The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2308: The French are coming two

When the strength of both sides has grown significantly and the external environment feels similar, the war will surely reignite! Because all the great powers in the world have reasons for launching wars, the Soviet Union and Britain are trying to regain their lost interests, and Germany and Austria are still worried about the weakened Soviet Union! The Americans want to contain the development of Germany and Austria. Well, since the relationship between everyone is so uncoordinated, and since everyone is so confident, then negotiation obviously cannot solve the problem. Let's see the truth on the battlefield!

But what about the attitude of the French at that time? They continue to remain neutral? How to say it, with the strength of the French, it is possible to maintain neutrality. After all, many countries in the history of World War II maintained neutrality, such as Spain and Turkey. It is also advantageous for the French to remain neutral. At least in terms of land warfare, Germany can use most of its power on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union.

But at the same time, the Germans are also a little afraid of the French's excessive independence. After all, even if the French are weaker, they are still a European army power! It is not difficult at all to gather 2 million troops during the war, coupled with a not weak industry. Even though the French said that they would be neutral, there are still many people in Germany who are skeptical of the French newspaper! If Germany and Austria play well, the French will naturally not dare to do anything, but if there are some setbacks in the battlefield, will France, the neutral parliament, become an enemy of Germany? After all, this time the Germans only defeated France, and some key issues were not resolved! Take, for example, the Alsace-Lorraine problem that makes the French worry about it!

Actually, Ruprecht is not sure about the attitude that France may take in the second war. He also worried that the French would stab the Germans when there is an unfavorable situation in Germany! This kind of vigilance and alert cannot disappear with just a few words, and France is far stronger than Spain and Turkey, and it is enough to make any country not belittle it, and it is enough to make any country try to win!

"Will your country be neutral in the future?" Ruprecht asked.

"Yes, we have given up fighting for hegemony in Europe and the world. We just want to ensure the integrity of our territory and colonies. And the French armament building will also focus on this core. We will not target Germany, nor will we target others. Country." Clemenceau said.

"I said that in the future, Germany will respect the neutrality of France. And is willing to create a better future with your country. Do you believe this?" Ruprecht did not comment on what Clemenceau said. It changed the subject.

"Who can tell the future clearly. I can't see that day." Clemenceau's answer was very vague, and he did not answer directly.

"It seems that you still have a grudge against us," the crown prince said calmly.

"His Royal Highness, you are a little more sensitive. The French Republic has lost too much in this war. We have lost more than we have gained. Therefore, I believe that no one will fight another loss-making war."

After Clemenceau realized that there was something wrong with his words, he wanted to save the situation. As a politician, Clemenceau is very aware that every sentence of his own may lead to certain consequences. For example, if Clemenceau said just now that he believed the crown prince, it would at least represent that France and Germany would maintain a peaceful situation. , And what does the last half sentence mean to create a better future? Are the two countries close to each other? Even an alliance? The Germans can unfold the following topics smoothly, but can the French say no? Don't forget, in essence, there is no difference between France and Britain today! One is the pig on the chopping board, and the other is the fish on the chopping board!

Obviously, although the French have now admitted their guilt, and the relationship with the United Kingdom is completely dead, there are other big countries in the world, and the French do not want to tie themselves to their former enemies! This is not just a question of face, but also a question of actual interests and national security. Therefore, when it is impossible to say no, and cannot fail to agree, Clemenceau wants to skip this question through vagueness. But then, Ruprecht did not intend to let go of this question, and Clemenceau became very nervous!

"Before the war broke out, no one could really understand the context of the whole war, and no one had the ability to be a true prophet. I believe that your country is also considering how to make a shame before the war begins? And I can be sure, If Germany loses in this war, France will never show any mercy to Germany! Today, we can sit here only because we won, and I want to be hostile to your country before improving. Decades of relationship. From this point of view, my sincerity is at least more than that of your country. Don’t you think?” Ruprecht’s words are still calm, but the pressure has already made the opposite Clemenceau Cold sweat was flowing.

"This time, your country lost and thought you could remember it, but what about ten or twenty years later? When France gets up again your younger generation forgets this war After the pain and the goodwill released by the German Empire. When you look across Europe, when you are instigated by other powers, who can guarantee that there will be no war between the two countries?"

"Although I agree with the improvement of the relationship between the two countries and appreciate your country’s neutral attitude, as a rational politician, I know that you don’t trust us, and neither do we. Therefore, this mutual The issue of trust must be resolved," Ruprecht said at last. "This problem cannot be avoided!"

"Your country proposed to limit the armaments of the British navy and air force during the negotiation with the United Kingdom. Then, for France, does your country also have to request the armament of the French army to limit the French army?" Clemenceau said with a gloomy expression. Thinking in a straight line, the neighbor next to you was beaten by you today, and you are afraid of him getting revenge. Naturally to weaken him! It's best to take away everything they can use as weapons. Therefore, Clemenceau immediately thought that the Germans might want to restrict French armaments, because this is the most direct and effective behavior! After all, who made you border Germany!

"In fact, there is no need for your country to do this. The German Army has proved its position as the world's first army in the battle of blood and fire. Even with the help of Britain and Russia, France has not been able to defeat its opponents. In the future, when Britain and France are already at the same level and Russia is greatly weakened, we will naturally not take the initiative to attack your country." Clemenceau said carefully.

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