The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2303: Abnormal Change

But the situation is different now. The Indian prince, the accomplice of the suppression of the uprising, has been almost killed by the British. And India already has its own political parties, which are organized, have a governance program, have a mass basis, and even have the help of local soldiers. Have the ability and willingness to twist India into a rope, and Britain is now unprecedentedly weak! Perhaps carelessness will lead to the collapse of British colonial rule in India! In this case, the British are not afraid!

"If we propose to adjourn the meeting to the Germans now, will it make the Germans worse?" Count Belfort said with an ugly face.

"No, the Germans don't want to make the British Empire impoverished, because if this is the case, they may not get a share of the compensation. Moreover, if this is the case, we can only choose to surrender to the United States, and Germany also Don't want to see this. So the Germans will not make too much moves, but in some details, they will oppress us." Prime Minister Asquith said.

"Now, I order, Earl of Belfort, you immediately contact the German side and ask them to delay the negotiation process. At the same time, tell the Germans that if Germany is willing to provide us with some convenience, then we can guarantee gold and diamonds in South Africa. And the copper mines, non-ferrous metals, and local government vaults in Rhodesia have been transferred to the Germans. They can receive them now. The local government and personnel of the British Empire will definitely cooperate."

"Mr. Lloyd George, after you return to the country, immediately gather the remaining weapons and combat personnel, and go to India immediately after the Germans are willing to open the sea route! Tell the leader of the team that the Indians want legislative power, civil rights, and economic rights. Yes, but independence is absolutely not allowed! That's it!"

Asquith still has the ability. He clearly realizes that this time the British will not be able to quell the independence movement without playing a few games in India. Therefore, the most important thing now is to mobilize the army! Lloyd George’s return to the country to collect the remaining British troops is just a rescue, and the real key is to let the Germans raise their hands, release some British prisoners of war and return some weapons. Only the Germans are willing to release hundreds of thousands of British troops. British talents have a chance. Use one's own power to finally solve India's problems.

Of course, the cost would be very high. If the British wanted to use ships to transfer the wealth of the colony before the Germans acted, then I am afraid that it will be honest. Some people may say that the Germans may not know how much wealth the British colonies have. So how can the Germans be sure whether the British have moved?

I can only say that this kind of person is too pure and not suitable for the current political environment... The Germans have such a good opportunity, so naturally they must blackmail the British severely! Even the Germans don't even need to know how much precious metal reserves there are in the British colonies, as long as they make up for it themselves! For example, Germans can estimate South Africa's gold production according to their needs, and then tell the British how much you should get out! If it is not enough, then you must have been secretly transferred! I don't care what you do, you must bring it back to me! Even if you forcibly recruit from the people, you have to make up enough! That's right, this is blackmail, and there is only interest between countries! Especially in the face of defeated countries! Of course, the quantity should not be too much, or the price can be overwhelming. After all, the basis of extortion is the limit that the other party can bear!

Then, is there any other way to solve the Indian problem besides letting the Germans loosen it? There are ways, but that way will be costly! The British would not do this as a last resort!

"If nothing happens, shall we be ready to act now?" Lloyd George thought for a while and said. As the British Foreign Secretary, the Earl of Balfour is definitely impossible to return to the UK. After all, although the two sides have adjourned, there will still be various contacts. The Foreign Secretary is gone. The British do not even have a German counterpart. , It will make the other party feel dissatisfied.

Prime Minister Asquith will not be able to leave for a while, because negotiations with the Germans involve the settlement of the colony. This issue will be very complicated. Some issues must be decided by the Prime Minister. Therefore, to go back immediately, only Lloyd George prepared the first batch of troops to go to India. He is in charge of military production and has relations with the generals of the army, so he can coordinate these things well. Time is pressing, and wasting every minute is a crime against the British Empire, so he decided to go back immediately. Once he got permission from the Germans, he immediately returned to the UK.

"Wait a minute, if the Japanese ambassador makes some requests at this time, then no matter what, I agree to it temporarily." Asquith, who hesitated for a long time before Lloyd George left, said at last.

"You intend to..." Count Balfour said worriedly.

"I just hope they won't make trouble at this time." Prime Minister Asquith said with a sigh.

"It seems that the Anglo-Japanese alliance will continue?" asked the Earl of Balfour.

"Yes, at least this is the case There are many things we can think of but can’t do. Even if we do, we have to leave it to future generations to do. Do what we have in front of us and sometimes see Too far is not a good thing.” Asquith closed his eyes after speaking, and then made a gesture to end the meeting.

The British learned about the accident in India, so there is naturally no reason for the Germans not to know... So, when the British were deliberately considering how to put out the fire, the Germans began to consider how to take advantage of this matter! At least in the opinion of the Grand Duke of Baden, Albert and others, this opportunity must be used to severely cut two pieces of meat from the British! So the two who did not sleep at night happily came to the crown prince's residence, ready to discuss this matter!

"So, in the eyes of the two, we seem to have the advantage now, and we can put forward harsh conditions to the British as much as possible?" Ruprecht said after hearing the narration of the two.

"Isn't it? We can even adjust the compensation higher! If the British can't control the whole of India, we can even help them." Albert said excitedly.

"What you said has some truth. We can indeed consider increasing it now, but I want to remind you that there is actually not much room for us to obtain material benefits. If this incident can really bring us something If it's good, then this is definitely political and strategic, not just a colony or money. So, we have to wait and see what happens!" said the crown prince.

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