The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2325: After negotiation

"Finally negotiated. With the help of the Japanese, the Indian issue can at least stabilize, and we can also earn a lot of money from the Japanese. It can be used to make up for our financial shortfall." After the talks, Lloyd George wiped the sweat from his head and said with relief.

"How easy is it." Asquith smiled bitterly. "Trust me, before the Pacific War is finally over, the turmoil in India will not be completely resolved. We know that even if the Japanese are counted, the Japanese will naturally stay. In this negotiation, we do have an advantage, but we cannot completely control our opponents."

"More importantly, our current so-called advantages are only temporary. Once the war between the United States and Japan is over, the advantages and disadvantages between us and Japan will be reversed immediately, just like the previous US-German relationship. Similarly, in the war, the Germans are at a disadvantage in terms of diplomacy and must tolerate some of the actions of the United States. For example, the Americans also help us to transport supplies, but the Germans are indifferent. But once the war is over, the situation immediately reverses. The Germans do some small actions, and the Americans must endure it too!" Asquith sighed.

"I don't understand what you mean." Lloyd George said in a puzzled way.

"It's very simple. Although the Pacific War has not yet begun, we can already predict the results. The Japanese may lose Guinea and Sulawesi, but they will definitely keep Kalimantan and parts of Java. If only From a colonial point of view, the Japanese raids during the war are still profitable, and once the U.S.-Japan war is over, the United States needs to digest the success of the war, and will not launch a war against Japan in a short time. Under such circumstances, Japan still has a huge influence on the situation in Southeast Asia and even South Asia, and without the threat of war from the Americans, they will do something more unscrupulous!” Prime Minister Asquith said.

"Do you mean that at that time, the Japanese might take coercive measures to force the British Empire and Japan to continue to maintain a cooperative relationship? And because of our attitude of cooperating with the Japanese during the war, the United States will hold a grudge against the United States and cannot obtain the United States. Help?" Lloyd George said.

"Yes, the British Empire will not be able to rely solely on its own strength to ensure the security of India and Southeast Asian colonies for a long time to come. We can only rely on Japan, and this will continue to deteriorate our relationship with the United States. , And you and I know that if the United States is not on our side, even if other countries join forces, it will not be possible to defeat Germany and Austro-Hungary. Therefore, we are now stuck in a deadlock. We know the road ahead, but the reality is forcing We are drifting away from this road." Asquith said.

"This problem is destined to be unsolvable in our generation. Let's leave the problem behind. As the prime minister of the British Empire, we need to do what we are doing." Lloyd George said with relief.

"The first batch of Japanese payment will be delivered soon, do you have any plans?" After a while, Lloyd George said, after all, it is easy to have money now, and the British naturally have to consider how to spend it.

"What's the plan? For a long time, more than 80% of the funds we got from the Japanese will eventually be sent to the German pockets. Apart from buying some necessities, we can't keep any money." Prime Minister Squith said helplessly.

"Fuck, the Germans are so decisive in doing things?" Lloyd George was shocked! In fact, the British did nothing worse than the Germans in history! It's just that this plane is upside down.

"We have to pay indemnities first. You know, the hard currency reserves in the British Empire are not enough, and the borrowing is not enough. We can only use the remaining overseas assets as collateral. We even buy gold and silver from the private sector. But even so, it still doesn't work. . Really make up for the bulk of the money, but also from the Japanese payment."

"Secondly, we must also let the Germans release hundreds of thousands of British prisoners as soon as possible. Letting our children go home as soon as possible is not only a need to stabilize the society, but also to resume production as soon as possible. But before, we must feed these prisoners. The fees and medical expenses have been repaid. Think about it, how much is the daily consumption of these more than 600,000 prisoners?"

"Third, a lot of our weapons and equipment are also in the hands of the Germans. We are eager to exchange these equipment for money, and the Germans will naturally seize this point. We have to raise 1.5 billion pounds in the first year. This is a huge pressure. It also made us have to meet the requirements of the Germans first, and, until the negotiations were finally reached, the United Kingdom could not return to normal. Therefore, in order to get the Germans to sign with us as soon as possible, we must now implement those agreements immediately. Let Germany It is one point for people to accept southern Africa in advance, while paying compensation in advance is another point.” Prime Minister Asquith said.

"The money I tried so hard to get went directly to someone else's pocket, this feeling is really terrible." Lloyd George was speechless.

"Okay, we still have a lot of things to do. We now have to restore normal domestic order, deal with the relations with the various dominions, allocate materials and prepare for the next stage of negotiations with the Germans. There is still a lot of work waiting for us. Although we are defeated, at least we have to help Britain deal with this mess." Prime Minister Asquith said.

"When will the Germans ask us to send the first payment?" Lloyd George asked.

"Five days later, the first batch of precious metals, materials and some equipment worth 50 million pounds will begin to be shipped to Germany. Two weeks later is the second batch, which is also 50 million pounds, but a large part of it is the fixed assets of the empire abroad. "Asquith replied.

"Well, don't be so discouraged, say some good news and relax." Asquith comforted looking at Lloyd George who was depressed.

"Now, is there any good news?" Lloyd George said in surprise. "Are the Americans willing to help us?"

"The government hasn't, but Wall Street is still moving. After all, the financial systems of our two countries are very closely connected. We are unlucky and they will catch colds. So some people will lend us a helping hand. Otherwise, How do you think the Empire can collect up to 100 million pounds in compensation in such a short time?" Asquith sighed.

"It's a pity that this connection did not allow Americans to stand on our side." Lloyd George's words were full of regret.

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