The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2315: A change in French attitudes

After returning to Paris, Clemenceau immediately informed the top French leaders of the German opinions. Two days later, President Armand, Prime Minister Ribeau, Clemenceau and the military representative Petain once again held talks. After two days of preparation and synthesis of various aspects of intelligence, the French need to set a tone for their development in the next ten years.

The requirements of the Germans are nothing more than two points. The first point is that France does not defend Germany militarily. In addition, there are no restrictions on French armaments. The second point is to suggest that France integrate into the new European order dominated by Germany and Austria. To a certain extent, the Germans and Americans have similarities. It is best to bring France over... .

"Actually, I think that the first issue is not necessary to discuss, because on this issue, we cannot reject the Germans. Compared with the United Kingdom, we are already very lucky. The Germans have at least taken care of the face of France. Both sides will Delineate a lightly armed area. And retain the right of France to develop a full set of armed forces. In this case, I don’t think we can get a better result.” What made Armand and others unexpected is that as a military Petain, the representative of Fang, was so persuaded on this issue...

"Everyone, don't look at me with such eyes. I'm just telling the truth. In fact, look at France before the war. Haven't we already given up the sea power that we have been obsessed with for nearly a hundred years? After the arrival of the fearless age, when France When China’s finances and industries are unable to support the growing dreadnought fleet, haven’t we also lowered the navy’s position to ensure France’s advantage in the Mediterranean and retain some of its ocean-going combat capabilities? Now, France has experienced the defeat of the First World War, whether it is Both the national strength and the manpower are not as good as before, but we have to face a lot of troubles." Petain sighed.

As a military representative, Petain was still very busy after the armistice between Germany and France was achieved. Of course, now Petain is no longer concerned about fighting with a superpower such as Germany, he is worried about the colony! Yes, it is the colony. After the defeat, there will be turmoil in the British colony, so why should there be no turmoil in the French colony? Think about it, France has more than 10 million square kilometers of land in Africa! Now, what Petain thinks is how to deal with those indigenous people! It's not that the French army can't beat it, but the finances of France are very problematic! How to settle these things with as few francs as possible is what makes Beidan the worst!

"What about ten years from now? When we have passed through this difficult period..." Prime Minister Ribo said.

"If you fight with the Germans, the process may be a bit tortuous, but the result is certain. And I can be sure that in another 20 years, the shadow of the war left in the hearts of the French people will not disappear. Their families, Friends and neighbors have already died in battle, and a whole generation of French have been thrown into this meaningless war, gaining nothing but death and pain." Petain's words were full of deep sadness. Of course, what made Armand and others frustrated the most was the first sentence, what is meant by a tortuous process, and the result is certain! This is too bad, old iron!

"Although General Petain's view is very pessimistic to outsiders, it is indeed the closest to the facts. Before the Franco-Prussian War, France had lost the most critical demographic advantage, and our local core population has been maintained at a relatively low level. This makes our tolerance for war very low. The vast colonies also require a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain. Especially North Africa. We always want to turn them into the France of Africa, but it seems a little difficult now." Clemenceau said.

"So, General Petain, you mean to accept the first opinion put forward by the Germans, that France does not fortify Germany?" Prime Minister Ribaud asked.

"Can we refuse?" Petain asked rhetorically.

"Well, that's it for this question. Let's talk about the second question!" President Armand did not get too entangled in this almost irresistible issue. He is more concerned about the future of France!

"The Germans are trying to establish a new European order dominated by Germany and Austria. This system encompasses most of Western Europe. The idea of ​​this so-called European alliance is currently only in economics, but it is likely to be extended to politics and defense in the future. We will not fight the Germans for others, but do we have to be the servants of the Germans?" Prime Minister Ribo said.

"But from the current situation, participating in the current German-Austrian economic circle has a very important role for France. After this war, it is difficult for us to open the British market. The British will not open the colonial market to us. In the Far East, we can only defend. Without sufficient military and deterrence, it is difficult for us to make a difference. The American market is American. From the western border of Germany to the Russian border, here is Germany and Austria. And what do we have? It's just a large barren colony. Our industrial products have no buyers. The small domestic market will have an extremely negative impact on the future development of Clemenceau said.

The world market has almost been divided up. Unless a new technological revolution is detonated and a new industry emerges, for the powers of this world, rushing into the other side’s market means fierce conflict or even war! However, from the current world political and economic map, France is in the most disadvantaged position!

Any powerful country that wants to develop needs the origin of raw materials and product markets. Under the current circumstances, the old order has been mostly broken, and the new order is taking shape. The old king has fallen, and the new overlord is rising. The winner happily enjoyed the banquet of victory, while the loser shivered in the side corner.

From an economic perspective, the United States has undoubtedly benefited the most from this war! Through the acquisition of overseas assets of the Allies, the Americans easily obtained a large amount of market. At the same time, through trade with the belligerent countries, the United States successfully transformed from a debtor country to a creditor country. The gold reserves are the highest in the world in terms of quantity and proportion. The US economy has reached a new peak once again!

What about Germany and Austria-Hungary as the victorious countries? For these two countries, their biggest benefit lies in the qualitative changes in their homeland! There has never been a country on the European continent that ranks first in terms of population, territory and industry! Russia has a vast territory, rich resources, and a large population, but its industrial foundation is very poor. During the Napoleonic period in France, it was very NB, but at its most glorious time, the French First Empire had an area of ​​no more than 900,000 square kilometers.

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