The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2316: French attitude change 2

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But now is different. In Central Europe, a superpower with an area of ​​more than 1.5 million square kilometers, a population of hundreds of millions, and the world's second largest industrial scale has appeared! As an ally of this superpower, the size and population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are not inferior! The two countries have a population of close to 200 million and an area of ​​nearly 3 million square kilometers, covering almost all the best parts of Europe!

They have the largest industrial base in Europe, the second largest oil field in the world, the largest granary in Europe, and the richest coal and iron mines in Europe! They have nearly 2 million square kilometers of fertile land waiting to be developed! This is a very huge market in itself! A market that can be developed and produced as much as possible without overproduction for decades! And these two countries have inherited all British colonies in Africa! The resource-rich Rhodesia and Southern Africa made up for the last shortcomings of these two empires!

The German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire stretched their bodies to their fullest in the victory, releasing their influence! The entire continent of Europe, Africa, and Asia west of India are trembling under the majesty of these two powers!

Britain and Russia are losers, but after all, Britain retains the two most important dominions and the most shining jewel in the British crown—India. These assets are sufficient to make Britain a second-rate power after the strongest. Russia also suffered heavy losses, but it still has a vast territory and vast territory.

Even Japan, which even the French have never looked up to, was full of intestines in this war. As the only power in the Far East, Japan has a huge advantage in East and Southeast Asia, but considering the upcoming war, Japan's dominance of the Far East is not stable!

What about France? It's really pitiful! France itself has a population of only 40 million, and domestic market demand is prioritized. However, the colony’s materials are barren and the level of economic development is also very limited. In most areas, apart from providing some tropical crops, it has little effect and cannot be called a market at all! After the war, the French needed financial support, but they also needed new markets and raw materials sources. However, it is a pity that the Americans' help is based on alliances, the British will not forgive France, and Japan is beyond its reach. And what about Russia as France's long-time ally? Now the civil war is still fighting, and after the war, I don’t know what kind of Russia can help France?

So, now there is a situation that seems a little absurd to the French. The allies that were still fighting the French on the battlefield a few months ago can provide the help that France needs most in this period! Of course, Germans are also conditional. And the cost of cooperating with the allies will slowly manifest in the future! As a veteran power, the French know very well how terrible this kind of economic benefit **** is! That's why Prime Minister Ribo said just now!

"In-depth cooperation with the Allies will completely destroy some of France’s political and diplomatic heritage in the past century. The United States will not like us, and the British regard us as enemies. France’s best friend in recent decades— Russia will also become our enemy. We cooperate with Germany and Austria to build factories and obtain resources on Russia’s lost territory. This will allow France to stand on the opposite side of Russia automatically, because in a few decades, we cannot sit back and watch. The French factories, mines and markets in these places were retaken by the Russians. We will involuntarily pick up the swords and guns in our hands and stand with Deao.” Prime Minister Ribo said.

"If Germany can maintain the current situation, relying on Germany to preserve France's current status and interests is also a good choice. After all, there is a kind of friend in this world that cannot be beaten." Petain sighed.

"But what if the Germans lose in the next war? Does France have to put hope on the other's possible tolerance like this time?" Prime Minister Ribo said loudly.

"Then what if the Germans win the next war? Any gain is accompanied by risks. It's just different in size. However, as a soldier, a soldier who fought **** battles with the Germans on the battlefield, I think Germany is under The probability of losing in a war is very small, and Germany’s final shortcomings have been made up. Facts have proved that even in the peak period, neither the British navy nor the vast sea of ​​Russians is an opponent of Deutsche Steel. What's more, Britain and Russia have been severely weakened since then? Although the United States is strong, they are too far away from Europe." Petain said.

"Okay, I have understood your thoughts. Mr. Clemenceau and General Petain are very realistic. Their idea of ​​cooperating with the Germans will help us solve the current dilemma. Prime Minister Ribeau is about the future of France. It is full of worries, which I understand very well. But I cannot agree, because without the present, there is no future." French President Armand, who has been silent for a long time, finally spoke. He seemed to be determined.

"The so-called economic bundling does exist, but this problem will not be solved overnight. We have too much time to solve or delay this kind of thing. Compared with the conditions of alliance proposed by the Americans, I feel that the Germans are more sincere. , And more realistic. The German is a But who can guarantee that the Americans are not a tiger?" President Armand’s attitude is already very obvious. He is in favor of compromise with Germany!

Now the result is obvious. President Armand, General Petain and Clemenceau who represent the military decided to accept the two demands made by the Germans, at least partially. Prime Minister Ribo's opposition became meaningless. After an agreement is reached within the government, the adoption of the parliament will not be a cutscene. And then, after achieving the most basic understanding with Germany, it was the issue of negotiation between the two parties.

"When are the Germans going to negotiate with us?" President Armand asked.

"It may be a month later when the German and British negotiations have entered a critical period. The Americans have also contacted the British before, but it seems that the results are not good. There is a problem with the Indian colony, and the British may not be able to resist it. The pressure of the Germans. So I feel that this negotiation will not last too long." Cremonceau thought for a while and said.

"Well, it seems that we still have a long time to prepare. In future negotiations, we can promise the Germans as much as possible on military matters, but we have to choose economically. After all, I don’t want the Germans to continue. The opportunity of weakened trade barriers will wipe out the French manufacturing industry. France must have its own complete industrial system. Even if we have allies, some things must be our own." President Armand said. The French are as arrogant as ever, just like in history!

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