The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2302: Abnormal change

Think about the historical restrictions imposed by the Allies on the military R&D of the defeated Germany, not only limited the scale, but even some technical details, such as the elevation angle of the anti-aircraft guns up to 45 degrees... The pistols developed by the Germans even have limited barrel length... And on this plane, the Germans can learn how to restrict the British navy and air force!

"It's still a bit early to talk about these issues. We must first ensure that the British Empire will not go bankrupt and that the government can continue to operate." As a politician, Asquis is somewhat resistant to military technical aspects. After all, he sees Now, if the country can no longer operate steadily, what is the role of so-called armaments?

"Well, we can ignore other things for the time being, but we have to keep at least two Fury-class battleships? We can retire three dreadnoughts for this! Four dreadnoughts are fine too! The naval arms race will not end with the end of the war. The Japanese and Americans are building warships equipped with 16-inch artillery and a standard displacement of more than 35,000 tons, and the British Empire will not be able to build new capital ships in the next 10 years. This consequence is unacceptable.” Lloyd George asked again. Tao.

"I'll consider this question, but not now..." Asquith's words were not finished, a quick knock on the door interrupted the conversation in the room.

"Damn it, didn't I tell them, don't disturb us if there are no important things?" some impetuous prime minister complained. After looking at the anxious prime minister and the red-faced Lloyd George who was just arguing, the Earl of Balfour decisively got up and came to the door. After a brief exchange with the attendant, he received a letter from the British mainland. Incoming telegram.

"It's an urgent telegram." The Earl of Balfour handed the telegram to Prime Minister Asquith.

"Hope it's not bad news." Asquith mumbled and opened the telegram. In fact, it was just his self-comfort. At this time, with the British Empire embarrassed on all sides, how could there be any good news? However, even with preparations in mind, after seeing the content of the telegram, Asquith only felt a cold air rushing directly from the tailbone to his forehead. People who are already in old age feel that their hearts seem to be cruelly affected by a pair of big hands. Holds fiercely!

"What happened to the Prime Minister?" A moment later, after seeing Prime Minister Asquith stabilize his emotions, Lloyd George said.

"There is an accident in India, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata! There have been large-scale riots! And the local Indian army refused to maintain social order! There were even mob attacks on military camps and government offices! Damn, the Governor of India actually said that he could not maintain the local area. He still wants to support him! Now we don’t even have the necessary daily necessities, how can we provide him with support! This is simply too bad!” Asquith collapsed weakly on the chair, and the telegram in his hand was also Slipped to the floor.

As a senior member of the British Empire in this era, he may not be proficient in other things, but how to suppress the colonial independence movement, the British Empire has a history of hundreds of years, and there have been many wars around the colonial independence movement. There were victorious and failed. For example, the American War of Independence was defeated, and there were more victories, such as the suppression of the Mahdi Uprising in Sudan and the suppression of the Indian National Uprising. So the British are quite experienced in this issue.

But how do you say it? Make bricks without straw! If it were in peacetime, for the United Kingdom, the uprisings in various places would be nothing more than a cold, but for Britain, which is already a little ill, this cold can be fatal! Think about it, if India were to become independent from Britain at this time, it would definitely not be a matter of losing the most dazzling gem in the British crown.

You have to know that India in the British colonial era was not India after independence. As the colonial era India covers a very large area! The subsequent generations of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the entire South Asian subcontinent are all included! If India’s national independence movement succeeds, the entire South Asian subcontinent of more than 4.5 million square kilometers of land and hundreds of millions of people will disappear from the territory of the United Kingdom, and then there will be a chain reaction. Similar movements may occur in Myanmar and Malaysia in later generations. .

In this way, except for the so-called dominions, the British Empire will lose almost all its colonies! And when those dominions find that the British Empire is on the verge of collapse, they will never do their best to help Britain tide over the difficulties. It is the most possible time to directly choose to disperse! After all, no one wants to bury a dead empire! At that time, can the British Empire still be considered an empire? It is estimated that even if the British really want to be Americans, the Americans are too lazy to accept it?

"It seems that the first thing we need to do now is to stabilize the situation in the I suggest that you temporarily submit a recess note to the Germans, and then you immediately return to London to deal with the situation in India. We must stabilize in a short time. The situation in India. For the moderate political parties in India, we can give certain benefits, and at the same time resolutely fight the rioters!" said the Earl of Balfour.

"It's very difficult. If I remember correctly, all our police, troops, and paramilitary forces in India combined are only about 70,000! The local soldiers are simply unreliable, and this time is no longer the Indian national uprising. The time has come. At that time, we could still buy the feudal princes, but now, those princes are gone, we can't use tens of thousands of troops to suppress the entire India!" Lloyd George said helplessly.

Why did the British quickly quell the Indian national uprising that spread throughout India? The ability of the British Army to fight is indeed one aspect, but the most important thing is that the British political skills are very good, while the political skills of the Indian rebels are very bad!

In the process of suppressing the uprising, in addition to the British army, there were more Sikh soldiers and local princes. The British first relaxed their policy on the princes and let them stand on their side. The number of princes and native soldiers who participated in the suppression of the Indian national uprising exceeded 200,000! The same British took advantage of the dispersion of the Indian national uprising to defeat each. And what about the Indian rebels? They do not have a clear goal, or just some princes want to restore their rights, so this policy is not popular, after all, in the eyes of Indian civilians, the kingdom and the British colonial government are not good things...

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