The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2313: Between America and France II

"We can complete military cooperation, such as technology and other aspects. We can even help your country maintain its colony in the Far East. The Japanese can do something against the Netherlands in the war, but they may not do something against your country's Far East colony in the future. At this time, your country does not have a reliable ally in the Far East. If you can get the help of the United States of America, your country's situation in the Far East will be much better." Taft said.

"What's the price?" President Armand said with a complicated expression.

"We need your country to stand with us in the future Pacific War, the United States, Germany, and France, we have no reason to fail." Taft said.

"Yes, at least in this war, your country will not lose." Prime Minister Ribaud said. The prime minister has not said the second half of the sentence. That is where will France go after this war is over? The Germans just slapped their **** and left to fulfill their original promise. The United States is powerful and the Japanese dare not move lightly. What about France? Everyone knows that this Pacific War is only a limited war. Japan will lose and there will be losses. But even if Japan has been weakened to pack up French power in the Far East, there is no problem at all! What will the French do at that time? Will the Americans launch another war across the Pacific to help France? Even if the Americans do, what is the cost?

"I think the United States of America and France are natural allies. We have had a very friendly past. There has never been a head-on conflict between the two countries. Now, when the new world order is taking shape, I think the two countries can be formed. A true alliance, what Britain once gave to your country, we can give it! And it's doing better than Britain!" Taft said.

"I think it is enough to maintain a friendly and positive relationship between the two countries. Military alliances are no longer useful for the French Republic. In this war, we overestimated our strength and underestimated our opponents. It has caused very difficult damage to the French Republic, and we will take more than ten or even twenty years to recover. Therefore, in the future, France will uphold the principle of neutrality."

President Armand said that in terms of foreign relations, France is indeed chaotic now, with fear of Germany and longing for aid to the United States. But in any case, it is a consensus to avoid joining a new military alliance, because in the new military alliance, the strength of France cannot be the leader, only cannon fodder!

"The United States of America put forward such a proposal for the sake of developing future relations between the United States and France. We have released our goodwill, but your country has not acted accordingly, which makes us very embarrassed. You should be clear if we are just ordinary As far as the relationship is concerned, then the United States has no reason to put out so much money to help your country." Taft said a little displeased, the words already faintly threatened.

However, it is a pity that this time Taft once again found the wrong opponent! Haughty French people can bow their heads like Germans, because the strength of Germans is indeed worthy of awe. But why are you America? Just because you have money? So let the future France go with you? What's more, even though the United States and France have reached a military alliance, considering the distance between the two countries, once something happens, when the American soldiers come over, the daylily will be cold! And to be honest, in the eyes of the French, the American military is really untrustworthy! Their swords are completely incompatible with national strength.

"We understand your country’s ideas, and we respect your country’s choices. However, I want to make it clear that even in the most powerful country, it is absolutely impossible to impose your own ideas on France! What's more The United States!" Faced with the threat of Taft, President Armand did not hesitate to confront him!

"I reiterate France’s position to your Excellency. At this stage, and even for a very long time in the future, trade between the United States and France is very beneficial to the two countries. However, military exchanges and even military alliances are for France. There is no need at all! The three armed forces of France can meet the needs of France at this stage. As for the military alliance? IMHO, the benefits of an alliance with the United States are far less than the alliance with the United Kingdom before the war! After all, when the war just broke out, did the United Kingdom In 2 weeks, 400,000 armed troops can be sent to France. What about the United States? Looking at the size of the US Army, I can hardly imagine that once France faces war again, the US Army can send an enemy army! "

"France will pursue a policy of neutrality in the future. Not only did we say this to your country, we also put forward similar views to the Germans. In the absence of a country infringing France’s interests, France will uphold the principle of neutrality~www.novelhall .com~Does not get involved in international disputes. The Germans have already understood our attitude. The British are unprecedentedly weak, and France is now very safe. We are very satisfied with the current situation. Well, that's it. We can only talk about your country. The idea is not in line with us, and it can even be said to be very dangerous!" President Armand rejected Taft's proposal with very harsh words, leaving no room for it! There is even sarcasm in it!

"I thought that as two countries with long-standing friendly relations and similar political systems, they could have many common languages. I thought that we should be natural allies. But I didn't expect that the distance between us would be It’s so far away. I wonder if your country really believes in Germany’s so-called promises or goodwill? This time the Germans are mainly to deal with Britain, so they will let France go, but next time? Germany is already strong Undoubtedly, does your country really have no intention of guarding against the giant beasts next to France? The United States of America is on the other side of the Atlantic, our security can be guaranteed, and if the United States and France form an alliance, the one with the greatest benefit should be It's your country." Wilson, who was sitting next to Taft, finally spoke. Dissatisfaction and hostility towards Germany were not concealed in the words.

"Mr. Wilson's words surprised me very much, and at the same time expressed doubts about your country's political credibility. I know that there are many potential contradictions between your country and Germany, but in this kind of occasion where the highest level of the two countries meet, your Excellency actually did not The disguised accusation, as an ally of a third country, this behavior is neither in accordance with diplomatic etiquette, nor in accordance with the current relationship before virtue." The French president said.

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