The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2310: Between Germany and France

And as a political figure, every important thing you do will be recorded! If later, you find that your strategy or measures are improper, it may be liquidated! Therefore, true politicians either do not do it, or do the most sure thing to do, especially not to do things that deny themselves. This is very terrible for the political life of politicians!

Therefore, from this perspective, Ruprecht has pushed the easing of the French-German relationship to this level under pressure from various quarters. From the perspective of the crown prince himself, he will not easily change the course. And considering the status of the crown prince in Germany, it is not easy for Germany to deny what the crown prince did before. This also gave the French a sense of security to some extent.

Of course, at the same time, Ruprecht also gave the French a dangerous hint, that is, now, he is here to preside over the negotiations between the Allies and the Allies, and the conditions given by him are already the most superior. If the French do not If you know, let this negotiation come back without success, or if another person in Germany is responsible for the negotiation between Germany and France, then the conditions will definitely not be what it is today! There are people in Germany who are hostile to France, and now France really cannot resist Germany!

So, Ruprecht's meaning is very clear, that is, taking advantage of the present, you are in charge of the negotiation, taking advantage of your patience with the French, and the Germans taking care of your emotions, you just do it. Otherwise, once the political wind in Germany changes, or Ruprecht can't stand it anymore, then maybe the crown prince will be criticized for what he has done, but the French must be even worse!

"I can understand your goodwill, and I also know the importance of changing the relationship between France and Germany to the two countries. But this matter is of great importance after all, and I cannot decide alone, but I can guarantee that I will stand in justice. The angle conveyed your words to our government." Clemenceau's attitude finally softened.

"Okay, let's talk about the second question. Of course, this question is based on the reconciliation of the relationship between the two countries. The Emperor Napoleon of your country also did this. That is the tariff established by Napoleon in the early nineteenth century. The aim of the alliance is to reduce tariffs, open up raw materials, and conduct free trade.” Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

"So, the last time it was dominated by France, and this time will be dominated by Germany?" Clemenceau frowned and said. Because in his opinion, the crown prince’s presenting this opinion is really unexpected to him! Because if you look at it from a neutral perspective, this policy is good for France!

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about steel and raw materials! There are many reasons why France’s coal and iron production is so much lower than that of Germany. In addition to the fact that the industry is already a bit worse, the more important thing is that the French lack coal and iron ore, and France does not lack iron ore. After losing Alsace and Lorraine, I lacked iron... During the war, the British had to provide France with 18 million tons of coal every year to ensure the normal operation of France! Therefore, if France wants to develop the steel industry, both iron ore and coal must be imported! Just like Charles de Gaulle's description of France in history, the first World War competition was coal, and France had no coal. The World War II competition was oil, and France had no oil!

So for France, coal and iron are a necessity and need to be imported in large quantities! In peacetime, regardless of whether the French like it or not, they will import coal and iron from Germany and Britain. Now, with the freezing point of Anglo-French relations, the probability of the British providing coal is greatly reduced. The most economical option is naturally to import coal, iron and petroleum from Germany! It is meaningless for the French to increase tariffs on coal, iron and oil, because the tariffs will eventually be passed on to French industrial products, which will make French products less competitive.

And if the French accept the German proposal on establishing a customs union, not only can they obtain a large amount of raw materials cheaply, but also it will be easier for a large number of French products to enter Germany. After all, the plan proposed by the crown prince is mutual. Jointly control tariffs! This has great benefits for France, so good, now the question is, why do the Germans have to propose this plan that is so beneficial for France? Clemenceau couldn't figure it out!

"I don’t understand. You should know that although France is not as good as Germany in terms of the overall scale of industry, we are not weaker than you in terms of technology. We are just due to the lack of sufficient raw materials and markets. After all, France has only more than 40 million people, less than 70% of Germany's. The French market is already occupied by its own products. Lowering tariffs and opening up the market will not bring you any benefits. On the contrary, , French luxury goods, clothing, and agricultural products will enter the German market instead.” Clemenceau thought for a while and Of course, Clemenceau’s statement on this issue is somewhat optimistic. In terms of industry, France is still a bit worse than Germany, and like the chemical industry and electricity developed in the second industrial revolution, Germany has a huge advantage, but in this world, you have never sold good things. The French representative is right to say that it is not easy for German products to enter the saturated French market, but it is easier for French products to enter the German market. The reason is simple. The German territory has doubled and the population has increased by at least 4,000. Million! Germans need too many industrial products to develop themselves!

"Your Excellency always considers this issue from the perspective of a capitalist. You like monopoly and you like to hold the market firmly in your hands like an enclosure. But doing so is not good for the country. Monopoly will weaken competition and restrict the country. The production vitality. They will obtain excess profits, which will lead to excessive concentration of wealth, affect the purchasing power of the grassroots, and ultimately lead to an economic crisis. Therefore, from the perspective of the country, we need to regulate production and introduce foreign companies to compete. One of our control methods. Of course, this is based on the situation that our market is large enough." Ruprecht said.

"You should understand what I have done before. In addition to building a strong Bavarian army, another thing is taking away a large number of orders from Krupp, Rheinmetall, and Siemens! This has filled Germany with Vitality!"

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