The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2305: Japan's first

"We all understand these, but the most critical issue is still unresolved. The British have provided us with far from enough things. We need a large number of aviation engines, aircraft, submarines, underwater listening devices, anti-submarine and **** equipment. We are To fight the most powerful country in the world and the country with the largest industrial scale, if the British cannot completely stand on our side, Germany and the United States can consume us to death by simply relying on consumption!" Masaichi Temple was a little impatient Said.

"Jun Temple is right. We must not only do business with the British, but also keep the British on our side, because during the war, we must do not only ordinary military and commercial activities, but also Let the British help us maintain the smooth flow of sea transportation. The German submarines are quite powerful. I can't think of how long our merchant ships can last if the Germans get serious!" said Yamamoto Gonhei. .

In history, how many ships did Japan have at the end of the war? At the end of 1918, Japan had 2,865 merchant ships with a gross tonnage of 2.48 million tons. On this plane, the Japanese are much stronger, with a total tonnage of 4.5 million tons. But so what? The total tonnage sunk in the highest month of the German submarine war against Britain was more than 800,000 tons! The tonnage of merchant ships killed by Germany's number one trump card was nearly 500,000 tons! As far as Japan’s merchant ships are, facing hundreds of German wolves, the Japanese themselves are very pessimistic!

Of course, considering the vastness of the Pacific Ocean and Germany cannot do its best. In fact, the losses caused by submarines will not be as great as they did to the United Kingdom. However, you must know that even Japan’s current merchant ships are far from the heyday of the British Empire. Well, Japan’s shipbuilding industry is also very weak, with an annual output of only 600,000 tons! If the Japanese were bad luck, the boats built in a year of hard work would not be enough for the German and American navies to fight in a month... This is embarrassing!

Therefore, the Japanese navy represented by Gonei Yamamoto has only two ways to deal with this almost unsolvable situation. On the one hand, it is to make concessions or even compensation, and let Germany start lightly. On the other hand, the fleet of neutral countries is used for transportation. From the perspective of the war, Germany is relatively restrained from the neutral country fleet. The British can persist until now, the neutral country fleet has contributed a lot! The so-called neutral country is naturally Britain! Therefore, Japan is anxious to maintain the alliance between Britain and Japan.

But how to maintain it? If there are common interests, then it is naturally easier to maintain, if not, then you can only use special means to coerce and lure! One way is to fan the troubles of the British colonies in the Far East. After all, the Japanese only care about the result, not the process!

Of course, we must be cautious about coercion and temptation. The Japanese are forcing the British to cooperate with themselves, rather than really wanting to bring down the British colonial system in South and Southeast Asia. The country must have been shot and split. This result is a zero-sum result. As long as Gongwang Xiyuanji is still alive, he will never allow this to happen. Therefore, the current situation is that the Japanese are very anxious. , But still did not act rashly, just wait and see the changes!

"The situation of the British may be very bad, we can even put forward more demanding requirements, such as the purchase of large warships." Yamamoto Gonbei thought for a while and said.

"Are you kidding? As the loser of the war, the Germans will definitely limit the armaments of the British navy. I suspect that after this war, the British may not even have a warship equipped with a 15-inch main gun. We How could it be possible to buy warships from the British?" Terauchi sneered.

"You guys don't know the navy, don't talk nonsense." Yamamoto Gonhei said unceremoniously. "In the Norwegian Sea Battle, the Japanese Navy also had some personnel accompanying the large fleet. In their report after the war, they unanimously mentioned a problem, that is, this time the German Navy seemed to be merciful."

"You are merciful? What do you mean? You mean that if the Germans want, they can kill the entire fleet?" Saiyuanji Gongwang frowned and said.

"I don't know whether we can kill them all, but our people all mentioned in the report that at the end of the battle, the German Navy did not pursue it with all its strength after gaining the advantage, and the heavy bomber unit from Norway discovered the British fleet. No results have been achieved, which is very abnormal. With reference to the previous actions of the German Navy, this kind of low-level mistakes simply should not have occurred!" said Yamamoto Gonhei.

"Then why are Germans doing this?" Teruchi asked.

"Maybe the Germans are not willing to let the British collapse like this. After all, the UK has accumulated too much. If the UK collapses, the Germans will definitely not benefit the most!" Kato said.

"It seems that the actual situation is better than we The contradiction between virtues is bigger than we expected. The Germans let the British go to war to prevent Britain from collapsing and completely rely on the United States. From the current situation, the British can still export weapons and materials to us, largely because of the acquiescence of Germany." Xiyuan Temple Gongwang quickly thought of the key point of the problem.

"That is to say, we have hope to avoid a war with the Germans?" Yamamoto Gonhei said excitedly. Although the two countries are far apart, the German army’s impressive military power is built on the bodies of the Allied Powers. If possible, Japan will try its best to avoid a war with Germany.

"It is impossible to avoid completely. Although virtues are contradictory, cooperation is still in the general direction. It is possible for the Germans to play some tricks in the dark, but in the light, we are still enemies. What's more, we are the Allies after all. Now that the three countries of Britain, France and Russia have fallen, the Germans have no reason to let us go. The Germans will not do their best to fight us, but they will definitely have a goal, maybe Guinea, maybe even counting In other islands, the Germans must use victory and our blood to declare their strength and majesty to the world." Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said.

"Isn't it a contradiction for the Germans to do this? If it is us, we have to face an enemy, then we will do our best to defeat them, and we will use all means. And the Germans do just that. Children's play." Temple Shouyi said.

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