaking, and after Grand Duke Baden and Hassai looked at each other, both parties nodded silently, and then followed in, just now. Within seconds, the two finally determined each other's attitude-unanimously outside!

What is an ally? In most of the time, one of the most basic principles is to have a pot together... Everyone must share the hatred. Therefore, after a brief greeting, in accordance with the previous agreement, Grand Duke Baden spoke first.

"His Royal Highness has always been adhering to the concept of paying and determining rewards. I very much agree with this. Before, when allocating new territories on the Eastern Front, it was your country that presided over the distribution, and our other states have cooperated. Now, I hope your Excellency will continue to uphold this concept when assigning the western line. After all, old Prussia has paid too much money and blood for the western line. We have been playing for more than two years."

In just a few short sentences, Grand Duke Baden can be described as careful and careful. He tried his best to clarify his ideas, but at the same time he did not excessively irritate the opposing crown prince. The Grand Duke of Baden would never mention that it would not benefit Bavaria, nor would he say that it was not his business to exclude the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He just wanted to get the other side's recognition of certain concepts through justice, and at the same time he put forward the concept of Old Prussia at the end, the most fundamental purpose is to bring in the parliamentary faction! There is no chance for the other party to even repent, because the concept of Old Prussia itself represents the two great states of Kaiser and Parliament!

After finishing speaking, the Grand Duke first glanced at the crown prince with a calm expression. The response of the other party seemed to be normal, so he was relieved, and then he secretly signaled to Hasai: It's time for you! Everyone said yes, there is a pot to carry!

"In the entire war, the German Empire took on more than 93% of the combat missions on the Western Front, and the Austro-Hungarian Army did not play a substantial role. Therefore, I think that when distributing the reparations and colonies between Britain and France, we only Take care of the Austro-Hungarian Empire symbolically. After all, we have given them most of Ukraine and nearly half of Belarus and parts of Romania. This is enough. From the perspective of the empire itself, we also need a lot of funds. Come to recover. I think as a German, you should understand our thoughts." Hasai did not miss the appointment, and decisively went up!

The Grand Duke of Baden directly avoided the question of Bavaria, only emphasizing the contribution of the old Prussia, and Hasai did the same. He did not dare to mention Bavaria directly, but started from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After all, in the current talks, Rupley Hitt communicated with each other as the Crown Prince of Bavaria, not the Regent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If it was the latter, then the Grand Duke of Baden and Hassy would never talk to you! Because you are not German!

Hasai repeatedly emphasized the interests of Germany and the Germans in order to remind the crown prince to correct his identity, and the issue of combat missions was mentioned earlier, but to enhance his persuasiveness. The whole speech was full of sincerity, which made people unable to find out. A little hole.

"This combination of punches is pretty good, and it can give 80 points." Ruprecht gave an evaluation of the opponent's first round offensive in his mind. Overall, the offense is very However, the remaining 20 points gap allows the Crown Prince to find a counterattack point! Whether it is the Grand Duke of Baden or Hasai, they have problems.

"Old Prussia and other states did undertake most of the combat tasks in the battle on the Western Front. I admit this." The crown prince said first. The so-called internal negotiations must always be reasonable, and their contributions must not be denied, then they must be compensated at the price. This is the basic principle of the crown prince, not only for Bavaria, but also for Germany, because only the effort is rewarded. This country has cohesion! Therefore, it is necessary and necessary for Old Prussia and other states to get more than half of the benefits. There is nothing to say.

"But it does not mean that Bavaria has no say in this distribution of benefits. After all, during the empire's civil strife, we helped the Western Army to stabilize the battlefield. In the final battle, the Bavarian Army and the Austro-Hungarian Army participated in the battle. It is not much less than the old Prussian regiment! In the Norwegian sea battle, all carrier-based pilots came from Bavaria, and I, as the only imperial marshal of Germany, commanded the entire Western Front and naval and air operations."

"That's good, I want to ask a question. In this case, if there is no Bavarian signature on the final benefit distribution plan, do you think it is reasonable?" Ruprecht asked rhetorically.

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