The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2323: Core question three

"Mr. Prime Minister, your words are a bit arrogant. Although your country is our ally, the empire cannot be criticized by outsiders. Whether it is the northern route to Russia or the southern route, the empire has already shed too much blood and paid too much. We have already paid so much today, so we will never give up easily. We will pay more in the future to keep our victory!" Ishii Kikujiro said sharply.

Maybe someone asked, why did the British choose to persuade Japan to stop its offensive against Russia at this time? The reason is simple, the European continent is too small to accommodate the two big countries of Germany and Russia at the same time! Russia failed this time, but it does not mean that there is no chance of a comeback. The Allied power system has collapsed, but it does not mean that Britain will abandon the establishment of friendly relations with the new Russian regime in order to join forces again in a future war! Therefore, under such circumstances, Britain naturally does not want the Japanese to make an inch of it and make trouble for the new Russia in the Far East.

If we go into more details, it is that the British government wants to establish contact with Kolchak in Russia through the Japanese line, and tries to help the latter establish a government. After all, Kolchak is more suitable for both experience and political orientation. The requirements of the British! Of course, this is the supreme goal. In fact, it is not easy for the Japanese to restrict their attack on Russia and retreat appropriately.

"I cannot agree to you on this matter. This is beyond the scope of our negotiations. My talks with you only involve the relationship and cooperation between Britain and Japan, and do not involve a third party. And I need to remind, In this world, in addition to Britain, the engines of the French and Italians can actually be made up. The French also need a large amount of tailored armaments. Since the Germans do not interfere with your country’s arms exports to us, then naturally they will not interfere with France. People. Is that so?" Ishii Kikujiro said firmly.

"It seems that it is difficult for us to reach an agreement on this issue?" Prime Minister Asquith said with some regret.

"It's not just this issue. We also cannot reach an agreement on the issue of India. The Empire of Japan cannot give your country free labor. The bargaining chips in your hand are not enough to make the Empire of Japan submit." Taking advantage of the relaxation of the British attitude, Ishii Kikujiro wants to make persistent efforts, continue to fight back, and take the situation back into his own hands. However, what the Japanese can think of, the British can naturally think of it too! Facing the Japanese counterattack, the British were fully prepared.

"The French? If it is a pure aero engine, the French can indeed provide some. Although their products are only midstream in the eyes of the British Empire, they are advanced enough for your country." Asquith said. Thorny. On the other side, Ishii Kikujiro also had an indifferent expression and seemed very calm.

"But there are some things that the French cannot provide to your country after all. As the most technologically advanced country in the world, some things are unique, and these things have a decisive effect on the fate of your country. In this regard, we Still occupy an absolute advantage! For example, V1500, such as aircraft carrier! Do you know what I mean?" Prime Minister Asquith said.

"This... indeed." A drop of cold sweat fell off Ishii Kiujiro's head. In the vast Pacific, large bombers are indispensable. Their strong endurance and offensive power cannot be replaced, whether in attack or in battlefield reconnaissance. The quantity of these things may not be too much, but there are really two ways to have and not! The position of V1500 in the first battle is equivalent to the B29 in the second battle!

And how many countries in the world can mass produce heavy bombers and have a lot of experience in using them? There are only two, one is Britain and the other is Germany! Considering that it is impossible for Germany to export overly sensitive K8 bombers to Japan, if the Japanese want to make up for the shortcomings of long-range reconnaissance and attack, they can only find the British, but neither the French nor the Italians! what? You said the Russian Ilya bomber? Although this thing is a four-shot bomber, its weight is only equivalent to the British FB27 level, so forget it.

Compared with history, Japan on this plane is stronger, and the coverage of its native land and colonies is also larger. Whether it is from the ambitions of the Japanese navy or from the objective needs, the Japanese do need something like the V1500 type. Large aircraft. But before that, the Japanese were almost zero in terms of technology and experience!

If you talk about heavy bombers, the Japanese gritted their teeth and said that they can’t afford to play, but the aircraft carrier really can’t just let it go! As a newly emerging battleship, the performance of the German aircraft carrier squadron in the Norwegian Sea battle can be described as brilliant! It is precisely because of the explosive attack of the carrier-based aircraft that the British fleet collapsed in a very short time! Can the Japanese Navy withstand the outbreak of an attack that the British fleet can't handle? Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, the Japanese Navy must develop its own aviation goals and develop a complete set of tactics!

To be In this era, it is not too difficult to build an aircraft carrier, and it is not difficult to equip a carrier-based aircraft. After all, the performance of biplanes in this era is generally good..... .. It is rare to build well and have its own tactical system, and the latter requires time and accumulation of war! Well, in this era, who is the pioneer of sea-based aviation? There are actually 2 and a half countries!

Germany is naturally the strongest. They used an absolutely overwhelming aviation force to control the British fleet in the Norwegian Sea. Next is Britain! Although the British have taken a lot of detours, they are quite accurate at the last moment! Before the battle, he fully realized the importance of large-scale centralized use of carrier-based aircraft. Of course, this last-minute epiphany has not been sublimated into actual combat effectiveness! The British have no time or energy to complete the final sublimation of their aircraft carrier fleet! To paraphrase a more illusory statement, that is, the realm has arrived!

As for the remaining half? That is naturally the US Navy! After all, there were U.S. naval observers in the last wars of the German Navy, and according to the Japanese intelligence, in the final battle of the Norwegian Sea, the Americans actually sent an aircraft carrier to fight. Of course, because of the number of aircraft. Mainly undertook air defense tasks, and did not perform attack tasks. So the U.S. Navy’s one is half, it’s a kind of gestures on the battlefield, and theoretically learned, but it’s still far behind the professionals!

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