The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2312: Between the United States and France

Just when Ruprecht was trying to establish a new era of German-French relations and by the way, he brought up an "EU". The Americans are not idle either. Since Taft came to Europe, it has been unsuccessful. He did not take advantage of the negotiations with the Germans. In the first two days, the British baby had a problem with India, and the Americans still stunned for a while. I plan to talk to the British again to see if they can force them to be soft. However, the attitude of the British is still the same as before. It is just that the stones in the pit are smelly and hard! Taft can't even figure out how confident the British can survive this crisis.

His own dignified Vice President of the United States of America was full of majesty. As a result, he came to Europe and went around and achieved nothing. This is not only a humiliation to Taft and the authority of the United States and other countries, but also to Taft’s IQ. slander! "Money is the most powerful force in the world, why don't you understand it?" Taft was heartbroken, and finally hesitated again and again. I am embarrassed that President Taft returned to the United States in this way and finally decided to try his luck in France.

For this American vice president from across the ocean, the French still gave corresponding courtesy. The previous contacts between the two sides were also considered to be very happy. After all, there is no big enmity between the United States and France. The independence of the Americans is the help of the French. Typed out! After all, without the French army and navy, where would the great victory of Yorktown come from!

But soon, this harmonious atmosphere disappeared after the Americans expressed their intentions! Because Taft brought up a very outdated and very sensitive topic!

"For your country’s experience in this war, the United States and the other countries express their sympathy. The old Allied alliance can no longer guarantee your country’s interests and safety. At this time, why didn’t your country choose a new one? Stronger and more reliable allies to ensure their safety?" Taft said.

"So, do you think it is a very good choice for us to form an alliance with your country at this time?" French President Armand Falière said after a short silence.

"Is it not? We can provide your country with all the help to tide over the immediate crisis, we can put pressure on the Germans to make them open to the French Net. We can provide your country with a lot of loans and financial assistance to get through. The current economic crisis." Taft said.

"However, there will be absolutely no free help. I want to know what are the demands behind the help provided by your country? No country will trade at a loss. Therefore, before the establishment of a new relationship between our two countries , I want to know the price that France needs to pay." Armand said.

"We want to fill the market space created by the deterioration of the relationship between Britain and France. Not only fuels and minerals, but we also hope that the industrial products of other countries can be used in France to help France recover after the war. We can even help your country. Provide loans to buy these industrial products." Taft said the first request.

The main minerals and fuels in France are imported. Before the war, the minerals mainly came from the British colonies. Although France has a vast colony, it is far inferior to the British in terms of resource abundance and development. The fuel comes from both Britain and Germany. When it comes to competitiveness, the United States does not have an advantage. For example, in minerals, the cost of mining copper and non-ferrous metals in southern Africa by the British will be very low, because the miners are indigenous. As for coal, coal shipped from the Ruhr area or from Wales, England is obviously cheaper than American coal from afar. The only advantage of Americans lies in oil, but in this era, the amount of oil is not large... ..

And now, in Taft's opinion, as the Sino-British relations between Britain and France became violent during the war, the British would probably restrict France on many export items. And Germany is the enemy of France. If at this time, the Americans provide some loans or help, and let the French use American loans or financial assistance to buy American products, it will definitely be beneficial to both parties. It doesn't matter if it is more expensive, after all, the money the French buys is borrowed by the Americans! In this regard, Taft explained to the French in the agreement that most of the US loans must be used for US products!

"How do I feel this operation is so familiar?" President Armand frowned involuntarily. Can this operation be familiar? This is what the French often did in those days! How did the French tie Russia to the French chariot back then, now is how the Americans tie the French to their chariot! The exact same routine!

Since the 1880s, France began to provide Russia with a large number of French franc loans. It was precisely because of the continuous loans from France that supported the Russian Trans-Siberian Railway, supported the Russian People’s Congress to build a navy, and also supported the later Japan. The Russian war! The amount of this loan is even so huge that Russia can repay it, but it doesn’t matter, the French will still give you money.

As mentioned in a famous game CG later: So what is the price? The price is naturally to make Russia's finances extremely dependent on Once the French suspend loans, then Russia's finances will collapse!

In this way, do you think that the French are using money in exchange for the Russian team? Part of it, but not all. In fact, the French don’t lose as much money on loans as the accounts show! Because the large amount of French loans actually allowed the Russians to buy French equipment, and the price of these equipment was much higher than the normal price. For example, the artillery shells in the Russo-Japanese War were mentioned by the Russians. The unit price of shells obtained from the French is about 2 times more expensive than the shells obtained from the Germans by the Japanese! The value of these loans to Russia is not as great as it appears on the books!

However, the current situation is like this. The French did the first year of junior high school, but now the Americans do the fifteenth. And knowing the operation of capital, France, known as a profit-seeking country, will naturally not be as easily fooled as the Russians! Of course, before the specific treaty comes out, this is only President Armand’s guess. Now the French president is quite calm, but soon, when Taft made his second request, it made the French feel uneasy!

"After the loss of Britain and Russia, your country is isolated and helpless on the European continent. The United States of America believes that, as a country with a long history and good relations with the other countries, France has a very important role in the situation of the whole world. Therefore, for To make up for your country’s security problems caused by the loss of allies, and the other countries are willing to provide you with some help within their capabilities."

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