The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2311: Between Germany and France three

"This reason is very far-fetched. In my opinion, one of the most direct benefits of your country's adoption of this behavior is that it can control France's iron ore, coal and fuel supply through cheap raw materials! Alsace and Lorraine are the closest to France. The country’s iron ore deposits and the Ruhr area are close enough for us to obtain a large amount of coal from the United Kingdom, so purchasing German coal is a must."

"As for oil? Congratulations to your country for becoming an oil-producing country in fact second only to the United States. Romania has 4 million tons of fuel oil, the Transcaucasian region has more than 20 million tons of fuel oil production, and the Mesopotamia has 3 million tons. Fuel. Your country’s annual fuel output is as high as 30 million tons. This is only the current fuel output, and there is still room for improvement in the future. This is definitely not something Germany and Austria can digest!"

"So, in your country's view, it is undoubtedly a waste to have so much fuel that cannot be converted into wealth. Of course, from your position, economic benefits are only one aspect, and more importantly, your country can Control the lifeblood of France’s economy through cheap resources and reduced tariffs! Domestic companies have no reason to reject all kinds of cheap raw materials from Germany. Raw materials from the United Kingdom and the United States are rejected, and a large number of industrial products produced in France flow in Germany."

“In the end, the French trade that was originally oriented to the world may be transformed into a trade with Germany as the mainstay. People are profit-seeking. Although money cannot solve everything, it can effectively increase France’s dependence on Germany! Once we get used to using German coal and oil are used to export to Germany. So politically, there is no longer any hostility to Germany. You are using money and the market to disintegrate our fighting spirit." Clemenceau said with some emotion. . "You are really amazing."

There are many enemies that cannot be conquered with guns, but they can be defeated with money and profit. Obviously, the Germans still want France to submit, but they have changed their methods. Facing the German guns, the French warriors can fight to the end. But in the face of the economic cooperation plan proposed by the Germans, to be honest, even if Clemenceau understood part of the German ideas, he still couldn't refuse it! After all, no one has trouble with money!

"Aren't it good for everyone to do business together?" Ruprecht said with a smile. "The establishment of a free trade zone with your country is just the beginning. Germany, Austro-Hungary, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece. And that slippery Italy will join this customs union. In the future, Spain and Portugal may be absorbed. Europe. It is the center of the world, but this center is loose. It has gradually fallen behind the times because of looseness. Therefore, in the future, the German Empire needs to unite a scattered Europe! There will be no more wars between countries. We will work together. Enjoy the glory of this era."

"This is really a grand plan, even bigger than your country's war plan. The Emperor Napoleon wanted to do the same, but he failed. I don't know if you will succeed." Clemenceau said after a moment of contemplation.

"After I saw it, at least this alliance is still a good choice for your country. We have fully taken care of France's interests. And it has avoided the possibility of France falling into war. As long as France does not stand on our opposite side, then I think there is no People go back to attack France." Ruprecht said.

At this moment, Clemenceau was really moved. The crown prince was right. This alliance is a very good choice for France. As long as the two sides are not hostile, France can obtain cheap fuel and iron ore, which can be shared with Germany. The entire European market, and the possibility of facing war in the future has plummeted. After all, the only land power that borders France is Germany. If the Germans don't beat the French, will the British or Americans still come to trouble France?

Of course, the Germans also wanted something. They actually tied France to the German chariot in disguise. In the future, the prosperity of France will largely depend on the strength of Germany because of the dominance of this new European order. It is Germany. In order to protect its own interests, France may be forced to support Germany in many ways. It may even form an alliance with Germany under certain special circumstances.

There are certain risks after the alliance! Like Ruprecht, Clemenceau did not believe that this war was "the war to end all wars." France has experienced so many failures, hasn't it stood up again and again? How could a British person sink completely because of a failure? The Russians lost the land they had ruled for hundreds of years, but Russia was still huge. The United States on the other side of the Atlantic is gradually spreading its wings, trying to extend its influence to the entire world.

In this world, the contradictions between countries still exist, and maybe a new and larger war will break out in a few decades! Where will France go by then? Don't say that now the French can choose to mix with Germany, and then wait for the price! The first request made by the Germans has made France extremely vulnerable when facing Germany. Once hostile, this will undoubtedly open France's door to the German offensive. At the same time, the trade with Germany all the year round will inevitably affect the public opinion of, the various classes of France who have obtained a lot of benefits will certainly not be hostile to Germany. Therefore, France can only choose to be neutral or stand with Germany, and the second one may be even higher. After all, France is the beneficiary of this system. If Germany, which supports this system, falls, the French will not Where does it benefit? Isn't the actual war just for profit?

Clemenceau knew very well that his choice was a one-way street. At that time, France can only count on the long-term fortune of the Germans so that this system can continue. And if you simply choose neutrality? Promise the Germans’ first condition, not to fortify Germany militarily, but continue to take the previous path economically? Although France will be difficult in the future, at least it will not be tied to Germany!

"I know, your Excellency is hesitating, and you are not alone in making decisions like this. Then you might as well go back to Paris and tell your government exactly what I said, and let them make their own judgment. I believe , Your government will make the right choice."

"In addition, as the concluding remarks of this meeting, I would like to say one last thing, depending on your country’s current status, in fact, it doesn’t matter who is the boss in this world. What France should do now is to be defensive, not enterprising, how to coordinate The relationship between the suzerain state and the colony, and guaranteeing its current status is the key. In that case, why didn't France choose to cooperate with the first-class power with the highest price?" Ruprecht said at last.

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