The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 195: Partner?

If Roosevelt and others were closed doors with the British. He received a cold reception in Germany, only talking about trade and not about friendship, then as the secret envoy of the United States, Day was treated with courtesy in Russia. Although it was a secret visit that could not be welcomed with much fanfare, in St. Petersburg, the American representative received Russia. Personal reception by Tsar Nicholas II!

The Russians are very depressed recently. The armored cruiser, which should have been called the Russian, should be called Nijin because of the flicker of the French, the anger of the Germans and the little tricks of the Americans. How can this make Nicholas II please? The words from the Bavarian Prince Palace to Makanov and others reached the ears of the Russian emperor almost intact, and the Russians are still thinking about what to do if the Japanese do something to Russia in 1898!

When His Royal Highness threw out a set of theories he carefully prepared, he did scare the Russians on the spot to death, but then Makanov and others carefully pondered it and found that this event was not an inevitable event but a possibility. Time, because there is a small loophole in the logic chain of His Royal Highness, that is, although the Japanese Navy can easily suppress the Russian fleet, what about the Japanese Army? Can they be up to the task of suppressing Russian troops in the Far East? Does the Japanese money bag support their real fight with Russia in the Far East?

For this question, the Russians are really uncertain. After all, Japan has even done the task of buying warships at high prices, so what else can't be done? £1.35 million! The Russians have always wondered why the Japanese bought these two warships by selling their blood? With the antagonism between Bavaria and Russia, the original treaty banning the sale to Japanese warships signed by the two parties was annulled. Can't Japan wait for two more years and then buy two for 1.1 million pounds?

So, the Russians who didn’t understand fell into the logical circle designed by His Royal Highness Prince Ruprecht. Why did the Japanese spend such a large price on the warship? It must be because these two warships are about to launch, in a hurry, so what is the purpose of the hurry? That must be a war with Russia! And now the Russian Far East Fleet is really as weak as a chicken, it can't beat it!

Therefore, in line with the principle of not being afraid of 10,000, being afraid of the accident, the Russian Far East Fleet is still stepping up its preparations for war, even if its strength is weak, it must be prepared to fight. But when the Americans came to Russia, the Russians found a slight opportunity, because Nicholas II discovered that the Japanese are now not only at odds with themselves but also with the Americans! The two sides are now facing off in Hawaii! The so-called there is no eternal enemy but eternal interests. Now everyone has common interests. Let's fix Japan together! So overjoyed Nicholas II wanted to use the power of the Americans to deal with the Japanese, and the Americans also had the same idea.

Of course, as an experienced person, Day, who can even be described as old and cunning, naturally cannot tell the Russians that the United States is ready to fight Spain and take the Philippines into its hands. Not to mention whether the Russians will find that the Americans are asking for great prices. The Americans are not even sure about Russia’s attitude towards the American occupation of the Philippines. If the Russians are unwilling to allow the U.S. to occupy the Philippines, it will not be a big deal. Article?

"In order to deal with our common enemies and threats, I think that our country and your country should strengthen cooperation on the Far East issue. Weakening and restricting Japan is a very good choice for the United States and your country." Dai said. It's very high-sounding.

"From the matter of Hawaii, your country should have discovered that Japan is a despicable and sinful country. They received help from your country, but they bite back. This is a true portrayal of the story of a farmer and a snake in the world today. The British are the same. The common opponent of our two countries, because this snake was fed by Britain. As the spokesperson and watchdog of the British interests in the Far East, it completely blocked the way for our two countries to enter the Far East." Nicholas II said this. It was dark and refreshing!

"I need your country’s Far East Fleet to provide some help at the right time. Armed help!" When Day uttered these words, Nicholas II on the opposite side almost didn't jump up! What is help by force? The Americans plan to open a film with the Japanese? Still playing the US-Russia alliance? Does your parliament know this? Do you know the consequences of doing it together?

The Russians really want to kill Japan, but because of the protection of the British father, Russia is really a bit of a rat. Otherwise, the assassination of Nicholas II in Japan when he was the crown prince would never be good. If it weren't for the British, Russia could have pitted Japan to death in the Qing-Japanese War!

The Russians wanted to kill Japan, but it is not the time yet. At least, after the completion of the Asia-Europe railway bridge, the naval fleet has a clear advantage before they kill Japan. And it’s best to go heads-up between Japan and Russia, because the Russians also know very well that if France or other countries go, then the British will never sit back and watch Japan be destroyed.

Nicholas II believes that after a few years, Russia can crush Japan, but it does not mean that Russia thinks that it can fight Britain and Japan with an ally! After all, the British are terrifying! The conditions for Russia to act in the Far East are not yet ripe, so Russia does not want to be involved in a war between the United States and Japan.

"Your country does not need to be involved in this war. Your country only needs to sell us some warships and provide some volunteers when the United States needs it!" The last four words of Day are very heavy! Nobody alone can't have In order to ensure that warships purchased from Russia can directly form combat effectiveness, the Americans plan to "package" the Russian navy officers and soldiers directly!

"This will make the empire take great diplomatic risks and may anger Britain. It is difficult for your country or our country to overwhelm the British in the Far East. And you must consider if the British use the same means to strengthen As for the Japanese fleet, how would you respond? Just like they did in the Qing-Japanese War." That is the case, Nicholas II was still taken aback by the bold plan of the United States.

"If the British really want to do this, then the United States is willing to bear all the consequences! Our country will pay sufficient commissions for your country, the armored cruiser Rurik, the armored cruiser Bayan, and the armored cruiser Parada How about a total of 3.5 million pounds for the three warships and the officers and men on board?” I have to say that the price given by Day is very tempting. The Bayan and Parada are only 1.5 million pounds in total. 900,000 pounds, which adds up to 2.4 million pounds, and the remaining 1.1 million pounds is the hiring of officers and soldiers and the ammunition and materials carried.

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