The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2306: Japan first person

"The Germans actually did this to make the United States pay a higher price and to extend the duration of the war. Only in this way can the Germans continuously obtain loans and economic support from the United States." Kato said.

"Don't the Germans be afraid that we will defeat the U.S.-German coalition forces in the first battle after we have obtained sufficient British equipment?" Yamamoto Gonei said angrily. This is a kind of anger after being underestimated. He can feel that he and the Japanese joint fleet have been The Germans despised it. It's like a lion playing with its prey again.

"Of course the Germans are not afraid. Even though the British pack and give us all the fleet, we are not as strong as the original fleet." Saiyuanji Gongwang sighed and said, "Fortunately, the Germans only care about face. And compensation, they don’t want to kill us completely. This is a blessing in misfortune. To some extent, as long as we can reach the bottom line of the Germans and hurt the Americans at the same time, then we have the hope of ending the war." Said Gongwang Xiyuan Temple.

Saiyuanji Gongwang’s analysis is right. In this war, the goals of the United States and Germany are different. The Americans are very simple. They beat the Japanese hard, and it is best to hit Tokyo Bay. The goals of the Germans are relatively low. First, it is natural to fulfill Germany’s promise to the United States. Second, it is to punish Japan, a member of the Allied Powers, and let the Japanese know how powerful they are through a war, so that Japan does not dare to infringe Germany easily. Economic interest in the Far East.

Again, rely on Japan to consume the United States. The Germans will do their best, but they will not do their best. They will definitely have a bottom line of their own. Of course, as for the Germans intending to help the Americans push to the island of Guinea, it doesn’t matter, they should go directly to the gate of Kalimantan. I'm not sure. After all, Germany has no idea about this bottom line.

"The German and American affairs are not something we can intervene. Even if we want to negotiate with Germany, we must gain some advantages on the battlefield before we can proceed. Our current focus is on Britain, especially the battleships, battleships, and battleships of the British Navy. We all need aircraft carriers! We must use some means to tie the British to our tanks, and obtain the most urgent supplies from the British." Saiyuanji Gongwang said.

"Then what shall we do now?" Kato Takaaki asked.

"First, tell the British through diplomatic channels that if the United Kingdom wants, we can send an army to help Britain solve India’s problems, and our army will be fully at the mercy of the British government. Secondly, tell the British that we are the Queen of Elizabeth Battleships and aircraft carriers are very interested. If possible, the empire hopes to obtain these battleships." Saiyuanji Gongwang said.

Saiyuanji's two hands are completely soft and hard! Helping the British to suppress the uprising in India is naturally a good move, and asking the British to export large battleships completely tied the British to Japan! Is this technique familiar? That's right! This is the trick the Japanese used by mistake on the eve of the Filipino War! In that war, the British helped the Japanese buy 4 crucial warships from Germany! As a result, Japan was completely locked in.

And this time, the Japanese repeated their old tricks and forced the British to export their warships through both soft and hard means to ensure the continuation of the Anglo-Japanese alliance! If the battleships of the British Navy appear in the battle sequence of the Japanese Navy in the decisive battle, then the Americans who have been stimulated once more than a decade ago will probably never forgive the British? And if there is no understanding between Britain and the United States, then the Anglo-Japanese alliance is naturally very stable! Because after the war, Britain can no longer rely solely on its own strength to ensure its interests in the Far East!

"Let the British export large battleships to us, I am afraid that this idea cannot be realized? Especially now that the main British battleships are under the control of the Germans, even if the Germans want to stumble the Americans, these battleships cannot flow into it. In our hands, after all, this problem is too serious." Terauchi said.

In this era, it may not be a big deal for the Americans to export small pieces of artillery and airplanes, but if it is a capital ship with a displacement of up to 28,000 tons like a Queen Elizabeth-class battleship, then the Americans will never give up. Teruchi said that unless the Germans are ready to turn their faces with the Americans, the Germans will never allow the British to export these warships to Japan. To put it in a more straightforward way, that is, the Germans have played this matter!

"Battleship may not be possible, but aircraft carrier is entirely possible." Yamamoto Gonhei said.

"What do you mean?" Teruichi said with some dissatisfaction. He felt that his old adversary was talking big! After all, in this plane, aircraft carriers and battleships belong to the same class of battleships. If battleships cannot be exported, then aircraft carriers will naturally not be exported!

"This matter is our navy's own business, and your army should leave it Let's build the fortress with peace of mind." Yamamoto Quanhei pretended to be mysterious and said: "Kun Saiyuanji, some The matter is up to you."

"If it is possible, then we will naturally cooperate, I think the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also help." Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said.

"Then what about Germany? We can't do nothing, right?" Kato Takaaki said.

"Now we can only do peripheral work. We can express our goodwill to Germany through neutral countries or private channels. We can consider compromises in economics and trade." Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said.

"Then what if the Germans have to pay compensation?" Kato asked Gao Ming. The Germans did not seek a colony in the Far East. This made the Japanese feel at ease, but for Germany, which has already suffered a bit of damage, the compensation is absolute. If you can’t get around the hurdle, just imagine, for the sake of money, the Germans can even count on the United States. Why should the Germans let Japan go?

"The compensation is to be paid, but it is definitely not now! This question will not be mentioned for the time being." Saiyuan Temple Gongwang thought for a while and said.

The national uprising in India is tantamount to dropping a stone in this jumbled pool, and the water splashed by this stone has affected the whole world from all levels. Some influences can be seen now, and some influences will come later. To see it. The major powers in the world are all considering their own future paths. This is the case with the winning Allies, the losing Allies, and the neutral United States. But now, what are the French doing?

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