The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2304: Japan first person

"I never imagined that an empire that stood on the top of the world for hundreds of years would fall apart in an instant! In just two years, the British Army was wiped out in ashes, but in just a few hours, the British Great The fleet collapsed and settled in the Norwegian Sea. More than 20 years of hard work and hundreds of years of brilliance vanished. Now, there is turmoil in India, the British colonial system is precarious, and the building is in danger of collapse almost overnight. . It makes people shudder.” In the official residence of Saiyuanji Temple, Japanese Foreign Minister Takaaki Kato said with some emotion.

When the dust settled in the Norwegian Sea and the German and British countries began to negotiate, Japan in East Asia was also considering its own future! The British have changed from a sunless empire to a sunset country. So what will happen to Japan? Will it follow in the footsteps of Britain?

There are not many people attending the meeting. There are only four people in total. They are the masters of Nishionji Gongwang, Japanese Foreign Minister Takaaki Kato, and the representative of the Japanese Navy, Yamamoto Gonhei, and the representative of the army, Masato Terauchi! The key point leading to this meeting is also the uprising that is breaking out in India!

After the defeat of the United Kingdom, the Japanese cabinet and the military have discussed the crisis and military preparations that Japan is about to face many times. The Japanese know very well that it is impossible not to cut the meat this time, whether it is the Americans for the sake of lining or Germany. For the sake of face, the Japanese must spit out a piece of the colony acquired during the war. But how much do they vomit? What is the bottom line of the United States and Germany? What are the current political attitudes and positions of various countries? None of these can be determined by the Japanese. Therefore, from the perspective of Xiyuanji Gongwang, Japan has a black eye on the current political and diplomatic level.

The Americans don’t have to think about it. If they can, the Americans even want their fleet to enter Tokyo Bay! German? From the perspective of the Japanese, the Germans have every reason to deal with themselves, whether it is Japan siding on the side of the Allied Powers or robbing Germany of the colony transferred to the United States. However, from a strategic perspective, the Germans’ behavior is more like a beating or limited retaliation. After all, Germany has now given up its military and colonial claims in the Far East, and its interests are already very small. Therefore, the Japanese feel that the Germans are beating heavily. It is unlikely that the Japanese government even put forward the idea of ​​subduing the Germans in exchange for the other side to stop.

Of course, Japan has very little influence on countries at the level of virtue, and from a broad perspective, the Japanese first set up the Virtue Association to jointly take action against Japan, and then prepare for war on this basis. But besides virtue, there is another country that is very important to Japan now, and that is the British Empire now! Although the British Empire has fallen, it is not a big, and it is not an empire, but hundreds of years of accumulation and advanced technology are still very important to the current Japan!

Apart from anything else, Britain’s inventory of weapons, equipment, and ammunition in Southeast Asia and South Asia, known only from Japan, is a very large number for Japan. Although this dimension is stronger than in history, Japan is still far from the UK in terms of industry.

However, the British had a bad attitude towards the Japanese before. It seems that they have a plan to abandon the Anglo-Japanese alliance and switch to the United States. This is definitely not good news for Japan, which may be facing war. Especially after the representatives of the United States and Britain met, the hearts of the Japanese people even mentioned their throats, and some radical people claimed that they should give Britain a little color. However, under the suppression of Nishiyuanji Gongwang and others, the Japanese government decided to wait and see the changes. Until now, the Japanese finally breathed a sigh of relief after learning that the talks between Britain and the United States had broken up.

"Monsieur Temple, will this civil strife in India have nothing to do with you?" After the meeting began, Xiyuanji Gongwang said pointedly. When someone in the country proposed to take action against the British, someone proposed a plan to add blockage to Britain in India. And knowing that the so-called Shigekami tradition in Japan is known as the traditional Saionji Gongwang, naturally there is reason to suspect that this is the army's lone behavior, so he asked such a sentence.

"Absolutely not. Those who propose to do things in India simply have no common sense. We do not have much power in India. The more practical thing is to instigate rebellions in Southeast Asia, such as Sarawak and Malaya, if things go well. , We can even add some colonies.” said Masaichi Temple.

"Well, it’s not what you did. I’ll repeat it again. At this stage, no Japanese can do anything that harms the relationship between Britain and Japan, whether it’s in India or the British colony in Southeast Asia. Don’t allow it! Understand? Mr. Temple, if I know, then I will definitely not tolerate it!" Xiyuanji Gongwang rarely talks about but it means when he decides to talk about it. It will be honored! Therefore, everyone here dare not take this Japanese political magnate lightly!

"Because, in my opinion, the civil unrest in India will be a very small turning point for the stalemate in the relationship between Britain and Japan. If we operate well, then we have a chance to tie the British to ours. On the tank, I think, as the senior level of the navy and army, you should have a very deep understanding of our equipment level. How many core equipment comes from the United Kingdom, should you know a little in your heart?" Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said. China did not raise the issue of the Anglo-Japanese alliance again, because in his opinion, if the Anglo-Japanese alliance was considered to be both sides willing before, then the British are no longer willing, but because facts do not allow it, so for the time being. Maintain a relatively close relationship with Japan. If the Japanese wanted Britain to stand on Japan's side, they would have to resort to kidnapping.

"Let me talk about the current relationship between the British and the empire. Generally speaking, at the political level, the British still refuse to cooperate with us. However, in the economic and trade field, the cooperation between the two sides is fairly smooth, and we have easily obtained heavy artillery, A large number of materials, including ammunition and various accessories, were originally left by the British in the Far East. The aircraft engines that the British government secretly sent us through neutral merchant ships have also arrived. Generally speaking, the British are still economic and trade. People who depend on us very much, after all, the more than two years of war have exhausted the British, and they have to send a lot of compensation to the Germans.” Kato said.

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