The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2307: The French came

Ruprecht is very busy, really busy. Now he is not only responsible for negotiating with the British, but also taking care of government affairs in Bavaria and Austria. In the crevice of doing these things, for example, now, the crown prince still has to meet with representatives from France! Yes, it is French! After the French and Germans reached an understanding and stabbed the British in the back, the Germans also fulfilled their promise and began to slowly withdraw their troops from the French mainland. Now, when the war comes to an end, except A small number of German troops remained in northeastern France to guard the captured British troops and their equipment. Most of the German troops had already withdrawn from France.

Until now, the Germans did not impose harsh demands on the French as they did to the British, and the German Navy completely abandoned the blockade of France. The army's withdrawal has also shown its sincerity. At the same time, there is no requirement for immediate payment of compensation.

However, although the Germans have shown their sincerity and the French are a little relieved, whether they are Germans or French, they all know that before, the two sides fought a war to determine the fortune of the country! Even though Germany, as the victor in the end, intends to ease the feud between each other by releasing France and Malaysia, there will still be restrictions and compensation that should be given. The original sin of defeat will not be cancelled!

And this time, the French representative Clemenceau came to Berlin to test the Germans' tone. Although the two sides have not negotiated yet, if they know the ideas of some Germans, they will be quite useful for future German-French negotiations. Help, and this temptation will have a profound impact on future US-French relations! Yes, it is the relationship between the United States and France. Up to now, the French are still very hesitant!

The French stabbed the British on the battlefield just to avoid subjugation, but it does not mean that after the war, France and the Austro-Hungarian Empire became an ally of Germany! Think about it, even during the Cold War in history, the proud French still maintained their independence. Now, in the current environment, if the French do not have their own ideas, then it would be abnormal!

Although it was not a formal meeting, Ruprecht decided to play in person. The French are testing the Germans, and for the same reason, the Germans are also testing the French!

"First of all, I am very grateful to your country for your tolerance and understanding at the end of the war. I believe this will be the beginning of a new relationship between our two countries. We have a very good beginning, but I want to explain. Yes, France is still a first-class power on the European continent. We have a vast colony, a well-developed industry, and a strong army. We have our own politics and interests. What is your country’s attitude towards France? Qualified, partners who can cooperate with each other in the future, or as a dispensable country?" After a brief greeting, Clemenceau said his intentions. It is too early to discuss compensation and negotiation. However, the attitude of the Germans towards France is very important!

"We respect the rights and status of France as a powerful country. Your Excellency should be very clear that up to now, we still have not adopted measures and measures similar to those of the United Kingdom. This can fully demonstrate our sincerity. In fact, we treat you The country’s colonial requirements are not high, and it’s more of a symbolic meaning. After all, we have to give the domestic people an explanation. The so-called economic compensation, we also use loans to describe it, fully take care of your country’s face, and meet our requirements Compared with the amount of compensation paid by the British, the number of your country is really small. And the sincerity we show requires a clear response from you.” Ruprecht said.

"The war between the empire and France has been over for a long time. Compared with your country, you should have some considerations for the relationship between Germany and France in the future? Can you tell me first, how will France choose in the future?" Kicked back again.

"We will try our best to maintain good relations with your country." Clemenceau's answer was very vague. "But France will still maintain its independence. Since Napoleon the Great, the French Republic has always been in a very awkward position. We are much stronger than the second-tier powers, but weaker than the first-class powers. We always want to be the masters of the world. , And paid the price of blood for this goal time and time again, the Crimean War, the war with Austria, the Franco-Prussian War, and the war just ended. We paid a lot, but got very little. Therefore, in the future, France The Republic will no longer seek dominance in the world or Europe. We uphold neutrality."

Clemenceau said carefully. Ruprecht still agrees with some of the content of the French statement! At least now the French are very clear about their position: a powerful country between first-rate and second-rate! Of course this positioning only applies to this period. If 20 years pass, France will be a second-rate power! Virtue is definitely top-notch. Needless to say, although the British have suffered heavy losses, they are estimated to be better than France. After all, there are two younger brothers, Canada and Australia. Under the leadership of Ruprecht, the Austro-Hungarian Empire can definitely overwhelm France. The new Soviet Union is estimated to be stronger than France, even though the Soviet Union has shrunk a lot on this plane.

But no matter what, after the French know their position, they will definitely not do something beyond their own power, such as pursuing the hegemony of Western Europe. The French can even appeal to the age of the Sun King, and they will always ensure French hegemony in Western Europe as one of their national policies. With the rise of Germany, the French dreams were wiped out in the Franco-Prussian War, but the unwilling French are still working hard! That's why the First World War was born, and now, the French have given up on this, they want to follow the British neutral route.

What do you say about this idea? From the current point of view, it will be fine within ten years. But if time drags on for a longer time, then the situation will be different. The reason is simple. Whether it is history or this plane, the so-called "end all wars" World War I cannot completely resolve the contradictions between the powers. . Historically, after the defeat of World War I, Germany was forbearing and waiting for revenge, but what about this plane? But Britain and Russia are waiting for revenge!

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