The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2317: 1st compromise

"Some problems have arisen within the British Empire. I need to temporarily suspend the talks and return to my country to deal with some things. This is definitely not disrespect for your country. I will leave the Foreign Secretary Earl Balfour in charge of related liaison matters." When facing Crown Prince Ruprecht, the attitude of British Prime Minister Asquith can be described as humble!

"Mr. Prime Minister, to a certain extent, the two parties in the negotiation are opponents. Your country has reasons to suspend the negotiation because of its own interests. After all, India is very important to your country. But I want to say that your country delays every day. , For the German Empire, it is a loss, just like bank borrowing. Funds one day earlier or one day later means the loss of profits. I think you should understand what I mean.” Ruprecht said with a smile, with a very attitude Clearly, Germany is now going to take advantage of your illness!

"But now the British Empire simply cannot come up with the indemnity you requested, and even the down payment is impossible. I think your country definitely does not want the British Empire to collapse? Because in that case, your country will not get a penny! We! First, the form of the colony must be stabilized, and then funds can be raised to compensate your country." Asquith tried his best to defend.

"Suppression of the colonial uprising is your country's business. This cannot be a reason to prevent us from receiving the spoils. Of course, from my personal point of view, a certain understanding can be given, but the premise is that you must make some sincere actions. And don’t forget that most of your country’s army assets are still in the hands of the German Empire. If you want to suppress the uprising, a well-equipped and well-trained army is indispensable.” Ruprecht said.

"Hey, it's reached this point." Although he was prepared in his heart, in the face of the Germans pressing on every step of the way, Asquith could only come up with the biggest bargaining chip: "If your country is willing to temporarily suspend negotiations, and If some Royal Army personnel can be released and some equipment can be returned, the British Empire can start the handover of the Commonwealth of South Africa within three days."

“It’s not enough for the Federation of South Africa. There are also Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia. During the transfer process, all the assets, wealth, and documents of the colony cannot be transferred or destroyed. If something happens, we don’t want to see it. Circumstances, then your country will face very severe punishments. At the same time, your country also needs to fulfill these obligations for areas that the empire cannot accept temporarily, otherwise all the losses of the German empire will be reflected in the compensation and additional clauses! You understand me Do you mean?" Grand Duke Baden said.

"At this point, the imperial government will fully cooperate. I will provide the German government with a specific handover plan within three days after I return. You can communicate with the Earl of Balfour for all the problems encountered during the handover. He is the plenipotentiary of the empire. Are you satisfied now?" Prime Minister Asquith asked.

"Very well, I think we can start the next question." Ruprecht said with a smile.

"How did you know that I have to discuss the next issue with you?" Asquith said unexpectedly. Because this is a temporary meeting, there is no so-called meeting minutes. It stands to reason that Germans should not know that they have to discuss other issues. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, their first priority is to return to the UK to deal with the chaos.

"It's still early, let's make a game. Let me guess your next issue." Ruprecht said with a smile: "Your Excellency must want to know the limits of future business between Britain and a certain country in the Far East? Is that right? After all, armed suppression can only temporarily solve the colonial problem. Britain wants to overcome this difficulty and pay enough compensation to Germany in exchange for a large amount of hard currency."

"You are right." Asquith's face changed slightly, but he still admitted. "This time your Excellency won again. For the sake of the empire, we must continue to do business with that terrible ally in the Far East. You earned the gold and silver in the Japanese pockets through Britain, and weakened Germany through us and the Japanese. The empire’s most powerful potential opponent. It’s really killing two birds with one stone. What's even more frustrating is that the British Empire must be blamed for this black pot. You are so powerful, you have nothing to do!"

"Well, since you want to know the limit, then I can tell your Excellency. First, all army weapons and air force aircraft and accessories can be provided to Japan, but these things can only be passed through the United Kingdom. We can control your country. Return the assets to your country and then export them to Japan."

"As for the navy, before the end of the war, your country can consider launching no more than two large capital ships, and these warships cannot be too advanced. As for the reasons and methods, that is your problem. How to deal with the Americans is also your problem. Once Britain and Germany sign a formal peace treaty, warships with a tonnage of more than 10,000 tons are not allowed to be transferred!" Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

Regarding the first point, it is natural that the Germans want to clarify their relationship In fact, in order to completely extract Germany from this matter, there are still many things to do, for example, Germany wants Destroy a large number of old weapons, creating the illusion of destroying weapons. Then the British retrieved some of the new weapons before reselling them to Japan.

As for the second point, it is to widen the rift between the United States and Britain! After all, the German Navy only monitors the British battleships, and the actual ownership remains with the British Navy. If the negotiations go smoothly, Germany will allow Britain to retain the remaining battleships of the Great Fleet. However, no matter what, these battleships are already old. The British have the idea of ​​disposing of second-hand goods, and the Japanese have needs, then this business can naturally be made. Of course, this kind of thing is a tightrope walker, you can do it once, if you do it again, I am afraid it will irritate the Americans too much and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Of course, Ruprecht should not be too indulgent in the British behavior. After all, on the battlefield, Germany and Japan are enemies. Ruprecht does not hope that the battleships sold by the British to Japan will cause serious damage to the German fleet. loss! Therefore, Ruprecht hinted that the British were selling old-style warships. These warships were a great threat to the U.S. Navy, but a small threat to the elite high seas fleet. The best result was that the U.S. Navy ordered some warships from the German Navy... After all, after the war, the German High Seas Fleet also has to update its main fleet, and some old ships have to be dealt with!

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