The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2314: Between the United States and France Three

"Although I am the President of France, although I am unwilling to Germany's theft of French territory in the Franco-Prussian War. But I know what it means to admit reality. We can't defeat Germany in the best case, and we even paid in this war. Far more expensive than the Franco-Prussian War. For this, we even killed a generation! As President of France, I will take responsibility for my mistakes. But at the same time, I must also consider the future of France, although I don’t want to admit it. , But I have to tell you clearly that France will not take the initiative to take action against Germany at any time in the future!"

"As for whether we believe in the promises of the Germans, how should we say? At least so far, the Germans have kept their promises. Judging from the current actions of the United States and Germany, Germany’s promises to your country are also fulfilling. As for what to do if the German violates the date? It is just an assumption. France will consider this matter when formulating its own strategy, but it will never implement countermeasures before the other party breaches the contract." Speaking of which, Armand Very impatient already.

"I think if our two countries want to discuss economic and trade relations, then we can continue to exchange, but if it is an alliance or military matters, I think it is not appropriate now. France does not need war. If you have nothing new I think we can end this meeting if you have any suggestions." Armand said at last.

"Is it really good for us to reject the Americans like this?" After the talks, Prime Minister Ribo said with some concern: "If we make false claims with the Americans now, we can at least get a certain amount of economic assistance. As for the military, we can also. By providing some surplus materials or technology in exchange for the urgently needed funds."

"From a purely economic point of view, our cooperation with the Americans can indeed help us solve many problems in the short term. But, have you ever thought about it, if the United States and France are too close at this time, then what will the Germans think? Now, the negotiation between France and Germany has not yet begun. We don’t know what price the Germans will ultimately offer. We even have very few countermeasures. Our status is actually the same as that of the British, but the Germans are right. We have some kindness in our hearts."

"The Entente system collapsed, and the rift between the United States and Germany will grow bigger and bigger. At this time, it is a very bad choice to be close to the Americans! It may even cause a fierce reaction from the Germans! And to be honest, I think the US-French alliance does not In any sense, the long distance has reduced the Americans' so-called military guarantees to France as a joke! In that case, why do we need this alliance?" President Armand expressed his true thoughts.

"Then do you think the so-called goodwill of the Germans can reach our bottom line? What should we do if it does not reach us?" Prime Minister Ribo asked.

"To be honest, we have no way, at least in the current situation. Remember, even if one day the United States, Britain, and Russia form a new Allied State, France will never stand before Germany actually falls. The opposite of Germany! Because, even if the new Allies win in the end, France will become a scorched earth! Because we are too close to Germany!" said President Armand.

"Are you too pessimistic?" Prime Minister Ribo said.

"It is not pessimistic. If Germany could only be regarded as a European hegemon before, then now, the expanded Germany has the foundation to become a world hegemon. His conditions are better than those of the United Kingdom and second only to the United States. You can imagine In the heart of the world, Central Europe, with more than 1.5 million square kilometers of land and an area no less than its own allies, is Germany really powerful? Of course, the most important thing is that these two big countries still have A very good leader." President Armand said.

"You mean Crown Prince Ruprecht?" Prime Minister Ribo asked.

"Yes, although he was once an enemy, I have to say that he is a rare strategic wizard in Europe in a century! His wisdom and ability surpassed all of our contemporaries, and our strategies and strategies are not worth it before him. Just to mention. And he now has enough power to realize his plans and attempts. He owns the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the same time, he can have a significant influence on German politics. Under his operation, the possibility of Germany's future failure is very high. Low! Americans can protect themselves, but it is very difficult to defeat Germany and Austria in Europe, Africa or West Asia. As a European country, at least we can't be at odds with such a hegemon, right?" President Armand said.

"But France can't sneer on others, right?" Prime Minister Ribeau was still a little unwilling.

"Look at the situation, Clemenceau is coming back. He should have brought the German proposal. We will discuss this matter when we come back." President Armand sighed.

At the same time, in the car returning to the place of stay, Taft was very angry at the French's uncooperative attitude. "I feel that the majesty of the United States of America has been insulted! In essence, there is no essential difference between the Germans, the French and the British. They underestimated the strength of the United States! They regarded the goodwill of the United States as a weakness! I never thought that After, Britain and France, who have reached the end of their lives, dare to reject the kindness of the United States! This is simply incomprehensible!"

"Perhaps, the French are indeed scared by the Germans' blade. In this world, besides money and national strength, after all, it depends on force." Wilson sighed.

"Yes, the national and financial power of the United States has reached the pinnacle of the world, but we have not proved the strength of the United States on the battlefield! I now finally understand President Roosevelt’s idea that the Pacific War must be fought, not just In order to retaliate against Japan and to let other powers see the strength of the United States! If we can spend enough capital to prove that we can protect France, then today's talks are definitely not the result!" Taft said.

Until now, Taft finally understood the essence of President Roosevelt’s gentle words, great stick in his hand! Sometimes, threats are more effective than persuasion!

"Then what do we do next? Our diplomatic achievements with major European countries are almost zero. How about we go to the Apennines to see?" Wilson asked.

"Italian? Haha, they can be called a great power only because of diplomatic etiquette!" Even though Taft's diplomatic activities were a terrible failure, he would not go to Italy to try his luck again, because Italy would never Bring a little benefit to the United States!

"Let's stay in Germany and see the future situation." Taft said at last.

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