The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2309: Between Germany and France

"However, you may choose to build a line of defense. It takes ten years to build a line of defense that extends from the border between France and Germany to the border between France and Belgium. When you hide in a tortoise shell made of reinforced concrete, you will have a lot of confidence. Even if we cannot attack us, it is not easy for us to bite. Sometimes people are irrational and will be affected by emotions or other people's lobbying." Ruprecht said.

The crown prince’s words clearly understand that France may indeed not take the initiative to attack Germany, but if France maintains protection against Germany, then Germany also needs to guard against the other side. Therefore, this may cause two situations, the first situation It is Germany that will not actively attack for some reasons, so it must defend France with a million soldiers in the border area. The second situation is that Germany has a hot head and decided to launch a "preventive war" to press France on the ground! In either case, this is not what the crown prince wants to see, because the former will contain a part of the German army, and the latter will make what the crown prince does today lose any meaning!

"Well, as victors, you are privileged. Your country can propose your plan, but I need to remind you that excessive squeezing and restrictions will only make the relationship between us that we have begun to get closer to reverse. And I hope you Can give France the respect it deserves." Under the pressure of the crown prince, Clemenceau could only choose to listen to the other side's thoughts first.

"If your country can cooperate with my request, then I have full confidence to ensure that in the final peace agreement, we will not add clauses restricting the development of your country’s military power. Neither the number of troops nor the level of equipment will be added. Limit it!"

"I think that when two people who are hostile to each other want to relax, the last way is to put away their weapons and withdraw a certain distance. This behavior applies to people, but also to countries, of course, because of geographic relations. It is impossible for us to keep a distance, but on the issue of military deployment, we can minimize the military deployment on the borders of the two countries and the border areas between France and Belgium. Moreover, most of the permanent fortifications and fortresses between the two countries will be dismantled. "Ruprecht said.

"This suggestion seems reasonable." Clemenceau squeezed a few words from his teeth, and then he expressed his protest to the crown prince with silence. The two sides reduced the border garrison and demolished the fortifications seem to be equal, but in fact, for the weaker France, it is tantamount to exposing their most vulnerable chest to the Germans! This can be understood by looking at the map. Alsace and Lorraine are inherently complex in terrain. Even without fortifications, the Germans have the best defensive terrain. Then head north, to the Farby border area.

Germany's plan for dealing with Belgium has been taken out. Belgium is not just as simple as losing the Belgian Congo! The national defense of Belgium has also been completely deprived! Armaments were strictly restricted, and places such as the Liege Fortress were also dismantled. In the future, Germany will also deploy 2 divisions in Belgium in the name of protecting the lines of communication! Although it seems that there are not many, compared to Belgium, which is already weak to the extreme, it is already a force that can destroy the country! In fact, Belgium is already at the forefront of Germany.

Look again at the depth of the two countries, how far is Paris, France, from the French border? Look at the distance from Berlin and Munich to the border, and then consider the places like Warsaw, Minsk, and Riga that the Germans have acquired. Germany, which has an area of ​​more than 1.5 million square kilometers, has too much strategic depth! If everyone delineates the same area as the "unarmed zone", then France must be the one who suffers! And without the barriers of the fortress, with the breakthrough speed of the German army, I am afraid that after Berlin declares war, the German soldiers can reach the city of Paris within 3 days, right? Because France does not have time and depth to adjust the deployment of border areas!

"Perhaps in your opinion, we did this as if we were holding a knife around your neck. But you think carefully, if war breaks out in 20 years, what kind of German army will your country face? In this war, the French army has reached the zenith level. The development of the German army is far from reaching the limit!" Ruprecht said.

"From the perspective of military results, this article is actually meaningless, because no matter how you prepare, and regardless of the situation at the time, in my opinion, the result is certain. We have only one fundamental purpose for doing this. That is to let some uncomfortable people in your country know that they cannot raise the sword in their hands against Germany. This will cut off the idea of ​​being an enemy of us."

The crown prince’s words are already well understood. The key to this is to deter and make the French more aware of their situation and status. As for whether the Germans will breach the contract and actively attack France? In fact, this issue does not need to be considered at all, because as long as the Germans decide to act on France, the result will be the same no matter how much France struggles!

"There is such a peace in the When the strong side believes that it can destroy the opponent at any time, and the weaker side realizes that it will lose anyway, there will be real peace between the two sides. Because the strong Those who don’t worry about the weak’s revenge, and the weak know that they can’t retaliate.” Ruprecht said.

"If France truly upholds neutrality, we will not take the initiative to attack France. As long as I am still a day, this will not change. Because the improvement of relations with France is under the impetus of me. Politically speaking, I There is no reason to overthrow all of this for no reason. This is a denial of my strategy. Can you understand this? Although Germany is in a strong position, we have no intention of fighting against France, which is neutral or close to Germany. This is like a rabbit. It's not the same when you're around a bison, because the bison doesn't want to do anything to the rabbit." The crown prince said.

"I believe this." After a while, Cremonceau sighed. If someone vowed to tell Clemenceau that the whole of Germany is willing to improve relations with France, Clemenceau would absolutely not believe it! Are you kidding me, how could hundreds of years of grievances and grievances be wiped out? On the battlefield, how could the millions of deaths and injuries on both sides not leave deep scars to the people?

However, Ruprecht said he wanted to improve German-French relations, and Clemenceau believed it, because if the crown prince did not have this subjective will, the German army would have reached Paris early. Then how would the Germans deal with the British? The French can do it, just take whatever benefits they want. How can it be so troublesome like now?

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