The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2324: Core question four

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As for the Japanese Navy? The current situation is equipment and others. During the war, the British were technically interesting to the Japanese. Soon after the British aircraft carrier started construction, the Japanese Navy shared some technical content and began to build Japan’s first aircraft carrier. Fengxiang. Moreover, elite pilots were also arranged to conduct sea take-off and landing experiments. However, no matter what, the technical level of the Japanese aircraft carrier is the worst among the major naval powers, and the gap is the largest. If everyone is operating in the ocean, the Japanese navy is very passive in the face of the integrated attack of the US and German navies!

So, this is also Ishii Kikujiro's second goal in coming to the UK! In addition to solving the engine problem, it is also necessary to solve the problem of the construction and use of the aircraft carrier! To be honest, although from the current situation, it is impossible for the United States and Japan to go to war within one year. After all, the premise for the United States to go to war is that the German navy participates in the war, and the Germans want to sort out the mess after the war and stabilize the country. Long time. Just look at how long it has been from the armistice of World War 1 to the signing of the Peace Treaty of Versailles in history.

However, the Navy’s battleship construction cycle is also very long! This is true even for relatively simple aircraft carriers. So, should the Japanese have to prepare as early as possible, and if possible, the Japanese Navy hopes that the British can help build them. Don’t think that Britain can only build on its own mainland. India and Singapore have large berths. High-standard battleships will not work, but it’s okay to change to merchant ships!

In fact, if only the performance of an aircraft carrier is required, and there is a more suitable hull, then the improvement work will be very fast. For example, the world’s first all-deck aircraft carrier Hundred Eyes Giant will be launched on the 2nd of the month. The aircraft carrier transformation was completed in May 1918... In this era, aircraft carriers are not required to be as complicated as World War II. To a certain extent, most aircraft carriers today are closer to the US **** carriers of World War II. They do not require speeds of 32 knots or more, do not require military ship standards, and will not move at all. 2.5 or even 30,000 tons of displacement. The take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft is not harsh. that is it!

So, with the help of technical advantages, the British once again regained the lead in the negotiation! Do the Japanese want to get a full set of aircraft carrier tactics and experience? Want the British to make up for the lack of aircraft carriers in the Japanese fleet? Then promise the conditions of the British Empire!

"I will repeat the bottom line of the British Empire. The issue of suppressing the Indian uprising must be done according to what we said. For the Russian issue, your country should properly converge, and give us a way to contact Kolchak and Denikin. Do you understand what I mean?" Asquith's words hit Ishii Kiujiro's heart like a hammer. Facing the savvy British who had a technical advantage, Ishii Kikujiro felt that Japan had too little bargaining chips!

But fortunately, this time the British did not hold on to the Russian issue and lowered their price on the Russian issue, while continuing to insist on the Indian issue! After some adjustments, Ishii Kikujiro felt that this condition did not seem to be unacceptable!

"We will try our best to deal with the India issue. As for the extent to which we can do it, it depends on your sincerity." Ishii Kiujiro said with a struggle.

"We will try to increase the number of engines supplied. At present, our aircraft has not been dismantled. I can guarantee that after the Royal Air Force dismantles the excess aircraft, we can provide at least 2,000 additional engines of various types to your country. We will provide your country with the aircraft design drawings on the list. If your country’s woodworking is not enough, we can also provide processed wing and fuselage materials. At present, the number of engines we ship to your country will also be as high as possible, 2 months At least the current 175%! During the war, as long as the Germans do not resolutely put an end to it, we will continue to provide it. As for the establishment of a factory in the Philippines, we can continue to discuss it later. "Now, the other party has expressed its willingness." Free" helped Britain solve the Indian problem, so Asquith's answer is also very sincere!

Someone may have said that the technical difficulty of the wooden fuselage and the wings is not too high, right? Japan will not even lack the ability to make this? How do you say this? In fact, the wooden fuselage is also very particular. For example, the British man-made mosquito plane is called a wooden miracle, while the wooden planes of the Soviet Union in World War II did not meet this standard. To do this, you must have British unique "meteorite" brand adhesive and complex and meticulous processing. It seems very simple, but a suitable adhesive can make countries with less technical skills feel extremely uncomfortable. And if you have the necessary material preparations and a reasonable production process, even a considerable part of the mosquito body in World War II can be processed by the furniture factory! Not to mention the current aircraft parts?

And the best part is that neither Germans nor Americans can supervise the production of this kind of aircraft fuselage! After all, the glue and equipment used to make the fuselage are for civilian use. The so-called molds can also be easily destroyed and and because the construction is not difficult, they can be dispersed to the colony. This makes it impossible to check! Historically, the Germans could find loopholes in the strict Versailles peace treaty, and the British could also find it!

So far, the United States and Japan have reached an agreement on the supply of aircraft engines. The first issue of the negotiation was resolved. But the issue of aircraft carriers is far from being negotiated. It's not that the British don't want to give it, but Asquith doesn't understand it at all!

"As for the issue of aircraft carriers, the Empire agrees in principle, but this is a very professional thing, and I hope it will be better done by professionals. Although the war has ended, the Royal Navy has not let down its vigilance. They are still summing up this. The pros and cons of the naval battle. In this regard, your country should arrange for professionals to contact the navy. I believe that General Betty and General Thomas will give your country a satisfactory answer. In addition, I need to explain to your country that, We can’t provide a complete aircraft carrier. We can only provide a highly completed hull, which is exported as a civilian ship, and may even pass through a third country. That’s it.” Asquith said.

"We understand the difficulties of your country, and we will arrange the corresponding personnel to discuss these matters with your country. I hope that in this war related to the Far East, the friendship between the Japanese Empire and the British Empire can continue." Ishii Kikujiro said.

"At least we are still friends now." Asquith said with a sigh.

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